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Report: ProxyBrowser Project Documentation


  1. Project Overview

    ProxyBrowser represents a web browsing application developed to prioritize user security as its core principle. With an unwavering commitment to enhancing the online experience, ProxyBrowser offers a comprehensive suite of features that have been thoughtfully customized to cater to the discerning needs of individuals who value privacy and seek a high degree of control over their online activities. By seamlessly integrating state-of-the-art security measures and a rich feature set, ProxyBrowser ensures that users can navigate the web with confidence, safeguarding their digital presence while optimizing their browsing experience.

  2. Purpose of Documentation

    The purpose of this documentation is to provide a clear understanding of the ProxyBrowser project, its functionality, development processes, and how to contribute to its growth. It serves as a reference for developers, contributors, and users.

  3. Audience

    This documentation is intended for:

  • Developers and contributors interested in understanding and contributing to the ProxyBrowser project.
  • Users seeking information on ProxyBrowser's features and functionality.
  • Project managers and stakeholders looking for an overview of the project's structure and development guidelines.

Getting Started

Currently, we have three repositories: one dedicated to Front-end development, another for Back-end, and a third one specifically for the browser.

  • Front-End: "proxy-browser"
  • Back-End: "proxy-browser-backend"
  • Browser: "Fifo-Browser-Extended"
  1. Fifo-Browser-Extended

    1.1. Setting Up the Development Environment Before beginning, it's crucial to ensure that your current Node.js and npm versions are compatible with the project's requirements. Please follow these steps to prepare your environment:

    • To Install Project dependencies, use the following command:

      • This project exhibits better compatibility with Yarn compared to npm.
      • yarn
    • To initialize the project in development mode for the first time, please follow these steps:

      • yarn rebuild
      • yarn dev
    • For subsequent runs in development mode, use the following command:

      • yarn dev
    • For creating the browser build to place in Front-End:

      • yarn build
  2. Proxy-Browser-Backend

    2.1. Setting Up the Development Environment

    • Create a file named ".env" at the root level of the folder.

    • Define env variables into it.

    • To Install Project dependencies, use the following command:

      • npm install
    • To initialize the project in development mode for the first time, please follow these steps:

      • npm run db:migrate
      • npm run stripe:seeder
      • npm run dev
    • For subsequent runs in development mode, use the following command:

      • npm run dev
    • If you need to make changes to the database through migrations, perform the following steps:

      • npm run generate-migration -- --name <migration-name>
      • npm run db:migrate
    • To revert changes made by the last migration, use the command:

      -     npm run db:migrate:undo

      2.2. Project Structure The project adheres to a standard directory structure typical of a Node.js/Express backend project. It is organized as follows:

    • config - Configuration files that store settings and parameters for the database

    • controllers - Modules responsible for handling incoming HTTP requests, processing data, and sending appropriate responses.

    • joiSchemas - Schemas defined using the Joi library to validate and sanitize incoming data from requests.

    • middlewares - Functions that intercept and process requests before they reach the controller.

    • models - Representations of database tables.

    • routes - Definitions for the URL endpoints of API, mapping incoming requests to the appropriate controller methods.

    • utils - Utility functions and helper modules used throughout the application for common tasks.

    • views - templates for rendering dynamic HTML content in email.

    • app.js - The entry point of the Express application where you set up server configurations, middleware, and initialize routes.

      2.3. Implementation Approach

    • Models:

      • Direct Mapping to Database Tables: Each of these models corresponds directly to respective database tables, ensuring a structured and organized data storage approach.
      • Consistent Querying Components: These models are integral components employed consistently across the project, facilitating data querying operations.
      • Utilization of Sequelize: The implementation of these models is streamlined and made efficient through the use of Sequelize, a database ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) tool.
      • Advantages of Sequelize: Sequelize was chosen for its ease of query construction, simplifying the process of interacting with the database. Additionally, it offers inherent safeguards against SQL injection attacks, enhancing security.
      • MySQL Database: The project employs a MySQL database in conjunction with Sequelize, providing a robust and reliable backend data storage solution.
    • Attribute Knowledge

      • Users

        Attribute Name Possible Values Description
        email Any Valid Email An email associated with user
        account_type 'Personal', 'Business' Type or level of user account
        password Any Combination of Character Secure access code for the account
        first_name String First name of the user
        last_name String Last name of the user
        country Any valid country name User's country of residence
        city Any valid city name of entered country User's city of residence
        state Any valid state name of entered country User's state of residence
        zip_code 5-digit numeric code User's postal code
        address String User's street address
        stripe_customer_id String Stripe Customer ID to manage subscription
        • Relations
          • A User has many OTP
          • A User has many PaymentMethods
          • A User has many Plans
          • A User has many Locations
          • A User has many Sessions
          • A User has many LocationConfigurations
      • Locations

        Attribute Name Possible Values Description
        name String A name set by user for location
        home_page Any Website's URL A home_page that will be opened when that location is used
        location Valid Proxy Location A proxy Location
        • Relations
          • A Location belongs to a User
          • A Location has one Session
          • A Location has one LocationConfigurations
      • OTP

        Attribute Name Possible Values Description
        code Any 4-character alphanumeric String A code to be entered by the user to reset password
        creation_timestamp Timestamp A timestamp when code was created
        expiry_timestamp Timestamp A timestamp when the code will be expired
        is_used true, false To check whether code is used or not
        • Relations
          • An OTP belongs to a User
      • PaymentMethods

        Attribute Name Possible Values Description
        stripe_card_id String Stripe Customer ID to pay for subscription
        last_four 4-characters long numeric string to store the last 4 digits of the user's card
        • Relations
          • A PaymentMethod belongs to a User
      • Plans

        Attribute Name Possible Values Description
        amount Numeric String The amount paid by the user for the plan
        buying_date Date Date at which amount was paid by the user
        expiry_date Date Date at which plan will be expired
        subscription_id String Stripe Subscription ID of the user
        status "active", "cancelled" Whether plan is currently active or cancelled by the user
        • Relations
          • A Plan belongs to a User
      • Sessions

        Attribute Name Possible Values Description
        created_timestamp Timestamp A timestamp when the session was created
        last_used_timestamp Timestamp A timestamp when the session was last used by the user
        is_active true, false To check if the session is active or not
        device_info String To store the info related to the device from which the user is accessing the app
        • Relations
          • A Session belongs to a User
          • A Session belongs to a Location
      • Configurations

        Attribute Name Possible Values Description
        plugins String of Array containing plugin objects A plugins string of array of objects that have info of plugins that would mask the original one
        time_zome String of timezone and timezone offset A string containing timezone info that would mask the original one
        resolution String A string containing device resolution info that would mask the original one
        fonts String A string containing the names of all fonts that would mask the original one
        cookies_enabled true, false A check containing whether cookies would be enabled or not
        dnt_header true, false A check containing whether Do not track would be set or not
        language String A string containing the name of language that would mask the original one
        platform String A string containing the name of platform that would mask the original one
        • Relations
          • A Configuration has one LocationConfigurations
      • LocationConfigurations

        Attribute Name Possible Values Description
        user_id Number ID of User to which location belongs
        location_id Number ID of Location to which Configuration belongs
        configuration_id Number ID of Configuration
        • Relations
          • A LocationConfigurations belongs to a Users
          • A LocationConfigurations belongs to a Locations
          • A LocationConfigurations belongs to a Configurations
    • Stripe:

      • Paid Services: The services offered are available on a paid basis.
      • Complimentary 7-Day Trial: Upon user registration, individuals are granted a complimentary 7-day trial period, providing an initial experience without immediate charges.
      • Subscription Billing: After the trial period, users will be billed according to the subscription plan they select.
      • User Registration and Stripe: When users register, they are automatically enrolled as customers in Stripe.
      • Payment Method Addition: During the trial period, users have the secure option to add their preferred payment method.
    • REST API:

      • Comprehensive Functionalities: The API encompasses comprehensive functionalities for all models, addressing various aspects of user interaction and data management.
      • User-Related Features: For users, the API includes features like registration, login, profile updating, and password reset, enhancing user account management.
      • Location Functions: Location-related functions cover activities such as location creation, updating, retrieval of user-specific locations, accessing individual locations, and deletion, facilitating location-based services.
      • OTP Handling: OTP functionalities encompass OTP generation and validation, providing a secure means of user verification.
      • Payment Method Management: Users can add payment methods, create or revoke plans, and manage sessions through complete CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations.
      • Request Validations: The API incorporates request validations using Joi schemas, ensuring data integrity and security.
      • Stripe Integration: The API seamlessly integrates with Stripe for payment processing, enhancing the payment experience for users and enabling secure transactions.
  3. Proxy-Browser

    3.1. Setting Up the Development Environment

    • To verify your node and yarn version

      • node --version
    • How To Install Specific Node Version

      • In Mac OS

        • Using brew

          • brew install node@18.16.1
          • brew unlink node
          • brew link node@18.16.1
          • node -v
        • Using nvm (Node Version Manager)

          • To install nvm in Mac OS follow this link

          • nvm install 18.16.1
          • nvm use 18.16.1
      • In Windows

        • Using nvm (Node Version Manager)

          • To install nvm on a Windows system, you can use this download link for the nvm setup.

          • nvm install 18.16.1
          • nvm use 18.16.1
      • In Linux/Ubuntu

        • Using nvm (Node Version Manager)

          • To install nvm in Mac OS follow this link

          • nvm install 18.16.1
          • nvm use 18.16.1
    • Create .env file at root and add environment variables in it.

    • Create env folder in public folder and create/place locations env files there. Exact name of the file would be displayed to the user. Example London.env

    • Download this folder and this folder place them inside extraResources folder on the same level as browser folder. Do not change their name.

    • Create Browser build in Fifo-Browser-Extended repo and paste that build inside extraResources/browser folder.

    • To Install Project dependencies, use the following command:

      • This project exhibits better compatibility with Yarn compared to npm.
      • yarn
    • To run the project in development mode, execute the following command:

      • REACT_SERVER_URL= yarn dev
    • To package the project for Mac and Windows Operating System, execute the following commands:

      -     yarn build
      -     yarn package

      3.2. Project Structure The project follows a directory structure similar to that of a basic React App. It is organized as follows:

    • public

      • electron.js - Responsible for launching the project using Electron JS.
      • openProject.js - Responsible for launching the browser.
      • preload.js - Responsible for registering Inter-Process-Communication Channels.
      • Index.html - Serves as the primary entry point for the application.
    • extraResources - This directory houses all the additional files that are required by packaged app.

      • browser - create browser build and place it inside this folder.
    • src - assets - This directory houses various project assets, including images, SVGs, and more. - component - Within this directory, you'll find the React components utilised in constructing pages. - pages - This directory houses the pages, which serve as containers for the React components.

      3.3. Implementation Approach

    • JSX:

      • Dynamic User Interface: The goal was to achieve a dynamic and versatile user interface for the project.
      • JSX and React: JSX (JavaScript XML) was employed in conjunction with the React framework to accomplish this objective.
      • Dynamic UI Creation: This strategic choice enabled the creation of highly dynamic user interfaces with fluid and responsive displays.
      • Modular Components: The interfaces were further broken down into modular components, promoting code reusability.
      • Encapsulated Functionality: Functionality was encapsulated within these reusable components, optimizing code efficiency and maintainability.
      • Streamlined Development: Leveraging JSX and React not only improved the user experience but also streamlined the development process.
      • Code Maintainability: This approach enhanced code maintainability, making it easier to manage and update.
      • Extensibility: The project became more extensible, paving the way for future iterations and enhancements.
    • MUI:

      • Workflow Acceleration: Material UI components were integrated into the development process, expediting the workflow.
      • Rich Array of Components: This integration granted access to a diverse selection of meticulously crafted and pre-optimized components.
      • Development Efficiency: Material UI components significantly accelerated the development pace, reducing the time required to build various UI elements.
      • Flexibility in Appearance: These components provided flexibility, enabling the team to customize their appearance to seamlessly align with the project's specific theme and design requirements.
      • Cohesive User Interface: The integration of Material UI ensured a cohesive and polished user interface, contributing to a consistent visual identity throughout the application.
      • Streamlined Development: By harnessing the capabilities of Material UI, development efforts were streamlined, resulting in a more efficient and productive development process.

Project Overview

  1. Project Goals

    The goal of the ProxyBrowser project is to develop a feature-rich, user-friendly web browser application with enhanced privacy, security, and customization options. The project aims to provide users with a versatile and personalized browsing experience, while also prioritizing their online privacy and data security.
  2. Key Features Along with User Interface

    Explore the core features of ProxyBrowser, including user authentication, proxy management, dedicated proxies, and more.
  • Separate Browser Instance: Users can enjoy a dedicated and separate browser environment to maintain privacy and avoid interference with their main browsing session.

  • Keyboard Shortcuts: Enhanced keyboard shortcuts improve navigation efficiency, including tab management.

  • Proxy Support: The browser offers support for a Las Vegas proxy, enabling IP address and location changes for enhanced privacy and access to geo-restricted content.

  • User Data and Sessions Isolation: Each user's interactions are isolated, ensuring privacy and security. Separate directories and settings are created for each user.

  • Login/Sign up Functionality:

    • Sign In: Users can seamlessly access their accounts through a user-friendly interface by entering their credentials.
    • Sign Up: New users can register securely, enabling enhanced features and personalized settings.

Sign In Screen Sign Up Screen

  • Forgot Password Functionality:
    • User Requests Password Reset: Users can initiate a password reset by providing their email.
    • Send OTP (One-Time Password): A unique OTP is sent to the user's email for verification.
    • Enter OTP and Set New Password: Users enter the OTP, set a new password, and regain access securely.

Forgot Password Screen OTP Code Screen Set New Password Screen

  • Dashboard for Unique Proxies:
    • Proxies Overview: Users can monitor real-time proxy usage, performance, and status.
    • Filtering Capabilities: Customizable data views with powerful filtering options based on location, speed, reliability, and more.
    • Proxy Management: Easily add, edit, or remove unique proxies directly from the dashboard.

Dashboard Screen

  • Creating A New Location:
    • Name Your Location: Users can name their new location for easy identification.
    • Set the Home Page URL: Specify the home page URL for the new location.
    • Select the Country: Choose the associated country from a dropdown menu.

Create Location Screen

  • Edit/Delete A Location: Users can access and manage created locations within the dashboard, edit/update location details, including name, URL, or country selection.

Edit Location Screen

  • Dedicated Proxy: Exclusive access to dedicated proxies ensures privacy, data security, and unrestricted browsing. Users can customize and configure dedicated proxies to meet their specific needs.

Dashboard Screen

  • Personalized Welcome Experience:
    • Introductory Welcome Screen: We warmly welcome users to the Proxy Browser, ushering them into a world of enhanced browsing.
    • Theme Customization Options: Users have the freedom to choose from four distinct themes, tailoring the browser's look to their preference.
    • Search Engine Preference: We empower users to select their preferred search engine, ensuring a comfortable and familiar browsing experience.
    • Privacy Settings: We offer users the option to enhance their privacy by disabling features such as news and weather updates.
    • Seamless Browsing Initiation: After customizing their experience, users can begin enjoying their browsing journey with a focus on privacy.

Welcome Screen Theme Selection Screen Search Engine Selection Screen Privacy Control Screen Getting Started Screen

  • Downloading Files: Users can initiate and manage downloads with a user-friendly interface, including specifying download locations and monitoring progress.

Browser Download Settings Screen

  • Creating New Windows: The browser supports multiple browser windows for multitasking and easy management of websites and tasks.

Browser Screen with multiple windows

  • Managing Cookies: Users have control over cookie settings, including enabling/disabling cookies, clearing cookies for specific sites, and managing preferences.
  • Local Storage: HTML5 local storage support allows websites to store data on the user's device.
  • Search Engine Settings: Users can select their preferred search engine from a list of options, with Google as the default engine.

Browser Search Engine Setting Screen

  • History Keeping: Users can access, search, filter, sort, and organize their browsing history for a personalized experience.

Browser History Screen

  • Tracking Protection: The browser proactively identifies and blocks intrusive tracking technologies to safeguard online privacy. Users can tailor their privacy settings to match their preferences.

Browser Privacy Settings Screen

  • Marking Page as Bookmark: Users can mark web pages as bookmarks, making it easy to access and organize favorite and frequently visited websites.

Browser Window with Bookmark Pop-up Browser Bookmarks Screen

  • Incognito Window: Incognito Windows prioritizes user privacy by not recording browsing history, storing cookies, cached data, or autofilling data.

Browser Incognito Screen

  • Browser Theme Settings: Users can select themes (light, dark, custom) and customize the top bar variant and bookmarks settings.

Browser Incognito Screen

  • Search Engine:
    • Search Engine Selection: In the Wexond Browser, users have the option to choose their preferred search engine from a list of available options.
    • Default Engine Change: Previously, the default search engine in Wexond Browser was DuckDuckGo. However, in our extended version, we have made Google the new default search engine.
    • Settings Data Modification: To implement this change, we modified the settings data within the browser.
    • Data Storage: When a project is launched, it stores settings data, cookies, and local storage information in a dedicated directory specific to each user.
    • Directory Reading: Subsequently, the project exclusively reads from this user-specific directory for all its data needs.
    • Implementation Process: To enact this modification, it was necessary to remove the existing settings and then rebuild the project to reflect the updated default search engine setting.
  • Keyboard Shortcuts:
    • Enhanced Keyboard Shortcuts: The extended version of Wexond Browser introduces additional keyboard shortcuts to improve the browsing experience for users.
    • Shortcut Functions: These shortcuts encompass various actions such as tab navigation, opening new tabs, closing tabs, and more, enhancing efficiency and navigation for power users.
    • Efficient Tab Management: Users can effectively manage multiple open tabs, utilizing keyboard shortcuts or mouse interactions to switch between tabs, reorder them, and close tabs as needed.
    • Crucial Feature: Tab management plays a pivotal role for users who regularly work with multiple websites simultaneously.
    • Event Creation: To implement these keyboard shortcuts, an event was created to facilitate the shifting of tabs among open windows based on specific key presses.
    • User-Friendly Interaction: Users can seamlessly switch tabs by pressing the designated shortcut keys, resulting in an improved browsing experience.
    • Menu Items Implementation: Menu items are employed to enable the functionality discussed above. They serve as triggers for specific events when clicked by the user.
  • Proxy Support:
    • Incorporated Proxy: Wexond Browser distinguishes itself by incorporating support for a Las Vegas proxy, offering users the capability to modify their IP address and location. This feature enhances online privacy and grants access to geo-restricted content.
    • User Configuration: Users have the option to configure proxy settings directly within the browser, enabling them to route their web traffic through the Las Vegas proxy server.
    • Implementation with proxy-chain Package: To implement the proxy server functionality, the proxy-chain package was utilized.
    • Utilization of os Package: The os package was employed to verify the contents of incoming requests and to add proxy settings selectively if the request is of the IPv4 type.
    • Proxy Server Setup: A proxy server was set up, listening on port 8080, with the ability to forward incoming requests to an upstream proxy server equipped with authentication.
    • Response Handling: The proxy server is designed to handle responses from the target server, including the implementation of error-handling mechanisms.
    • Verbose Logging: To facilitate debugging, the proxy server is configured to enable verbose logging, providing detailed insights into its operations.
    • Server Instance Availability: The proxy server instance is made accessible for further utilization within the application, ensuring flexibility and extensibility in its use.
  • Implemented separate user data and sessions for each instance:
    • User Data and Session Separation: In a browser application, segregating user data and sessions for each instance ensures that each user's interactions remain isolated from one another.
    • Independence of Instances: Each instance or user session operates independently, maintaining its distinct set of data and settings. This independence guarantees privacy and security for users.
    • Preventing Data Interference: This separation mechanism effectively prevents one user's actions from affecting or accessing the data or session of another user, preserving the integrity of each user's experience.
    • Personalized User Experience: The approach creates a personalized and tailored experience for every individual using the application.
    • Essential for Privacy and Security: Such separation is essential for upholding user privacy, ensuring data integrity, and maintaining robust security measures in multi-user web applications.
    • Unique User Directories: To implement this functionality, a unique time-stamped directory is generated for each user.
    • Data Handling: When such a directory already exists, the application writes data into the existing directory. If the directory is absent, a new one is created as needed.
    • Cookies, Local Storage, and Sessions: This approach enables the application to manage cookies, local storage, and sessions for each user separately, enhancing user-specific functionality and data management.

Development Guidelines

  1. Coding Standards

    ProxyBrowser has been meticulously developed, adhering to industry-leading coding practices, in order to uphold superior code quality and long-term maintainability.

  2. Competitor

    We utilize Git and GitHub for version control purposes.

  3. Code Review Process

    For code review, we maintain an internal Slack channel dedicated to the process, where we request our team to review our code.

Additional Resources

  1. Relevant Links

    Please locate the links to the repositories:

  2. Competitor

    One of our primary competitors in the market is Mirage ID


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  • TypeScript 97.1%
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  • Other 1.3%