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Travis (.org)

What is?

This project provides two classes for building models with data stored in localstorage.



interface IStruct {
    [prop: string]: string;
export declare class Model {
    protected _id: number;
    private _modelStore;
    private _struct;
    private _namespace;
    constructor(namespace: string, struct: string[], id?: number);
    private updateRegistry;
    save(data: IStruct, overwrite?: boolean): void;
    getItem(key: string): any;
    get id(): number;
    erase(): void;
    dump(): any;
export declare class Collection {
    private _modelStore;
    private _namespace;
    constructor(namespace: string);
    total(): number;

Try out

# clone and cd into directory

# install dependencies
npm install

# build project and load test server
# This should open localhost:4444 in your browser
npm run example

Basic example

Create your model

In this example I've created a model to represent a user. When instantiating the parent class (Model), two parameters are required: a namespace ("User") and the structure of model. The Model limits saves (more on that later) to the properties specified in the structure parameter.

class User extends Model {

    constructor(id?: number) {

    get fullname() {
        return `${this.firstname} ${this.lastname}`


Creating a new user would be done like this:

const user = new User()

Fetching an existing user

const user = new User(userID) // userID: number

Saving (to localstorage)

Setting properties would be done like this:[
    firstname: 'Isaac',
    lastname: 'Asimov',
    username: 'asimov1969',
    age: 33

The id of this new user instance can be accessed like this: // => some integer 

To do:

[] expand ORM features [] undo save [x] instead of supplying an id, an id should be automatically determined [] joins