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Randy Lai edited this page Oct 16, 2013 · 35 revisions

LaTeXSq can be installed via Package Control.

LaTeX configuration

LaTeXSq relies on latexmk, which is an automatic LaTeX complication engine. It comes with TeXLive, MacTeX and MilTeX. Depends on different operation system, you should install a correction version of LaTeX distribution and a relevant PDF viewer.


You should have MacTex and Skim installed.

To enable backward sync of Skim, open Preferences -> Sync -> Unclick "Check for file changes" and Input the following in PDF-TeX Sync Support:

Command: /Applications/Sublime
Arguments: "%file":%line

For Windows

You should have MilTeX and SumatraPDF installed. You should also have a Perl interpreter, eg, ActivePerl installed. Make sure that the path to the interpreter is in your system environment PATH variable. This is also a good idea to add your SumatraPDF directory to the PATH variable. To set the PATH variable, see.

To enable backward sync of SumatraPDF, click Settings > Advanced Options, set InverseSearchCmdLine to

"C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3\sublime_text.exe" "%f:%l"

or to the path where Sublime Text 3 binary is located.

For Linux (Ubuntu)

You should have TeXLive installed. Evince should come together with your Ubuntu distribution. For Linux user, it is assumed that the PATH variable is set correctly.

To test whether latexmk is well set up, download this sample, open terminal and navigate to where the file is downloaded and run latexmk -pdf sample. A pdf file will be created, if latexmk is working. If not, it means that your LaTeX engine is not properly installed.

##LaTeXSq Options

to be completed

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