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User Manual

Randy Lai edited this page Dec 4, 2016 · 47 revisions

Table of contents

1. Basics

C Stands for Command for OSX and Ctrl for Windows and Linux.

LaTeXBox adopts the LaTeXTools approach to define keybinds. The default keybind C+l which selects current line is remapped to C+l,C+l.

Build and Clean

  • C+b - build the project, latexmk does not compile if there are no modifications

  • C+Shift+b to choose - force build the project

  • C+l+backspace - clean most auxiliary files, excluding .synctex.gz

  • C+Shift+p and choose LaTeXBox: Clean auxiliary file (force) - clean all auxiliary files (also look into subfolders).

View and Sync

  • C+l,v - view the PDF file

  • C+l,j or C+Shift+Click - forward sync with the PDF file

Choose Build System

  • LaTeXBox provides way to define and choose the building command. One can define different build systems in the settings file and choose among them via the Command Palette "LaTeXBox: Choose Build System".

2. LaTeX Commands


  • C+l,x - the command will suggest you list of values to be inserted, depends on the preceding LaTeX command. Curly braces will be suitably added if necessary.
  • \include or \input - provide a list of *.tex files
  • \bibliography - provide a list of *.bib files
  • \ref - search over the whole project for available labels
  • \cite - search over the bib files for citations
  • If the cursor is at an empty line, this command will close any unclosed environment.

Wrap selection in begin end pair

  • C+l,e - this command will wrap the current selection by a pair of begin and end pair.

3. AutoMatch Pairs

The following is activated when auto_match_enabled is true.

  • The following pairs are auto matched: (), [], {}, \(\), \[\], \{\}, and $$.
  • Single and double quotation marks are replaced by the LaTeX quotation pairs, e.g., 'foo' becomes `foo' and "foo" becomes ``foo''.
  • In Math mode,
Keys Mappings
(,( \left(\right)
[,[ \left[\right]
\,{,{ \left\{\right\}
\,| ||
\,|,| \left|\right|
\,< \langle\rangle
\,<,< \left\langle\right\rangle

Note: AutoMatch will create fields. The cursor will move to the end of the pair when pressing tab.

4. Math Commands

Math Commands are only valid in math environment, eg, $$, \[ \] or \begin{equation}, \end{equation}. These Math Commands are similar to those of vim-latex plugin (if you know what I am talking about).

Note: Math Commands will create fields. The cursor will move to next field when pressing tab.

###Math Symbols

Keys Mappings
_ ,_ _{}
^,^ ^{}
.,.,. \ldots
`,/ \frac{}{}
`,0 \varnothing
`,2 \sqrt{}
`,6 \partial
`,8 \infity
Keys Mappings
<,-,<tab> \leftarrow
<,-,-,<tab> \longleftarrow
<,=,<tab> \Leftarrow
<,=,=,<tab> \Longleftarrow
-,>,<tab> \rightarrow
-,-,>,<tab> \longrightarrow
=,>,<tab> \Rightarrow
=,=,>,<tab> \Longrightarrow
<,-,>,<tab> \leftrightarrow
<,-,-,>,<tab> \longleftrightarrow
<,=,>,<tab> \Leftrightarrow
<,=,=,>,<tab> \Longleftrightarrow

###Greek letters

Keys Mappings Keys Mappings Keys Mappings
`,a \alpha `,i \iota `,s \sigma
`,b \beta `,k \kappa `,t \tau
`,g \gamma `,l \lambda `,u \upsilon
`,d \delta `,m \mu `,f \varphi
`,e \varepsilon `,n \nu `,c \chi
`,z \zeta `,x \xi `,y \psi
`,h \eta `,p \pi `,w \omega
`,q \theta `,r \rho
Keys Mappings
`,G \Gamma
`,D \Delta
`,Q \Theta
`,L \Lambda
`,X \Xi
`,P \Pi
`,S \Sigma
`,Y \Upsilon
`,F \Phi
`,Y \Psi
`,W \Omega

More symbols will be defined in further versions