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A Java-based LLD cache using LRU implementation. Simple to use, ideal for caching scenarios with limited memory and customisable capacity.

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Cache System with Eviction Policy — LLD


This project implements a simple in-memory cache system with support for Least Recently Used (LRU) eviction policy. The cache can store key-value pairs, with the ability to evict the least recently used items when the storage reaches capacity.

It provides flexibility to configure:

  • Eviction Policies: Currently supports LRU via a doubly linked list.
  • Storage Mechanism: Uses HashMap or LinkedHashMap as the underlying storage. The LinkedHashMap automatically handles eviction when the capacity is exceeded.


  • Cache Factory: A factory class to easily create instances of the cache with various configurations.
  • Eviction Policies: Interfaces and implementations to support different eviction strategies (LRU supported by default).
  • Storage: Storage mechanisms to store the key-value pairs. Can be extended to support other storage backends.
  • Error Handling: Exceptions like StorageFullException, NotFoundException, and InvalidElementException to ensure proper handling of invalid states.

Class Structure

Core Classes

  • Cache<K, V>: The main class that stores key-value pairs. It manages the storage and eviction policy.

  • EvictionPolicy<K>: Interface for eviction strategies, with methods for key access notification and eviction decision-making.

  • LRUEvictionPolicy<K>: LRU eviction policy implementation using a doubly linked list and a map for efficient key management.

  • Storage<K, V>: Interface for storage mechanisms with methods for adding, removing, and retrieving key-value pairs.

  • HashMapBasedStorage<K, V>: Uses a HashMap as the underlying storage. It throws an exception when the storage is full.

  • LinkedHashMapBasedStorage<K, V>: Uses a LinkedHashMap to automatically handle eviction based on LRU without needing explicit eviction policy logic.

Utility Classes

  • DoublyLinkedList<E>: A custom doubly linked list class to help manage nodes for LRU operations. Provides methods for adding, removing, and detaching nodes.

  • DoublyLinkedListNode<E>: Represents a node in the doubly linked list.

  • CacheFactory<K, V>: Factory class for creating Cache instances with default or custom eviction policies and storage mechanisms.

Exception Classes

  • InvalidElementException: Thrown when an invalid or null element is added to the doubly linked list.

  • StorageFullException: Thrown when attempting to add to storage that is already full.

  • NotFoundException: Thrown when a key that does not exist in storage is accessed.

Getting Started


  • Java 8 or higher.
  • Maven for dependency management (if applicable).

Running the Project

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd lld-cache
  2. Build the project: You can compile the project using your preferred IDE or Maven.

    mvn clean install
  3. Example Usage:

    public class Main {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
             // Create an LRU cache with a capacity of 3
             Cache<String, String> cache = CacheFactory.getDefaultCache(3);
             // Add items to the cache
             cache.put("A", "Item A");
             cache.put("B", "Item B");
             cache.put("C", "Item C");
             // Access the cache
             System.out.println(cache.get("A"));  // Accessing A to mark it as recently used
             // Add another item which causes the least recently used item (B) to be evicted
             cache.put("D", "Item D");
             // Now accessing B will return null
             System.out.println(cache.get("B"));  // Output: null

Key Parts


The Cache<K, V> class manages the key-value pairs with a selected storage mechanism and an eviction policy.

  • put(K key, V value): Adds a key-value pair to the cache. If the cache is full, it will evict the least recently used item.
  • get(K key): Retrieves the value for the given key. If the key does not exist, it returns null.


This class tracks key accesses using a doubly linked list, ensuring that the least recently used items are efficiently evicted when needed.


The Storage<K, V> interface defines how data is stored in the cache. The project provides two implementations:

  • HashMapBasedStorage<K, V>: Throws StorageFullException when full.
  • LinkedHashMapBasedStorage<K, V>: Automatically evicts the least recently used item.

Exception Handling

  • StorageFullException: Handles cases when the cache reaches its storage limit and can't add more entries.
  • NotFoundException: Handles cases when a non-existent key is accessed in the cache.


  • You can create your own eviction policies by implementing the EvictionPolicy<K> interface.
  • New storage mechanisms can be added by implementing the Storage<K, V> interface, allowing integration with other storage types (e.g., database, file system).


Unit tests can be added for:

  • Cache insertion and eviction scenarios.
  • LRU behavior with the eviction policy.
  • Handling of storage full conditions and exception cases.

To run tests:

mvn test


For questions, feedback, or contributions, please open an issue or submit a pull request.