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ReportPortal js client

This Client is to communicate with the ReportPortal on Node.js.

Library is used only for implementors of custom listeners for ReportPortal.

Already implemented listeners:

Examples for test framework integrations from the list above described in examples repository.


The latest version is available on npm:

npm install @reportportal/client-javascript

Usage example

const RPClient = require('@reportportal/client-javascript');

const rpClient = new RPClient({
    apiKey: 'reportportalApiKey',
    endpoint: '',
    launch: 'LAUNCH_NAME',
    project: 'PROJECT_NAME'

rpClient.checkConnect().then((response) => {
    console.log('You have successfully connected to the server.');
    console.log(`You are using an account: ${response.fullName}`);
}, (error) => {
    console.log('Error connection to server');


When creating a client instance, you need to specify the following options:

Option Necessity Default Description
apiKey Required User's reportportal token from which you want to send requests. It can be found on the profile page of this user.
endpoint Required URL of your server. For example, if you visit the page at 'https://server:8080/ui', then endpoint will be equal to 'https://server:8080/api/v1'.
launch Required Name of the launch at creation.
project Required The name of the project in which the launches will be created.
headers Optional {} The object with custom headers for internal http client.
debug Optional false This flag allows seeing the logs of the client. Useful for debugging.
isLaunchMergeRequired Optional false Allows client to merge launches into one at the end of the run via saving their UUIDs to the temp files at filesystem. At the end of the run launches can be merged using mergeLaunches method. Temp file format: rplaunch-${launch_uuid}.tmp.
restClientConfig Optional Not set axios like http client config. May contain agent property for configure http(s) client, and other client options eg. timeout. For debugging and displaying logs you can set debug: true.
launchUuidPrint Optional false Whether to print the current launch UUID.
launchUuidPrintOutput Optional 'STDOUT' Launch UUID printing output. Possible values: 'STDOUT', 'STDERR', 'FILE', 'ENVIRONMENT'. Works only if launchUuidPrint set to true. File format: rp-launch-uuid-${launch_uuid}.tmp. Env variable: RP_LAUNCH_UUID.
token Deprecated Not set Use apiKey instead.

Asynchronous reporting

The client supports an asynchronous reporting (via the ReportPortal asynchronous API). If you want the client to report through the asynchronous API, change v1 to v2 in the endpoint address.


Each method (except checkConnect) returns an object in a specific format:

    tempId: '4ds43fs', // generated by the client id for further work with the created item
    promise: Promise // An object indicating the completion of an operation

The client works synchronously, so it is not necessary to wait for the end of the previous requests to send following ones.

Timeout (30000ms) on axios requests

There is a timeout on axios requests. If for instance the server your making a request to is taking too long to load, then axios timeout will work and you will see the error 'Error: timeout of 30000ms exceeded'.

You can simply change this timeout by adding a timeout property to restClientConfig with your desired numeric value (in ms) or 0 to disable it.


checkConnect - asynchronous method for verifying the correctness of the client connection

rpClient.checkConnect().then((response) => {
    console.log('You have successfully connected to the server.');
    console.log(`You are using an account: ${response.fullName}`);
}, (error) => {
    console.log('Error connection to server');


startLaunch - starts a new launch, return temp id that you want to use for the all items within this launch.

const launchObj = rpClient.startLaunch({
    name: 'Client test',
    description: 'description of the launch',
    attributes: [
            'key': 'yourKey',
            'value': 'yourValue'
            'value': 'yourValue'
    //this param used only when you need client to send data into the existing launch
    id: 'id'

The method takes one argument:

  • launch data object:
Option Necessity Default Description
startTime Optional Start time of the launch (Unix Epoch time, see time format).
name Optional parameter 'launch' specified when creating the client instance Name of the launch.
mode Optional 'DEFAULT' 'DEFAULT' - results will be submitted to Launches page, 'DEBUG' - results will be submitted to Debug page.
description Optional '' Description of the launch (supports markdown syntax).
attributes Optional [] Array of launch attributes (tags).
id Optional Not set ID of the existing launch in which tests data would be sent, without this param new launch instance will be created.

To get the real launch ID (also known as launch UUID from database) wait for the returned promise to finish.

const launchObj = rpClient.startLaunch();
launchObj.promise.then((response) => {
    console.log(`Launch real id: ${}`);
}, (error) => {
    console.dir(`Error at the start of launch: ${error}`);

As system attributes, this method sends the following data (these data are not for public use):

  • client name, version;
  • agent name, version (if given);
  • browser name, version (if given);
  • OS type, architecture;
  • RAMSize;
  • nodeJS version;

ReportPortal is supporting now integrations with more than 15 test frameworks simultaneously. In order to define the most popular agents and plan the team workload accordingly, we are using Google Analytics.

ReportPortal collects only information about agent name, version and version of Node.js. This information is sent to Google Analytics on the launch start. Please help us to make our work effective. If you still want to switch Off Google Analytics, please change env variable. 'REPORTPORTAL_CLIENT_JS_NO_ANALYTICS=true'


finishLaunch - finish of the launch. After calling this method, you can not add items to the launch. The request to finish the launch will be sent only after all items within it have finished.

// launchObj - object returned by method 'startLaunch'
const launchFinishObj = rpClient.finishLaunch(launchObj.tempId, {

The method takes two arguments:

  • launch tempId (returned by the method startLaunch)
  • data object:
Option Necessity Default Description
endTime Optional End time of the launch (Unix Epoch time, see time format).
status Optional '' Status of launch, one of '', 'PASSED', 'FAILED', 'STOPPED', 'SKIPPED', 'INTERRUPTED', 'CANCELLED'.


getPromiseFinishAllItems - returns promise that contains status about all data has been sent to the reportportal. This method needed when test frameworks don't wait for async methods until finished.

// jasmine example. tempLaunchId - tempId of the launch started by the current client process
agent.getPromiseFinishAllItems(agent.tempLaunchId).then(() => done());
Option Necessity Default Description
tempLaunchId Required tempId of the launch started by the current client process


updateLaunch - updates the launch data. Will send a request to the server only after finishing the launch.

// launchObj - object returned by method 'startLaunch'
        description: 'new launch description',
        attributes: [
                key: 'yourKey',
                value: 'yourValue'
                value: 'yourValue'
        mode: 'DEBUG'

The method takes two arguments:

  • launch tempId (returned by the method 'startLaunch')
  • data object - may contain the following fields: description, attributes, mode. These fields can be looked up in the method startLaunch.


startTestItem - starts a new test item.

// launchObj - object returned by method 'startLaunch'
const suiteObj = rpClient.startTestItem({
        description: makeid(),
        name: makeid(),
        type: 'SUITE'
    }, launchObj.tempId);
const stepObj = rpClient.startTestItem({
        description: makeid(),
        name: makeid(),
        attributes: [

                key: 'yourKey',
                value: 'yourValue'
                value: 'yourValue'
        type: 'STEP'
    }, launchObj.tempId, suiteObj.tempId);

The method takes three arguments:

  • test item data object:
Option Necessity Default Description
name Required Test item name
hasStats Optional true Changes behavior for test item of type 'STEP'. When set to true, step is treaten as a test case (entity containig statistics). When false, step becomes a nested step.
description Optional '' Description of the test item (supports markdown syntax).
startTime Optional Start time of the test item (Unix Epoch time, see time format).
attributes Optional [] Array of the test item attributes.
  • launch tempId (returned by the method startLaunch)
  • parent test item tempId (optional) (returned by method startTestItem)


finishTestItem - finish of the test item. After calling this method, you can not add items to the test item. The request to finish the test item will be sent only after all test items within it have finished.

// itemObj - object returned by method 'startTestItem'
rpClient.finishTestItem(itemObj.tempId, {
    status: 'failed'

The method takes two arguments:

  • test item tempId (returned by the method startTestItem)
  • data object:
Option Necessity Default Description
issue Optional true Test item issue object. issueType is required, allowable values: 'pb***', 'ab***', 'si***', 'ti***', 'nd001'. Where *** is locator id
status Optional 'PASSED' Test item status, one of '', 'PASSED', 'FAILED', 'STOPPED', 'SKIPPED', 'INTERRUPTED', 'CANCELLED'.
endTime Optional End time of the launch (Unix Epoch time, see time format).

Example issue object:

    issueType: 'string',
    comment: 'string',
    externalSystemIssues: [
            submitDate: 0,
            submitter: 'string',
            systemId: 'string',
            ticketId: 'string',
            url: 'string'


sendLog - adds a log to the test item.

// stepObj - object returned by method 'startTestItem'
rpClient.sendLog(stepObj.tempId, {
    level: 'INFO',
    message: 'User clicks login button',

The method takes three arguments:

  • test item tempId (returned by method startTestItem)
  • data object:
Option Necessity Default Description
message Optional '' The log message.
level Optional '' The log level, one of 'trace', 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error', ''.
time Optional The time of the log (Unix Epoch time, see time format).
  • file object (optional):
Option Necessity Default Description
name Required The name of the file.
type Required The file mimeType, example 'image/png' (support types: 'image/*', application/['xml', 'javascript', 'json', 'css', 'php'], other formats will be opened in reportportal in a new browser tab only).
content Required base64 encoded file content.


mergeLaunches - merges already completed runs into one (useful when running tests in multiple threads on the same machine).

Note: Works only if isLaunchMergeRequired option is set to true.

    description: 'Regression tests',
    attributes: [
        key: 'build',
        value: '1.0.0'
    extendSuitesDescription: false,
    launches: [1, 2, 3],
    mergeType: 'BASIC',
    mode: 'DEFAULT',
    name: 'Launch name',

The method takes one argument:

  • merge options object (optional):
Option Necessity Default Description
description Optional config.description or 'Merged launch' Description of the launch (supports markdown syntax).
attributes Optional config.attributes or [] Array of launch attributes (tags).
endTime Optional End time of the launch (Unix Epoch time, see time format).
extendSuitesDescription Optional true Whether to extend suites description or not.
launches Optional ids of the launches saved to filesystem The array of the real launch ids, not UUIDs
mergeType Optional 'BASIC' The type of the merge operation. Possible values are 'BASIC' or 'DEEP'.
mode Optional config.mode or 'DEFAULT' 'DEFAULT' - results will be submitted to Launches page, 'DEBUG' - results will be submitted to Debug page.
name Optional config.launch or 'Test launch name' Name of the launch after merge.

Time format

The unix Epoch time ISO string.

The ReportPortal since product version 24.2 (Service API version 5.12.0) supports the time with microsecond precision in the ISO string format (2024-09-23T11:10:46.793546Z). Thus, it is recommended to report time in this format to have more accurate logs and test items order on the ReportPortal UI. Note: Reporting the time in ISO string format with millisecond precision (2024-09-23T11:10:46.793Z) or as a number of milliseconds (1727089846793) is also acceptable with microseconds automatically added as zeros for backward compatibility.

The client use time with microsecond precision in the ISO string format by default since version 5.3.0.

Copyright Notice

Licensed under the Apache 2.0 license (see the LICENSE.txt file).