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an example kubernetes cluster hosted in the AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) using terramate with terraform

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This creates an example kubernetes cluster hosted in the AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) using a Terramate project with Terraform.

This will:

The main components are:


For equivalent example see:

Usage (on a Ubuntu Desktop)

Install the dependencies:

Set the AWS Account credentials using SSO, e.g.:

# set the account credentials.
# NB the aws cli stores these at ~/.aws/config.
# NB this is equivalent to manually configuring SSO using aws configure sso.
# see
# see
cat > <<'EOF'
# set the environment variables to use a specific profile.
# NB use aws configure sso to configure these manually.
# e.g. use the pattern <aws-sso-session>-<aws-account-id>-<aws-role-name>
export aws_sso_session='example'
export aws_sso_start_url=''
export aws_sso_region='eu-west-1'
export aws_sso_account_id='123456'
export aws_sso_role_name='AdministratorAccess'
export AWS_PROFILE="$aws_sso_session-$aws_sso_account_id-$aws_sso_role_name"
# configure the ~/.aws/config file.
# NB unfortunately, I did not find a way to create the [sso-session] section
#    inside the ~/.aws/config file using the aws cli. so, instead, manage that
#    file using python.
python3 <<'PY_EOF'
import configparser
import os
aws_sso_session = os.getenv('aws_sso_session')
aws_sso_start_url = os.getenv('aws_sso_start_url')
aws_sso_region = os.getenv('aws_sso_region')
aws_sso_account_id = os.getenv('aws_sso_account_id')
aws_sso_role_name = os.getenv('aws_sso_role_name')
aws_profile = os.getenv('AWS_PROFILE')
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
aws_config_directory_path = os.path.expanduser('~/.aws')
aws_config_path = os.path.join(aws_config_directory_path, 'config')
if os.path.exists(aws_config_path):
config[f'sso-session {aws_sso_session}'] = {
  'sso_start_url': aws_sso_start_url,
  'sso_region': aws_sso_region,
  'sso_registration_scopes': 'sso:account:access',
config[f'profile {aws_profile}'] = {
  'sso_session': aws_sso_session,
  'sso_account_id': aws_sso_account_id,
  'sso_role_name': aws_sso_role_name,
  'region': aws_sso_region,
os.makedirs(aws_config_directory_path, mode=0o700, exist_ok=True)
with open(aws_config_path, 'w') as f:
unset aws_sso_start_url
unset aws_sso_region
unset aws_sso_session
unset aws_sso_account_id
unset aws_sso_role_name
# show the user, user amazon resource name (arn), and the account id, of the
# profile set in the AWS_PROFILE environment variable.
if ! aws sts get-caller-identity >/dev/null 2>&1; then
  aws sso login
aws sts get-caller-identity

Or, set the AWS Account credentials using an Access Key, e.g.:

# set the account credentials.
# NB get these from your aws account iam console.
#    see Managing access keys (console) at
cat > <<'EOF'
# set the default region.
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION='eu-west-1'
# show the user, user amazon resource name (arn), and the account id.
aws sts get-caller-identity

Load the secrets:


Review the file.

At least, modify the ingress_domain global to a DNS Zone that is a child of a DNS Zone that you control. The ingress_domain DNS Zone will be created by this example. The DNS Zone will be hosted in the Amazon Route 53 DNS name servers.

Generate the project configuration:

terramate generate

Commit the changes to the git repository.

Initialize the project:

terramate run terraform init -lockfile=readonly
terramate run terraform validate

Launch the example:

terramate run terraform apply

The first launch will fail while trying to create the aws_acm_certificate resource. You must delegate the DNS Zone, as described bellow, and then launch the example again to finish the provisioning.

Show the ingress domain and the ingress DNS Zone name servers:

ingress_domain="$(terramate run -C stacks/eks-aws-load-balancer-controller \
  terraform output -raw ingress_domain)"
ingress_domain_name_servers="$(terramate run -C stacks/eks-aws-load-balancer-controller \
  terraform output -json ingress_domain_name_servers \
  | jq -r '.[]')"
printf "ingress_domain:\n\n$ingress_domain\n\n"
printf "ingress_domain_name_servers:\n\n$ingress_domain_name_servers\n\n"

Using your parent ingress domain DNS Registrar or DNS Hosting provider, delegate the ingress_domain DNS Zone to the returned ingress_domain_name_servers DNS name servers. For example, at the parent DNS Zone, add:

example NS
example NS
example NS
example NS

Verify the delegation:

ingress_domain="$(terramate run -C stacks/eks-aws-load-balancer-controller \
  terraform output -raw ingress_domain)"
ingress_domain_name_server="$(terramate run -C stacks/eks-aws-load-balancer-controller \
  terraform output -json ingress_domain_name_servers | jq -r '.[0]')"
dig ns "$ingress_domain" "@$ingress_domain_name_server" # verify with amazon route 53 dns.
dig ns "$ingress_domain"                                # verify with your local resolver.

Launch the example again, this time, no error is expected:

terramate run terraform apply

Show the terraform state:

terramate run terraform state list
terramate run terraform show

Show the OpenID Connect Discovery Document (aka OpenID Connect Configuration):

wget -qO- "$(
  terramate run -C stacks/eks-workloads \
    terraform output -raw cluster_oidc_configuration_url)" \
  | jq

NB The Kubernetes Service Account tokens are JSON Web Tokens (JWT) signed by the cluster OIDC provider. They can be validated using the metadata at the cluster_oidc_configuration_url endpoint. You can view a Service Account token at the installed kubernetes-hello service endpoint.

Get the cluster kubeconfig.yml configuration file:

export KUBECONFIG="$PWD/kubeconfig.yml"
aws eks update-kubeconfig \
  --region "$(terramate run -C stacks/eks-workloads terraform output -raw region)" \
  --name "$(terramate run -C stacks/eks-workloads terraform output -raw cluster_name)"

Access the EKS cluster:

export KUBECONFIG="$PWD/kubeconfig.yml"
kubectl cluster-info
kubectl get nodes -o wide
kubectl get ingressclass
kubectl get storageclass
# NB notice that the ReclaimPolicy is Delete. this means that, when we delete a
#    PersistentVolumeClaim or PersistentVolume, the volume will be deleted from
#    the AWS account.
kubectl describe storageclass/gp2

List the installed Helm chart releases:

helm list --all-namespaces

Show a helm release status, the user supplied values, all the values, and the chart managed kubernetes resources:

helm -n external-dns status external-dns
helm -n external-dns get values external-dns
helm -n external-dns get values external-dns --all
helm -n external-dns get manifest external-dns

Show the adot OpenTelemetryCollector instance:

kubectl get -n opentelemetry-operator-system opentelemetrycollector/adot -o yaml

Access the otel-example ClusterIP Service from a kubectl port-forward local port:

kubectl port-forward service/otel-example 6789:80 &
sleep 3 && printf '\n\n'
wget -qO- http://localhost:6789/quote | jq
kill %1 && sleep 3

Wait for the otel-example Ingress to be available:

otel_example_host="$(kubectl get ingress/otel-example -o jsonpath='{.spec.rules[0].host}')"
echo "otel-example ingress url: $otel_example_url"
# wait for the host to resolve at the first route 53 name server.
ingress_domain_name_server="$(terramate run -C stacks/eks-aws-load-balancer-controller terraform output -json ingress_domain_name_servers | jq -r '.[0]')"
while [ -z "$(dig +short "$otel_example_host" "@$ingress_domain_name_server")" ]; do sleep 5; done && dig "$otel_example_host" "@$ingress_domain_name_server"
# wait for the host to resolve at the public internet (from the viewpoint
# of our local dns resolver).
while [ -z "$(dig +short "$otel_example_host")" ]; do sleep 5; done && dig "$otel_example_host"

Access the otel-example Ingress from the Internet:

wget -qO- "$otel_example_url/quote" | jq
wget -qO- "$otel_example_url/quotetext"

Audit the otel-example Ingress TLS implementation:

otel_example_host="$(kubectl get ingress/otel-example -o jsonpath='{.spec.rules[0].host}')"
echo "otel-example ingress host: $otel_example_host"

Access the kubernetes-hello ClusterIP Service from a kubectl port-forward local port:

kubectl port-forward service/kubernetes-hello 6789:80 &
sleep 3 && printf '\n\n'
wget -qO- http://localhost:6789
kill %1 && sleep 3

Access the kubernetes-hello Ingress from the Internet:

kubernetes_hello_host="$(kubectl get ingress/kubernetes-hello -o jsonpath='{.spec.rules[0].host}')"
echo "kubernetes-hello ingress url: $kubernetes_hello_url"
# wait for the host to resolve at the first route 53 name server.
ingress_domain_name_server="$(terramate run -C stacks/eks-aws-load-balancer-controller terraform output -json ingress_domain_name_servers | jq -r '.[0]')"
while [ -z "$(dig +short "$kubernetes_hello_host" "@$ingress_domain_name_server")" ]; do sleep 5; done && dig "$kubernetes_hello_host" "@$ingress_domain_name_server"
# wait for the host to resolve at the public internet (from the viewpoint
# of our local dns resolver).
while [ -z "$(dig +short "$kubernetes_hello_host")" ]; do sleep 5; done && dig "$kubernetes_hello_host"
# finally, access the service.
wget -qO- "$kubernetes_hello_url"
xdg-open "$kubernetes_hello_url"

Audit the kubernetes-example Ingress TLS implementation:

kubernetes_hello_host="$(kubectl get ingress/kubernetes-hello -o jsonpath='{.spec.rules[0].host}')"
echo "kubernetes-hello ingress host: $kubernetes_hello_host"

Deploy the example hello-etcd stateful application:

rm -rf tmp/hello-etcd
install -d tmp/hello-etcd
pushd tmp/hello-etcd
# renovate: datasource=docker depName=rgl/hello-etcd registryUrl=
wget -qO- "${hello_etcd_version}/manifest.yml" \
  | perl -pe 's,(storageClassName:).+,$1 gp2,g' \
  | perl -pe 's,(storage:).+,$1 100Mi,g' \
  > manifest.yml
kubectl apply -f manifest.yml
kubectl rollout status deployment hello-etcd
kubectl rollout status statefulset hello-etcd-etcd
kubectl get service,statefulset,pod,pvc,pv,sc

Access the hello-etcd service from a kubectl port-forward local port:

kubectl port-forward service/hello-etcd 6789:web &
sleep 3 && printf '\n\n'
wget -qO- http://localhost:6789 # Hello World #1!
wget -qO- http://localhost:6789 # Hello World #2!
wget -qO- http://localhost:6789 # Hello World #3!

Delete the etcd pod:

# NB the used gp2 StorageClass is configured with ReclaimPolicy set to Delete.
#    this means that, when we delete the application PersistentVolumeClaim, the
#    volume will be deleted from the AWS account. this also means that, to play
#    with this, we cannot delete all the application resource. we have to keep
#    the persistent volume around by only deleting the etcd pod.
# NB although we delete the pod, the StatefulSet will create a fresh pod to
#    replace it. using the same persistent volume as the old one.
kubectl delete pod/hello-etcd-etcd-0
kubectl get pod/hello-etcd-etcd-0 # NB its age should be in the seconds range.
kubectl get pvc,pv

Access the application, and notice that the counter continues after the previously returned value, which means that although the etcd instance is different, it picked up the same persistent volume:

wget -qO- http://localhost:6789 # Hello World #4!
wget -qO- http://localhost:6789 # Hello World #5!
wget -qO- http://localhost:6789 # Hello World #6!

Delete everything:

kubectl delete -f manifest.yml
kill %1 # kill the kubectl port-forward background command execution.
# NB the persistent volume will linger for a bit, until it will be eventually
#    reclaimed and deleted (because the StorageClass is configured with
#    ReclaimPolicy set to Delete).
kubectl get pvc,pv
# force the persistent volume deletion.
# NB if you do not do this (or wait until the persistent volume is actually
#    deleted), the associated AWS EBS volume we be left created in your AWS
#    account, and you have to manually delete it from there.
kubectl delete pvc/etcd-data-hello-etcd-etcd-0
# NB you should wait until its actually deleted.
kubectl get pvc,pv

Access the docdb-example ClusterIP Service from a kubectl port-forward local port:

kubectl port-forward service/docdb-example 6789:80 &
sleep 3 && printf '\n\n'
wget -qO- http://localhost:6789 && printf '\n\n'
kill %1 && sleep 3

Access the docdb-example Ingress from the Internet:

docdb_example_host="$(kubectl get ingress/docdb-example -o jsonpath='{.spec.rules[0].host}')"
echo "docdb-example ingress url: $docdb_example_url"
# wait for the host to resolve at the first route 53 name server.
ingress_domain_name_server="$(terramate run -C stacks/eks-aws-load-balancer-controller terraform output -json ingress_domain_name_servers | jq -r '.[0]')"
while [ -z "$(dig +short "$docdb_example_host" "@$ingress_domain_name_server")" ]; do sleep 5; done && dig "$docdb_example_host" "@$ingress_domain_name_server"
# wait for the host to resolve at the public internet (from the viewpoint
# of our local dns resolver).
while [ -z "$(dig +short "$docdb_example_host")" ]; do sleep 5; done && dig "$docdb_example_host"
# finally, access the service.
wget -qO- "$docdb_example_url"
xdg-open "$docdb_example_url"

Verify the trusted CA certificates, this should include the Amazon RDS CA certificates (e.g. Amazon RDS eu-west-1 Root CA RSA2048 G1):

kubectl exec --stdin deployment/docdb-example -- bash <<'EOF'
openssl crl2pkcs7 -nocrl -certfile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt \
  | openssl pkcs7 -print_certs -text -noout

List all the used container images:

# see
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces \
  -o jsonpath="{.items[*].spec['initContainers','containers'][*].image}" \
  | tr -s '[[:space:]]' '\n' \
  | sort --unique

It should be something like:

Log in the container registry:

NB You are logging in at the registry level. You are not logging in at the repository level.

aws ecr get-login-password \
  --region "$(terramate run -C stacks/ecr terraform output -raw registry_region)" \
  | docker login \
      --username AWS \
      --password-stdin \
      "$(terramate run -C stacks/ecr terraform output -raw registry_domain)"

NB This saves the credentials in the ~/.docker/config.json local file.

Inspect the created example container image:

image="$(terramate run -C stacks/ecr terraform output -json images | jq -r '."otel-example"')"
echo "image: $image"
crane manifest "$image" | jq .

Download the created example container image from the created container image repository, and execute it locally:

docker run --rm "$image"

Delete the local copy of the created container image:

docker rmi "$image"

Log out the container registry:

docker logout \
  "$(terramate run -C stacks/ecr terraform output -raw registry_domain)"

Delete the example image resource:

terramate run -C stacks/ecr \
  terraform destroy -target='terraform_data.ecr_image["otel-example"]'

At the ECR AWS Management Console, verify that the example image no longer exists (actually, it's the image index/tag that no longer exists).

Do an terraform apply to verify that it recreates the example image:

terramate run terraform apply

Destroy the example:

terramate run --reverse terraform destroy

NB For some unknown reason, terraform shows the following Warning message. If you known how to fix it, please let me known!

│ Warning: EC2 Default Network ACL (acl-004fd900909c20039) not deleted, removing from state

List this repository dependencies (and which have newer versions):



  • After terraform destroy, the following resources will still remain in AWS:

    • KMS Kubernetes cluster encryption key.
      • It will be automatically deleted after 30 days (the default value of the kms_key_deletion_window_in_days eks module property).
    • CloudWatch log groups.
      • These will be automatically deleted after 90 days (the default value of the cloudwatch_log_group_retention_in_days eks module property)
  • When running terraform destroy, the current user (aka the cluster creator) is eagerly removed from the cluster, which means, when there are problems, we are not able to continue or troubleshoot without manually granting our role the AmazonEKSClusterAdminPolicy access policy. For example, when using SSO roles, we need to add an IAM access entry like:

    Property Value
    IAM principal ARN arn:aws:iam::123456:role/aws-reserved/
    Type Standard
    Username arn:aws:sts::123456:assumed-role/AWSReservedSSO_AdministratorAccess_0000000000000000/{{SessionName}}
    Access policies AmazonEKSClusterAdminPolicy

    You can list the current access entries with:

    aws eks list-access-entries \
      --cluster-name "$(
        terramate run -C stacks/eks-workloads \
          terraform output -raw cluster_name)"

    Which should include the above IAM principal ARN value.

