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Releases: rodrigo-arenas/Sklearn-genetic-opt


17 Sep 16:58
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Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that would generate AttributeError: 'GASearchCV' object has no attribute 'creator'


12 Sep 23:26
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  • Added a parameter use_cache, which defaults to True. When enabled, the algorithm will skip re-evaluating solutions that have already been evaluated, retrieving the performance metrics from the cache instead.
    If use_cache is set to False, the algorithm will always re-evaluate solutions, even if they have been seen before, to obtain fresh performance metrics.

  • Added a parameter in GAFeatureSelectionCV named warm_start_configs, which defaults to None. This is a list of predefined hyperparameter configurations to seed the initial population. Each element in the list is a dictionary where the keys are the names of the hyperparameters, and the values are the corresponding hyperparameter values to be used for the individual.


    warm_start_configs = [
        {"min_weight_fraction_leaf": 0.02, "bootstrap": True, "max_depth": None, "n_estimators": 100},
        {"min_weight_fraction_leaf": 0.4, "bootstrap": True, "max_depth": 5, "n_estimators": 200},

The genetic algorithm will initialize part of the population with these configurations to warm-start the optimization process. The remaining individuals in the population will be initialized randomly according to the defined hyperparameter space.

This parameter is useful when prior knowledge of good hyperparameter configurations exists, allowing the algorithm to focus on refining known good solutions while still exploring new areas of the hyperparameter space. If set to None, the entire population will be initialized randomly.

  • Introduced a novelty search strategy to the GASearchCV class. This strategy rewards solutions that are more distinct from others in the population by incorporating a novelty score into the fitness evaluation. The novelty score encourages exploration and promotes diversity, reducing the risk of premature convergence to local optima.

    * Novelty Score: Calculated based on the distance between an individual and its nearest neighbors in the population. Individuals with higher novelty scores are more distinct from the rest of the population.
    * Fitness Evaluation: The overall fitness is now a combination of the traditional performance score and the novelty score, allowing the algorithm to balance between exploiting known good solutions and exploring new, diverse ones.
    * Improved Exploration: This strategy helps explore new areas of the hyperparameter space, increasing the likelihood of discovering better solutions and avoiding local optima.

API Changes:

  • Dropped support for Python 3.8


15 Mar 01:37
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This is a small release for a minor bug fix


  • Install TensorFlow when using pip install sklearn-genetic-opt[all]

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that wouldn’t allow cloning the GA classes when used inside a pipeline


15 Feb 02:43
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This release brings support to python 3.10, it also comes with different API updates and algorithms optimization

API Changes:

  • GAFeatureSelectionCV now mimics the scikit-learn FeatureSelection algorithms API instead of Grid Search, this enables easier implementation as a selection method that is closer to the scikit-learn API
  • Improved GAFeatureSelectionCV candidate generation when max_features is set, it also ensures there is at least one feature selected
  • crossover_probability and mutation_probability are now correctly passed to the mate and mutation functions inside GAFeatureSelectionCV
  • Dropped support for python 3.7 and add support for python 3.10
  • Update most important packages from dev-requirements.txt to more recent versions
  • Update deprecated functions in tests

Thanks to the people who contributed with their ideas and suggestions


06 Jun 22:46
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This release comes with new features and general performance improvements


  • Introducing Adaptive Schedulers to enable adaptive mutation and crossover probabilities; currently, supported schedulers are: ConstantAdapter, ExponentialAdapter, InverseAdapter, and PotentialAdapter

  • Add random_state parameter (default= None) in Continuous, Categorical and Integer classes from space to leave fixed the random seed during hyperparameters sampling.

API Changes:

  • Changed the default values of mutation_probability and crossover_probability to 0.8 and 0.2, respectively.

  • The weighted_choice function used in GAFeatureSelectionCV was re-written to give more probability to a number of features closer to the max_features parameter

  • Removed unused and broken function plot_parallel_coordinates()

Bug Fixes

  • Now, when using the plot_search_space() function, all the parameters get cast as np.float64 to avoid errors on the seaborn package while plotting bool values.


09 Mar 19:34
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This release implements a change when the max_features parameter from class GAFeatureSelectionCV is set, the initial population is now sampled giving more probability to solutions with less than max_features features.


05 Jan 02:43
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This release comes with some requested features and enhancements.


  • Class GAFeatureSelectionCV now has a parameter called max_features, int, default=None. If it's not None, it will penalize individuals with more features than max_features, putting a "soft" upper bound to the number of features to be selected.

  • Classes GASearchCV and GAFeatureSelectionCV now support multi-metric evaluation the same way scikit-learn does; you will see this reflected on the logbook and cv_results_ objects, where now you get results for each metric. As in scikit-learn, if multi-metric is used, the refit parameter must be a str specifying the metric to evaluate the cv-scores.

  • Training gracefully stops if interrupted by some of these exceptions: KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit, StopIteration.
    When one of these exceptions is raised, the model finishes the current generation and saves the current best model. It only works if at least one generation has been completed.

API Changes:

  • The following parameters changed their default values to create more extensive and different models with better results:

    • population_size from 10 to 50

    • generations from 40 to 80

    • mutation_probability from 0.1 to 0.2


  • A new notebook called Iris_multimetric was added to showcase the new multi-metric capabilities.


17 Nov 23:15
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This is an exciting release! It introduces features selection capabilities to the package


  • GAFeatureSelectionCV class for feature selection along with any scikit-learn classifier or regressor. It optimizes the cv-score while minimizing the number of features to select. This class is compatible with the mlflow and tensorboard integration, the Callbacks, and the plot_fitness_evolution function.

API Changes:

The module mlflow was renamed to mlflow_log to avoid unexpected errors on name resolutions


04 Aug 16:07
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This is a minor release that fixes a couple of bugs and adds some minor options.


  • Added the parameter generations to DeltaThreshold. Now it compares the maximum and minimum values of a metric from the last generations, instead of just the current and previous ones. The default value is 2, so the behavior remains the same as in previous versions.

Bug Fixes:

  • When a param_grid of length 1 is provided, a user warning is raised instead of an error. Internally it will swap the crossover operation to use the DEAP's tools.cxSimulatedBinaryBounded.
  • When using Continuous class with boundaries lower and upper, a uniform distribution with limits [lower, lower + upper] was sampled, now, it's properly sampled using a [lower, upper] limit.


05 Jul 21:42
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This is a big release with several new features and enhancements! 🎊


  • Added the ProgressBar callback, it uses tqdm progress bar to shows how many generations are left in the training progress.

  • Added the TensorBoard callback to log the generation metrics, watch in real-time while the models are trained, and compare different runs in your TensorBoard instance.

  • Added the TimerStopping callback to stop the iterations after a total (threshold) fitting time has been elapsed.

  • Added new parallel coordinates plot using plot_parallel_coordinates by @Raul9595

  • Now if one or more callbacks decides to stop the algorithm, it will print its class name to know which callbacks were responsible of the stopping.

  • Added support for extra methods coming from scikit-learn's BaseSearchCV, like cv_results_,
    best_index_ and refit_time_ among others.

  • Added methods on_start and on_end to BaseCallback. Now the algorithms check for the callbacks like this:

    • on_start: When the evolutionary algorithm is called from the method.

    • on_step: When the evolutionary algorithm finishes a generation (no change here).

    • on_end: At the end of the last generation.

Bug Fixes:

  • A missing statement was making that the callbacks start to get evaluated from generation 1, ignoring generation 0. Now this is properly handled and callbacks work from generation 0.

API Changes:

  • The modules sklearn_genetic.plots and sklearn_genetic.mlflow.MLflowConfig now requires an explicit installation of seaborn and mlflow, now those are optionally installed using pip install sklearn-genetic-opt[all].
  • The GASearchCV.logbook property now has extra information that comes from the scikit-learn cross_validate function.
  • An optional extra parameter was added to GASearchCV, named return_train_score: bool, default=False. As in scikit-learn, it controls if the cv_results_ should have the training scores.


  • Edited all demos to be in the jupyter notebook format.
  • Added embedded jupyter notebooks examples in read the docs page.
  • The modules of the package now have a summary of their classes/functions in the docs.
  • Updated the callbacks and custom callbacks tutorials to add a new TensorBoard callback and the new methods on the base callback.


  • Now the HallofFame (hof) uses the self.best_params_ for the position 0, to be consistent with the
    scikit-learn API and parameters like self.best_index_
  • MLflow now has unit tests by @Turtle24

Thanks to new contributors for helping in this project! @Raul9595 @Turtle24