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ROS Background

William Emfinger edited this page Nov 30, 2017 · 3 revisions

ROS - The Robot Operating System is not an operating system but a middleware and set of libraries that facilitates the development and execution of distributed robotic systems.

ROS Provides some convenient classes / utilities:

  • ros::Time
  • ros::Duration
  • ros::Time::now()

ROSMOD is built upon ROS, so you can use:

  • ros::Publisher
  • ros::Subscriber
  • ros::Client
  • ros::Server
  • ros::Timer
  • ros::NodeHandle

Additionally, ROSMOD adds (to each Component):

  • config: a JsonCPP structure which should be accessed as config["User Configuration"] which will contain all the information supplied within the User Configuration attribute of the Component.
  • logger: a Logger which can be used to save text and data in a way that will be automatically timestamped and will be automatically plotted by the WebGME-ROSMOD server in the ResultsViz.
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