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compwron edited this page Sep 21, 2022 · 1 revision

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Mockups from 4/4/20

Volunteer Dash

Report Builder

Answers to recent questions 29 March 2020:

  1. I think a Case Supervisor should have the ability to add or remove a volunteer to a case.

  2. Ideally we would call the youth 14+ "transition aged youth"

  3. If a volunteer or case supervisor becomes inactive, I would like the ability to inactivate the account and not allow further access. The data should all stay and be accessible. The case itself will be transferred to a different case supervisor. New volunteers who might get assigned to a case that had a previous volunteer do not need to see the notes or activities of prior volunteers but case supervisors do need that info.

Some UI mockups based on what we know now (28 March 2020) overview IMG_20200328_152222 IMG_20200328_152243 IMG_20200328_152241 IMG_20200328_152239 IMG_20200328_152230