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Mordecai Geoparser on Windows (v2.0.1.post1)

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@rrwen rrwen released this 13 Feb 03:39

Archived files and instructions for mordecai v2.0.1.post1 on windows 10.


The following files can be downloaded with this release:

  • mordecai-2.0.1.post1.tar.gz: the mordecai python package from Pypi in case it becomes inacessible for any reason
    • This file can be installed with pip install /mordecai-2.0.1.post1 after downloading and uncompressing it into a folder named mordecai-2.0.1.post1
  • mordecai_2_0_1_post1_env.yml: the yaml file for creating the mordecai-2.0.1.post1 conda environment
    • This file is used for creating the required Python environment by running conda env create -f mordecai_2_0_1_post1_env.yml after downloading the file


  1. Install git
  2. Install Anaconda Python
  3. Install Docker for Windows

In a console, enter the following commands to check that they are working:

git --help
conda --help
docker --help


Step 1. Create the mordecai-2.0.1.post1 Python environment

In a command console, clone this repository and move into the cloned folder:

git clone
cd mordecai-geoparser-on-windows

Add the conda-forge channel, and create the Python environment with conda:

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda env create -f mordecai_2_0_1_post1_env.yml

Step 2. Download the spaCy NLP model

Activate the mordecai-2.0.1.post1 Python environment:

activate mordecai-2.0.1.post1

Inside your mordecai-2.0.1.post1 environment, download the spaCy Natural Language Processing (NLP) model:

python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg

Step 3. Download the geonames index and uncompress it into a folder

NOTE: Keep in mind the full path of your geonames_index folder

Step 4. Run the geonames index docker

In a command console, run:

docker run --name geonames_index -d -p -v <PATH_TO>/geonames_index/:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data elasticsearch:5.5.2

NOTE: Replace <PATH_TO> with the full path to your geonames_index folder directory (for example, d:/users/me/downloads)

Step 5. Check that the geonames index docker is running

In the console, check the geonames_index docker container:

docker ps -f name=geonames_index

The command should have output similar to the following:

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                 COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                NAMES
2cf6772da252        elasticsearch:5.5.2   "/docker-entrypoint.…"   3 minutes ago       Up 3 minutes>9200/tcp, 9300/tcp   geonames_index

Step 6. Check that the geonames index is accessible

Open a web browser and go to:


Your browser should output text similar to the following:

health status index    uuid                   pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size
yellow open   geonames eWVK3y2ETaufWKEFZmeK2Q   1   1   11741135            0      2.8gb          2.8gb

Step 7. Check that mordecai is running properly

In a command console, activate the mordecai-2.0.1.post1 Python environment:

activate mordecai-2.0.1.post1

Enter the Python console:


In the Python console, enter the following code:

# Load libraries
from mordecai import Geoparser # may take a little to load
from pprint import pprint

# Create geoparser and parse example text
geo = Geoparser()
result = geo.geoparse("I traveled from Oxford to Ottawa.")

# Print the geoparsed text results

After printing the result with pprint(result), you should get:

[{'country_conf': 0.96474487,
  'country_predicted': 'GBR',
  'geo': {'admin1': 'England',
          'country_code3': 'GBR',
          'feature_class': 'P',
          'feature_code': 'PPLA2',
          'geonameid': '2640729',
          'lat': '51.75222',
          'lon': '-1.25596',
          'place_name': 'Oxford'},
  'spans': [{'end': 6, 'start': 0}],
  'word': 'Oxford'},
 {'country_conf': 0.83302397,
  'country_predicted': 'CAN',
  'geo': {'admin1': 'Ontario',
          'country_code3': 'CAN',
          'feature_class': 'P',
          'feature_code': 'PPLC',
          'geonameid': '6094817',
          'lat': '45.41117',
          'lon': '-75.69812',
          'place_name': 'Ottawa'},
  'spans': [{'end': 6, 'start': 0}],
  'word': 'Ottawa'}]

If your output looks like the above, the mordecai geoparser library should be installed correctly.


Useful conda commands

If you are inside the mordecai-2.0.1.post1 Python environment, you can deactivate it by simply entering:


Useful docker commands

If you are done with geonames_index docker container, you may wish to stop it with:

docker stop geonames_index

To start the geonames_index, you can use:

docker start geonames_index

To remove the geonames_index permanently, use:

docker container rm geonames_index

Additional Information

These instructions were tested on a machine with the following specifications:

  • Operating System: Windows 10 Professional 64-bit
  • Processor: i7-6700K Quad-Core @ 4.00GHz
  • Memory: 16 GB
  • Storage: 256 GB + 512 GB SSD

The following software was installed on the above machine:

  • git version Download
  • Anaconda 5.2.0 Python 3.7 Version (64 bit) Download
  • Docker Community Edition 2019-01-16 Download


As noted by the authors in the mordecai repository, please use the following citation information if you are using the mordecai software:

  title={Mordecai: Full Text Geoparsing and Event Geocoding},
  author={Halterman, Andrew},
  journal={The Journal of Open Source Software},
