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This is the script I used to automate my builds (OSX only but i guess some linux compatability):

# If is not merged you will need to create the pull secret, go here: and download it
oc create secret generic pull-secret -n sigstore-monitoring --from-file=$HOME/Downloads/pull-secret.json

# was developing and pushing images here to test:, get the latest tag and set version to be 1 after that

#Example version value
export version=25

export segment_backup_job_repo_path=$(pwd) #if your working from another directory swap this value out
export sigstore_ocp_path="" # Set absolute path to sigstore-ocp, used for automating editing of the values file

# my podman is broken due to QEMU issues (run mv Containerfile Dockerfile once)
podman build $segment_backup_job_repo_path --platform=linux/amd64 -t$version
podman push$version #my quay, can swap out with your repo
version=$(( $version + 1));


podman run -it --rm$version /bin/bash


code $sigstore_ocp_path/charts/trusted-artifact-signer/values.yaml # replace lines 17 and possibly 16
/usr/bin/open -a "/Applications/Google" '' #automated for mac but do this based on your OS
oc delete cronjob segment-backup-job -n sigstore-monitoring; oc delete job segment-backup-job -n sigstore-monitoring #if you have issues with permssions here run this as non-service account oc user


This job is meant to run as a service account, run this NOT in the container but logged from your client machine, this will spit out the login command that you should run on the container:

From host logged in:

export secret_name_for_sa=$( oc get sa segment-backup-job -n sigstore-monitoring -o json | jq ".secrets[1].name" | cut -d "\"" -f 2 )

export sa_token=$(oc get secret $secret_name_for_sa -n sigstore-monitoring -o json | jq .metadata.annotations."\"\"" | cut -d "\"" -f 2)
export server=$(oc whoami -t)
echo "oc login --token=$sa_token --server=$server" # spits out the login command for the SA, used in terminal 2

INSIDE the container:

# use the above login command, ex: oc login --token=... --server=...

#Choose a run type to test (installation or nightly)
export RUN_TYPE="installation" 
export RUN_TYPE="nightly"

#Verify you are the service account
oc whoami

#Run script as entrypoint