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Sigstore Timestamp Authority

A service for issuing RFC 3161 timestamps.

Timestamps conform to the RFC 3628 policy. The timestamp structure conforms to the updates in RFC 5816.

Security model

Trusted timestamping is a process that has been around for some time. It provides a timestamp record of when a document was created or modified.

A timestamp authority creates signed timestamps using public key infrastructure. The operator of the timestamp authority must secure the signing key material to prevent unauthorized timestamp signing.

A timestamp authority should also verify its own clock. We provide a configuration to periodically check the current time against well-known NTP sources.

Timestamping within Sigstore

Timestamps are a critical component of Rekor, Sigstore's signature transparency log. Timestamps are used to verify short-lived certificates. Currently, the timestamp comes from Rekor's own internal clock, which is not externally verifiable or immutable. Using signed timestamps issued from timestamp authorities mitigates the risk of Rekor's clock being manipulated.

As a artifact signer, you can:

  • Generate a signature over an artifact
  • Fetch a timestamp for that signature (more below in What to sign)
  • Upload the signature, artifact hash, and certificate to Rekor (hashedrekord record type)
  • Upload the timestamp to Rekor (rfc3161 record type)
    • This step is important because it makes the timestamps publicly auditable

As an artifact verifier:

  • Fetch the artifact entry from Rekor
  • If the artifact was signed with a certificate, verify its expiration
    • If you trust Rekor's clock, verify the certificate with the timestamp in the Rekor response
    • If you trust an external timestamp authority, fetch the timestamp from Rekor, verify the signed timestamp, and verify the certificate using the signed timestamp

What to sign

For usage within Sigstore, we recommend signing over a value that is associated with a signature. For Cosign, we have chosen to sign the artifact signature, a process called "countersigning". We sign over the raw signature bytes, not a base64-encoded value. Signing over the signature ensures that the signature, not the artifact, was created at a certain time.

Local development

Prerequisite: On macOS, we currently require the installation of openssl.

brew install openssl

To launch the server, run either:

  • docker-compose up
  • make timestamp-server && ./bin/timestamp-server serve --port 3000

Both of these commands launch a server with an in-memory signing key and certificate chain. This should not be used for production.

To fetch a timestamp with the provided timestamp-cli:

  1. Retrieve the verification chain: curl http://localhost:3000/api/v1/timestamp/certchain > ts_chain.pem
  2. Create test blob to sign: echo "myblob" > myblob
  3. Build client: make timestamp-cli
  4. Fetch timestamp: ./bin/timestamp-cli --timestamp_server http://localhost:3000 timestamp --hash sha256 --artifact myblob --out response.tsr
  5. Verify timestamp: ./bin/timestamp-cli verify --timestamp response.tsr --artifact "myblob" --certificate-chain ts_chain.pem --format json
  6. Inspect timestamp: ./bin/timestamp-cli inspect --timestamp response.tsr --format json

To fetch a timestamp with openssl and curl:

  1. Retrieve the verification chain: curl http://localhost:3000/api/v1/timestamp/certchain > ts_chain.pem
  2. Split chain into root CA certificate and "untrusted" intermediate and leaf certificates:
    1. Split: csplit -s -f tmpcert- ts_chain.pem '/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/' '{*}'
      • Note, on macOS, you will need to install GNU utilities with brew install coreutils, and use gcsplit
    2. Remove empty file: rm tmpcert-00
    3. Get root: mv $(ls tmpcert-* | tail -1) root.crt.pem
    4. Merge remaining certificates: cat tmpcert-* > chain.crts.pem
    5. Remove temp files: rm tmpcert-*
  3. Create test blob to sign: echo "myblob" > myblob
  4. Create timestamp request: openssl ts -query -data myblob -cert -sha256 -out request.tsq
  5. Fetch timestamp: curl -sSH "Content-Type: application/timestamp-query" --data-binary @request.tsq http://localhost:3000/api/v1/timestamp -o response.tsr
  6. Verify timestamp: openssl ts -verify -in response.tsr -data "myblob" -CAfile root.crt.pem -untrusted chain.crts.pem
    • Note that you will see a warning that one certificate is "not a CA cert", but this is expected, as you need to provide the TSA signing certificate in case the certificate is not included in the response. When generating the timestamp query, setting -cert will mandate the signing certificate is included.
  7. Inspect timestamp: openssl ts -reply -in response.tsr -text

Making a request with JSON

If you would like to make a request for a timestamp using a JSON based request, you can do with:

curl -sSH "Content-Type: application/json" -d @request.json http://localhost:3000/api/v1/timestamp -o response.tsr

The service expects the JSON body to be in the shape:

  "artifactHash": "<base64 encoded artifact hash>",
  "certificates": true,
  "hashAlgorithm": "sha256",
  "nonce": 1123343434,
  "tsaPolicyOID": ""

The artifact hash must be represented as a base64 encoded string.

Production deployment

To deploy to production, the timestamp authority currently supports signing with Cloud KMS or Tink. You will need to provide a certificate chain (leaf, any intermediates, and root), where the certificate chain's purpose (extended key usage) is for timestamping. We do not recommend the file signer for production since the signing key will only be password protected.

Cloud KMS

Create an asymmetric cloud KMS signing key in either GCP, AWS, Azure, or Vault, that will be used to sign timestamps.

Generate a certificate chain, which must include a leaf certificate whose public key pairs to the private key in cloud KMS, may include any number of intermediate certificates, and must include a root certificate. We recommend reviewing the code used to generate the certificate chain if you do not want to use GCP. If you are using GCP:

  • Create a root CA with GCP CA Service. Configure lifetime, and other defaults can remain. You will need to first create a CA pool, and then create one CA in that pool.
  • Create an asymmetric signing key on KMS that will be used as an intermediate CA to sign the TSA certificate.
  • Run the following:
go run cmd/fetch-tsa-certs/fetch_tsa_certs.go \
  --intermediate-kms-resource="gcpkms://projects/<project>/locations/<region>/keyRings/<key-ring>/cryptoKeys/<key>/versions/1" \
  --leaf-kms-resource="gcpkms://projects/<project>/locations/<region>/keyRings/<leaf-key-ring>/cryptoKeys/<key>/versions/1" \
  --gcp-ca-parent="projects/<project>/locations/<region>/caPools/<ca-pool>" \

If you are not using GCP, there are many possible options but the steps for setting up the certificates could be similar to the following:

  • create a KMS private key (for example, in the AWS KMS)
  • use this private key to create a CSR
  • assuming you have an external (for example, corporate etc.) Certificate Authority entity that can sign the CSR, make it sign the generated CSR and produce a certificate. Make sure that the leaf certificate - the one that will be used to sign timestamping requests - has the Timestamping EKU (Extended Key Usage) set and it is marked as Critical.
  • if necessary, combine the CA, intermediate and leaf certificates into the certificate chain file. Verify the certificate chain format with VerifyCertChain to ensure it is compatible with what the timestamp_server expects.

Set --timestamp-signer=kms, provide the path to the chain with --certificate-chain-path, and the KMS key with --kms-key-resource. The key should be prefixed with either gcpkms://, azurekms://, awskms://, or hashivault://.


Tink is an easy-to-use cross-language crypto library. The timestamp authority provides a signer that uses Tink, which enables in-memory signing with secure on-disk key storage. Instead of being password-protected, the key is encrypted with a cloud KMS key, and decrypted on startup.

Install tinkey first.

Create a symmetric cloud KMS key in either GCP, AWS, or Vault, that will be used to encrypt a signing key that is generated locally.

Run the following to create the local encrypted signing key, changing key URI and the key template if desired:

tinkey create-keyset --key-template ECDSA_P384 --out enc-keyset.cfg --master-key-uri gcp-kms://path-to-key

Generate a certificate chain, which must include a leaf certificate whose public key pairs to the private key in the Tink keyset, may include any number of intermediate certificates, and must include a root certificate. We recommend reviewing the code used to generate the certificate chain if you do not want to use GCP. If you are using GCP:

  • Create a root CA with GCP CA Service. Configure lifetime, and other defaults can remain. You will need to first create a CA pool, and then create one CA in that pool.
  • Create an asymmetric signing key on KMS that will be used as an intermediate CA to sign the TSA certificate.
  • Run the following:
go run cmd/fetch-tsa-certs/fetch_tsa_certs.go \

To run the TSA, set --timestamp-signer=tink, --tink-key-resource=<path-to-kms-key>, and --tink-keyset-path=enc-keyset.cfg. The key resource should be prefixed with either gcp-kms://, aws-kms://, or hcvault://. If using Vault, you may also set --tink-hcvault-token. Provide the path to the chain with --certificate-chain-path.


Should you discover any security issues, please refer to Sigstore's security process.


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