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This repo contains around 300 and 85 problems with solutions using Swift and Python

This repo contains my solutions to algorithmic problems in and written in Swift and Python.
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I have solved quite a number of problems from several topics. See the below table for further details.


  • Binary Search
  • Binary Search Tree
  • Binary Tree(Segment Tree)
  • N-aray Tree(Trie, Binary Indexed Tree)
  • Graph(Dijkstra, Union Find, Kruskal, Prim's, Minimum Spanning Tree, Topological Ordering...etc)
  • Stack
  • Queue
  • Array
  • Sorting
  • Hash Table
  • Heap
  • Linked list
  • Bit Operation
  • Dynamic programming
  • Backtracking(Permutations & Combinations & Subsets...etc)
  • Math
  • and more...

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  • Whenever you solve a new question with some new techniques/algorithms, try to solve atleast 2 similar problem in a row. This way, your understanding to the new techniques/algorithms will be better.
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1. Arrays , HashMap, Set

Leetcode problems with solutions and tutorials/videos

# Title Solution Tutorial Level Remarks
01 1. Two Sum Python, Swift --- --- ✅ 📌 ⭐ 😭 🧐 😎
02 485. Max Consecutive Ones Swift
03 476. Number Complement Swift
04 461. Hamming Distance Swift
05 9. Palindrome Number Python
06 88. Merge Sorted Array Python
07 811. Subdomain Visit Count Python
08 771. Jewels and Stones Python
09 414. Third Maximum Number Python
10 259. 3Sum Smaller Python
11 16. 3Sum Closest Python
12 15. 3Sum Python
13 118. Pascal's Triangle Python
14 119. Pascal's Triangle II Python
15 238. Product of Array Except Self Python
16 724. Find Pivot Index Python
17 747. Largest Number At Least Twice of Others Python
18 581. Shortest Unsorted Continuous Subarray Python
19 904. Fruit Into Baskets Python Article, Video 1, Video 2 Medium Sliding Window, Two Pointer
20 56. Merge Intervals Python Article
21 334. Increasing Triplet Subsequence Python --- Medium ---
22 792. Number of Matching Subsequences Python Official Medium Very tricky. Check again
23 912. Sort an Array (Merge Sort) Python --- Medium ---
24 1118. Number of Days in a Month Python --- Easy ---
25 349. Intersection of Two Arrays Python Art 1, Art 2 Easy Very tricky and versatile
26 350. Intersection of Two Arrays II Python , , Easy Very tricky and versatile
27 303. Range Sum Query - Immutable Python Vid 1 Easy ---
28 560. Subarray Sum Equals K Python Art 1, Art 2, Art 3, Art 4, Art 5, Art 6 Medium Very tricky and persuasive with Sliding Window but it's not. This is a classic running sum problem
29 325. Maximum Size Subarray Sum Equals k Python Art 1 Medium Very tricky and persuasive with Sliding Window but it's not. This is a classic running sum problem
30 1074. Number of Submatrices That Sum to Target Python Art 1, Art 2, Art 3, Art 4 Extremely Hard Very tricky and hard, check again. Also DP
31 167. Two Sum II - Input array is sorted Python --- Easy Two pointer basics
32 1099. Two Sum Less Than K Python --- Easy Two pointer basics
33 26. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array Python --- Easy Two pointer basics
34 977. Squares of a Sorted Array Python --- Easy Two pointer basics
35 713. Subarray Product Less Than K Python --- Medium Two pointer ad Sliding Window
36 75. Sort Colors Python Vid 1 Medium Two pointer
37 18. 4Sum Python --- Medium Two pointer
38 11. Container With Most Water Python --- Medium Two pointer
39 202. Happy Number Python Art 1 Easy Fast pointer Slow pointer
40 457. Circular Array Loop Python --- Medium Fast pointer Slow pointer. Check again
41 448. Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array Python --- Easy Cyclic Sort
42 287. Find the Duplicate Number Python --- Medium Cyclic Sort. TODO: Check all other approaches
43 442. Find All Duplicates in an Array Python --- Medium Cyclic Sort TODO: Check all other approaches
44 41. First Missing Positive Python --- Hard Cyclic Sort, Very important
45 939. Minimum Area Rectangle Python Art 1 Medium Hash and Set, Very important

Leetcode problems with solutions and tutorials/videos

# Title Solution Tutorial Level Remarks
01 3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
02 412. Fizz Buzz Swift
03 937. Reorder Log Files Python
03 929. Unique Email Addresses Python
04 7. Reverse Integer Python
05 13. Roman to Integer Python
06 125. Valid Palindrome Python
07 161. One Edit Distance Python
08 1119. Remove Vowels from a String Python
09 344. Reverse String Python
10 482. License Key Formatting Python
11 3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Python Vid 1, Vid 2 Medium 📌 Sliding window, Two pointer
12 340. Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters Python Vid 1, Art 1, Art 2 Hard 📌 Sliding window, Two pointer
13 159. Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters Python Vid 1 Hard 📌 Sliding window, Two pointer
14 424. Longest Repeating Character Replacement Python Vid 1, Vid 2, Art 1, Art 2, Art 3, Art 4 Medium 📌 Sliding window, Very important
15 76. Minimum Window Substring Python Vid 1, Vid 2, Vid 3 Hard 📌 Sliding window, Very important
16 727. Minimum Window Subsequence Python Vid 1, Art 1, Art 2 Hard 📌 Sliding window and DP, check the DP approach
17 438. Find All Anagrams in a String Python Must, Art 1 Medium 📌 Sliding window
18 567. Permutation in String Python Must Medium 📌 Sliding window
19 844. Backspace String Compare Python --- Easy 📌 Two Pointer

Leetcode problems with solutions and tutorials/videos

# Title Solution Tutorial Level Remarks
01 2. Add Two Numbers Swift
02 707. Design Linked List Python
03 21. Merge Two Sorted Lists Python, Vid 1 Easy Fundamental and very very important
04 234. Palindrome Linked List Python --- Easy Fast pointer Slow pointer
05 24. Swap Nodes in Pairs Python
06 141. Linked List Cycle Python --- Easy Fast pointer Slow pointer
07 142. Linked List Cycle II Python Art 1, Art 2, Medium Fast pointer Slow pointer
08 876. Middle of the Linked List Python --- Easy Fast pointer Slow pointer
09 143. Reorder List Python --- Medium Fast pointer Slow pointer
10 19. Remove Nth Node From End of List Python --- Medium Fast pointer Slow pointer
11 817. Linked List Components Python Art 1 Medium Uses set/dictionary
12 206. Reverse Linked List Python Vid 1, Vid 2 Easy Fundamental
13 92. Reverse Linked List II Python, Art 2 Medium Fundamental and very important
14 25. Reverse Nodes in k-Group Python, Art 1, Art 2 Hard Fundamental. TODO: Check again
15 24. Swap Nodes in Pairs Python Medium Fundamental
16 61. Rotate List Python Medium Fundamental
17 328. Odd Even Linked List Python Art 1 Medium Fundamental
18 148. Sort List Python Vid 1, Vid 2, Vid 3, Art 1 Medium Fundamental
19 23. Merge k Sorted Lists Python, Art 1 Hard Very important. TODO: Check heap approach
20 160. Intersection of Two Linked Lists Python Art 1, Art 2 Easy ---
21 138. Copy List with Random Pointer Python Vid 1, Art 1 Medium TODO: Check again. Very important. Learned a lot of things
22 430. Flatten a Multilevel Doubly Linked List Python, Vid 1, Art 1 Medium TODO: Check again. Very important. Learned a lot of things

Leetcode problems with solutions and tutorials/videos

# Title Solution Tutorial Level Remarks
01 20. Valid Parentheses Python
02 155. Min Stack Python
03 84. Largest Rectangle in Histogram Python Video 01, Video 02, Article 01, Article 02 Hard 📌 Need to revise
04 394. Decode String Python --- Medium 📌 Classic stack problem
05 239. Sliding Window Maximum Python Video 1, Official, Art 1, Art 2, Art 3, Art 4 Hard 📌 Can be solved using Heap, Deque and DP

Leetcode problems with solutions and tutorials/videos

# Title Solution Tutorial Level Remarks
01 358. Rearrange String k Distance Apart Python, 2 Hard 📌 Similar to 621. Task Scheduler. Very Important. TODO: Check Heap approach
02 347. Top K Frequent Elements Python, Helper 1, Helper 2, heapq, Counter Medium ---
03 767. Reorganize String Python --- Medium Also check Greedy approach
04 621. Task Scheduler Python Ex 1, Ex 2, Vid 1, Vid 2, Vid 3, Vid 4 Medium 📌 Extremely tricky. Classic problem
05 295. Find Median from Data Stream Python,, 2,, Official, FollowUp 1 Hard 📌 Very Tricky and important. TODO: Check again
06 480. Sliding Window Median Python, Vid 1 Hard 📌 Sliding window with 2 heap. very important
07 4. Median of Two Sorted Arrays Python Article 01, Art 2 Video 1 Hard 📌 Classic problem
08 215. Kth Largest Element in an Array Python Art 01,, Medium 📌 Also check Quickselect method.
09 659. Split Array into Consecutive Subsequences Python Art 0, Art 1, Art 2, Art 3 Medium 📌 It's a fucking unclear problem. TODO: Not done. Check again later
10 973. K Closest Points to Origin Python,, Vid 1 Medium 📌 Also check Quickselect and heap method
11 451. Sort Characters By Frequency Python, Medium 📌 Also check Quickselect and heap method
12 692. Top K Frequent Words Python, Medium 📌 Also check Quickselect and heap method
13 703. Kth Largest Element in a Stream Python Medium 📌 ---
14 895. Maximum Frequency Stack Python Hard 📌 TODO: Check again
15 378. Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix Python Hard 📌 TODO: Check again the Binary Search approach. Very important
16 632. Smallest Range Covering Elements from K Lists Python Hard 📌 TODO: Check again. Very important
17 373. Find K Pairs with Smallest Sums Python Hard 📌 TODO: Check again.

Leetcode problems with solutions and tutorials/videos

# Title Solution Tutorial Level Remarks
01 704. Binary Search Python --- Easy Basics
03 240. Search a 2D Matrix II Python Video 01, Video 02
04 74. Search a 2D Matrix Python Video 01, Video 02
05 1011. Capacity To Ship Packages Within D Days Python Discussion 1, Discussion 2, Discussion 3 Medium Difficult to spot the pattern, revise again
06 410. Split Array Largest Sum Python Article 01 Hard 📌 Not done
07 4. Median of Two Sorted Arrays Python Article 01, Art 2 Video 1 Hard 📌 Classic problem
08 981. Time Based Key-Value Store Python Article 01 Medium 📌
09 222. Count Complete Tree Nodes Python Theory, Official Solution, Fantastic idea! Medium 📌 BS within BS
10 1231. Divide Chocolate Python Art 1, Art 2, Art 3, Vid 1 Hard 📌 Not done. Check again. Solve all similar question
11 69. Sqrt(x) Python --- Easy 📌 Binary Search Template I
12 374. Guess Number Higher or Lower Python --- Easy 📌 Binary Search Template I
13 33. Search in Rotated Sorted Array Python Medium 📌 Binary Search Template I, very important, not done
14 81. Search in Rotated Sorted Array II Python --- Medium 📌 Binary Search Template I, very important
15 278. First Bad Version Python --- Easy 📌 Binary Search Template II
16 162. Find Peak Element Python --- Medium 📌 Binary Search Template II
17 153. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array Python --- Medium 📌 Binary Search Template II
18 154. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II Python --- Hard 📌 Binary Search Template II, not done
19 34. Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array Python Vid 1, Medium 📌 Binary Search Template III
20 658. Find K Closest Elements Python Vid 1, Medium 📌 Binary Search Template III. TODO: Check Heap approach which is not done
21 702. Search in a Sorted Array of Unknown Size Python Medium 📌 Binary Search Template I
22 378. Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix Python Hard 📌 TODO: Check again the Binary Search approach. Very important

Binary Tree Bootcamp

Leetcode problems with solutions and tutorials/videos

Check this [golden]( post.

# Title Solution Tutorial Level Remarks
01 226. Invert Binary Tree Python
02 101. Symmetric Tree Python
03 102. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal Python
04 107. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II Python
05 103. Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal Python
06 104. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree Python Explanation
07 100. Same Tree Python
08 111. Minimum Depth of Binary Tree Python Easy ---
09 110. Balanced Binary Tree Python Video 1, Article 1, Article 2 Easy ---
10 105. Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal Python Art 1, Art 2, Vid 1 Medium DFS, Very Important
11 106. Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal Python Art 1 Medium DFS, Very Important
12 889. Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Postorder Traversal Python Vid 1, Art 1 Medium 📌 TODO: Check again. Important
13 124. Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum Python Art 1, Art 2, Vid 1, AlgoExpert Very Hard Very important and tricky
14 979. Distribute Coins in Binary Tree Python Art 1, Art 2, Art 3 Medium Very important. Postorder DFS
15 116. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node Python Art 1, Art 2, Art 3 Medium BFS/DFS, Level order traversal
16 117. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II Python Vid 1, Vid 2 Medium Very tricky, check again
17 199. Binary Tree Right Side View Python --- Medium ---
18 863. All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree Python Vid 1, Art 1, Art 2 Medium A combination of graph and tree. TODO: Check again. Very important
19 301. Remove Invalid Parentheses Python Vid 1, Vid 2, Art 1 Hard TODO: Not done, Check again. Very important. BFS and DFS
20 112. Path Sum Python Art 1 Easy ---
21 113. Path Sum II Python Art 1, Art 2 Medium ---
22 437. Path Sum III Python, Art 1, Art 2 Medium 📌 A good example of Prefix Sum and DFS. Very Important
23 543. Diameter of Binary Tree Python, Art 1 Medium 📌 Important
24 1110. Delete Nodes And Return Forest Python Vid 1, Vid 2, Art 1, Art 2 Medium 📌 **TODO: Check again. Important
25 257. Binary Tree Paths Python --- Easy DFS

Leetcode problems with solutions and tutorials/videos

# Title Solution Tutorial Level Remarks
01 701. Insert into a Binary Search Tree Python --- Medium Fundamentals
02 700. Search in a Binary Search Tree Python --- Easy Fundamentals
03 270. Closest Binary Search Tree Value Python --- Easy Fundamentals
04 450. Delete Node in a BST Python --- Medium Fundamentals
05 98. Validate Binary Search Tree Python --- Medium Fundamentals
06 94. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal Python --- Medium Fundamentals
07 144. Binary Tree Preorder Traversal Python --- Medium Fundamentals
08 145. Binary Tree Postorder Traversal Python --- Hard Fundamentals
09 108. Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree Python --- Easy Fundamentals
10 109. Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree Python --- Medium Classic problem. Very important

Leetcode problems with solutions and tutorials/videos

# Title Solution Tutorial Level Remarks
01 589. N-ary Tree Preorder Traversal Python
02 590. N-ary Tree Postorder Traversal Python
03 429. N-ary Tree Level Order Traversal Python
04 559. Maximum Depth of N-ary Tree Python
05 431. Encode N-ary Tree to Binary Tree Python Explanation
06 428. Serialize and Deserialize N-ary Tree Python

10. Tree

Leetcode problems with solutions and tutorials/videos

# Title Solution Tutorial Level Remarks
01 315. Count of Smaller Numbers After Self Python Article 1, Article 2, Vid 1, Vid 2 Hard (Very) 📌 Very hard and important. First learn BIT, ST, AVL-Tree and Red-Black Tree then try again

11. Tries

Leetcode problems with solutions and tutorials/videos

# Title Solution Tutorial Level Remarks
01 208. Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) Python
02 211. Add and Search Word. Data structure design Python Video 01, Video 02
03 642. Design Search Autocomplete System Python Article 01, Video 01 Hard ---

12. Graphs

BFS, DFS, Dijkstra, Floyd–Warshall, Bellman-Ford, Kruskal, Prim's, Minimum Spanning Tree, Topological Ordering, Union Find. Follow this golden rule to approach any graph problem.

Leetcode problems with solutions and tutorials/videos

# Title Solution Tutorial Level Remarks
01 207. Course Schedule Python Medium 📌 Very Important. Check again. BFS, Topological Sort
02 210. Course Schedule II Python Medium 📌 Very Important. Check again. BFS, Topological Sort
03 269. Alien Dictionary Python, Vid 1, Vid 2, Vid 3 Hard 📌 Very Important. Check again. BFS, Topological Sort
04 444. Sequence Reconstruction Python Medium/Hard 📌 Check again. BFS, Topological Sort
05 310. Minimum Height Trees Python Hard 📌 TODO: Check again, very hard, didn't get the intuition. BFS, Topological Sort
06 329. Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix Python Official, Art 1, Art 2 Hard ** 📌 TODO: Not Done, very hard and important. DP, Topological Sort **
07 1203. Sort Items by Groups Respecting Dependencies Python Hard 📌 TODO: Not Done, very hard, didn't get the intuition. BFS, Topological Sort
08 695. Max Area of Island Python --- Medium DFS
09 200. Number of Islands Python - DFS, Union Find, Art 1 Medium DFS + DFS, Union Find
10 305. Number of Islands II Python Union Find, Art 0, Art 1, Art 2, Art 3, Art 4, Art 5 Hard Union Find
11 399. Evaluate Division Python Art 0, Art 1, Art 2, Art 3, Art 4, Art 5 Medium TODO: Solve it using Union Find
12 841. Keys and Rooms Python, Art 1, Art 2 Medium BFS, DFS
13 490. The Maze Python, Vid 1, Art 1, Art 2, Art 3, Art 4, Art 5 Medium Modified BFS and DFS
14 130. Surrounded Regions Python, Art 1, Art 2 Medium TODO: Solve it using Union Find. Modified BFS and DFS
15 127. Word Ladder Python, Official, Art 1 Medium Very important and tricky. Modified BFS. Shortest Path finding
16 126. Word Ladder II Python, Official, Vid 1 Hard TODO: Not Done. Extremely tricky. Modified BFS. Learned Bidirectional Search
17 785. Is Graph Bipartite? Python, Official Medium Important, Learned new things. Undirected Graph
18 133. Clone Graph Python, Official Medium Important, Learned new things. Undirected Graph
19 332. Reconstruct Itinerary Python Vid 1, Vid 2, Art 1, Art 2, Art 3, Art 4 Medium Important, Learned new things. Directed Graph. Eulerian path and top Sort
20 1153. String Transforms Into Another String Python Vid 1, Vid 2, Art 1, Art 2, Art 3, Art 4, Art 5, Art 6 Extremely Hard TODO: Check again. Very Important and tricky, Learned new things. Digraph.
21 743. Network Delay Time Python Official, Dijkstra 1, Dijkstra 2, Vid 1, Art 1, Art 2, Art 3, Art 4 Medium TODO: Check again. Very Important. Learned (Dijkstra, Bellman, Floyed). Check references section
22 261. Graph Valid Tree Python Art 1, Art 2, Art 3, Art 4 Medium Important. BFS, DFS and Union Find
23 1168. Optimize Water Distribution in a Village Python Art 1, Art 2, Art 3, Art 4 Hard TODO: Check AGain. Prim's and Kruskal's algorithm. Important.
24 1197. Minimum Knight Moves Python Art 1 Medium TODO: Check AGain. Important.
25 1066. Campus Bikes II Python Vid 1, Art 1 Medium 📌 TODO: CHECK Dijkstra approach again. Backtracking solution is getting TLE. Solve it and implement it with DP also. Very important

Leetcode problems with solutions and tutorials/videos

# Title Solution Tutorial Level Remarks
01 509. Fibonacci Number Python
02 50. Pow(x, n) Python
00 It's a general topics which has been covered on Backtracking and graph problems --- --- --- ---

Leetcode problems with solutions and tutorials/videos

# Title Solution Tutorial Level Remarks
01 211. Add and Search Word. Data structure design Python Video 01, Video 02
02 37. Sudoku Solver Python Video 01, Video 02
03 52. N-Queens II Python Video 01, Video 02
04 784. Letter Case Permutation Python --- Easy Backtracking Fundamentals
05 1219. Path with Maximum Gold Python --- Medium 📌 ---
06 79. Word Search Python Article 1 Medium Backtracking Fundamentals
07 679. 24 Game Python Art 1, Art 2, Art 3, Official Very Hard 📌 Very tricky and important. Revise again.
08 1066. Campus Bikes II Python Vid 1, Art 1 Medium 📌 TODO: CHECK Dijkstra approach again. Backtracking solution is getting TLE. Solve it and implement it with DP also. Very important
09 1087. Brace Expansion Python --- Medium 📌 ---
10 78. Subsets Python Video 1, Video 2, Video 3, Article 1, Medium 📌 TODO: check bit manipulation
11 90. Subsets II Python Video 1, Video 2, Video 3, Article 1, Medium 📌
12 46. Permutations Python,,, Article 1, Article 2 Medium Backtracking Fundamentals
13 47. Permutations II Python,,, Article 1 Medium Backtracking Fundamentals
14 31. Next Permutation Python, Vid 1, Art 1 Medium Backtracking
15 77. Combinations Python Medium Backtracking
16 39. Combination Sum Python Article 1, Article 2 Medium Backtracking Fundamentals
17 40. Combination Sum II Python --- Medium Backtracking Fundamentals
18 17. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Python Video 1, Video 2 - paid course, Article 1 Medium Backtracking Fundamentals
19 22. Generate Parentheses Python, Video 1, Article 1 Medium Backtracking Fundamentals

15. Greedy

Leetcode problems with solutions and tutorials/videos

# Title Solution Tutorial Level Remarks
01 1055. Shortest Way to Form String Python Art 1, Art 2 Medium 📌 Check BS approach again
02 1057. Campus Bikes Python Video 01, Article 01 Medium 📌 Solve 1066. Campus Bikes II using DP, DFS and Priority Queue
03 1007. Minimum Domino Rotations For Equal Row Python Official, Article 01 Medium 📌 Hard to spot if it is a Greedy
04 406. Queue Reconstruction by Height Python Article 1, Article 2 Medium 📌 Fundamentals
05 621. Task Scheduler Python Ex 1, Ex 2, Vid 1, Vid 2, Vid 3, Vid 4 Medium 📌 Extremely tricky. Classic problem
06 392. Is Subsequence Python Ex 1, Ex 3 Easy 📌
07 55. Jump Game Python Official , Art 1 Medium 📌 Must Check. Learned a lot
08 45. Jump Game II Python, Vid 1, Vid 2, Vid 3, Art 1 Hard 📌
09 767. Reorganize String Python --- Medium Also check Heap approach
10 435. Non-overlapping Intervals Python Vid 1, Art 1 Medium Classic problem
11 57. Insert Interval Python Must Hard Greedy and Merge interval
12 986. Interval List Intersections Python --- Medium Greedy and Two Pointer
13 252. Meeting Rooms Python Official Easy Greedy and uses heap
14 253. Meeting Rooms II Python Official Medium Greedy and uses heap
15 759. Employee Free Time Python Hard Greedy and uses heap. Not done. Check again

Follow this golden rule to approach any DP problem.

Leetcode problems with solutions and tutorials/videos

# Title Solution Tutorial Level Remarks
01 53. Maximum Subarray Python
02 518. Coin Change 2 Python, Vid 1,, Medium Unbounded Knapsack
03 322. Coin Change Python, Vid 1, Medium Unbounded Knapsack
04 72. Edit Distance Python,,, Vid 1, Vid 2 Hard TODO: Check again. Very important and classic. Levenshtein Distance
05 70. Climbing Stairs Python Easy Fibonacci sequence pattern
06 96. Unique Binary Search Trees Python, Vid 1, Art 1, Vid 2, Vis 3 Medium 📌 Fundamentals
07 95. Unique Binary Search Trees II Python Medium ---
08 221. Maximal Square Python Video 01, Video 02
09 85. Maximal Rectangle Python Video 01
10 42. Trapping Rain Water Python Article 01 Hard 📌 Check stack and 2 pointers based solutions
11 300. Longest Increasing Subsequence Python,,, Vid 01, Vid 2 Medium 📌 Need to check Binary Search approach, which is a lot harder
12 1143. Longest Common Subsequence Python, Medium 📌 Classic DP
13 5. Longest Palindromic Substring Python,, Vid 1 Medium 📌 Classic DP
14 1066. Campus Bikes II Python Medium 📌 TODO: Backtracking solution is getting TLE. Solve it and implement it with DP also
15 121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Python Vid 1 Easy Fundamental
16 122. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II Python Video 01 Easy More like Greedy
17 123. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III Python Vid 1, Vid 2 Hard Fundamental
18 188. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV Python Vid 1, Vid 2 Hard Getting "Memory Limit Exceeded"
19 309. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown Python Must, Art0, Art1, Must 2 , Art 2, Art 3 Medium Very tricky, must check again. Couldn't solve
20 714. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee Python Must Read , Art 2 Medium More like Greedy, but DP
21 198. House Robber Python Must, Easy A Gold Mine
22 213. House Robber II Python Art 1, Art 2 Medium ---
23 337. House Robber III Python Art 1 Medium Another gold mine, hidden greedy and DFS
24 416. Partition Equal Subset Sum Python, Art 1, Vid 1, Vid 2, Vid 3, Vid 4 Medium 0/1 Knapsack, Very important
25 494. Target Sum Python, MUST MUST READ Medium 0/1 Knapsack, Very important. TODO: Not DOne. Check again
26 343. Integer Break Python Art 1, Art 2 Medium Unbounded Knapsack. TODO: Not Done. Check again
27 516. Longest Palindromic Subsequence Python, Vid 1, Vid 2 Medium ---
28 647. Palindromic Substrings Python Medium ---
29 680. Valid Palindrome II Python, Art 1, Art 2 Medium ---
30 1312. Minimum Insertion Steps to Make a String Palindrome Python Hard ---
31 132. Palindrome Partitioning II Python,, Vid 1, Vid 2 Hard TODO: Check again. Very difficult and important
32 718. Maximum Length of Repeated Subarray Python Medium Longest Common Substring variation
33 583. Delete Operation for Two Strings Python Medium ---
34 1092. Shortest Common Supersequence Python, Art 1 Hard TODO: Not Done
35 115. Distinct Subsequences Python Hard TODO: Check again
36 97. Interleaving String Python, Vid 1 Hard TODO: Check again. Very difficult and tricky to understand
37 1048. Longest String Chain Python Art 1 Medium Modified LIS

17. Bit Manipulation

Leetcode problems with solutions and tutorials/videos

# Title Solution Tutorial Level Remarks
01 78. Subsets Python Video 1, Video 2, Video 3 Medium 📌 TODO: code it in all 4 ways. First complete DFS, BFS, Bit Manipulation and some easy back tracking problem. ⭐ 😭 Didn't understand, check again
02 187. Repeated DNA Sequences Python Official Medium ⭐ 😭 Didn't understand, check again
03 461. Hamming Distance Python --- Easy 📌 The key here is to practice bit operation, i ignore any other attempts
04 371. Sum of Two Integers Python Video 1, Atricle 1 Easy 📌 The key here is to practice bit operation, i ignore any other attempts
05 169. Majority Element Python Atricle 1 Easy 📌 The key here is to practice bit operation, i ignore any other attempts
06 191. Number of 1 Bits Python Article 1 Easy 📌 The key here is to practice bit operation
07 268. Missing Number Python, Official Easy 📌 Learned few very important binary logic properties. Also check cyclic sort technique
08 389. Find the Difference Python --- Easy 📌
09 231. Power of Two Python Official, Signed number representations Easy 📌 Learned few very important binary logic properties
10 136. Single Number Python Easy 📌 The key here is to practice bit operation, i ignore any other attempts
11 137. Single Number II Python 1, 2, 3, Check discussion Medium ⭐ 😭 Didn't understand, check again
12 260. Single Number III Python Medium ⭐ Check again, very important
13 476. Number Complement Python Easy ⭐ Check again
14 832. Flipping an Image Python Easy ⭐ Check again


77 Problems

1. Arrays

Problem sstatement from with solutions and tutorials/videos

# Title Solution Tutorial Level Remarks
01 Two_Number_Sum Swift, Python
02 Three_Number_Sum Python
03 Smallest_Difference Python
04 Four_Number_Sum Python
05 Subarray_Sort Python
06 Largest_Range Python
07 Min_Rewards Python
08 Zigzag_Traverse Python
08 Apartment_Hunting Python
09 Calendar_Matching Python

2. Binary Search Tree

Problem sstatement from with solutions and tutorials/videos

# Title Solution Tutorial Level Remarks
01 BST_Construction_Iterative Python
02 BST_Construction_Recursive Python
03 Validate_BST Python
04 Find_Closest_Value_in_BST Python
05 BST_Traversal Python

3. Binary Tree

Problem sstatement from with solutions and tutorials/videos

# Title Solution Tutorial Level Remarks
01 Invert_Binary_Tree Python
02 Max_Path_Sum_In_Binary_Tree Python
03 Iterative_In-order_Traversal Python

4. Dynamic Programming

Problem sstatement from with solutions and tutorials/videos

# Title Solution Tutorial Level Remarks
01 Number_Of_Ways_To_Make_Changes Python
02 Minimum_Number_Of_Coins_For_Change Python
03 Levenshtein_Distance Python
04 Min_Number_Of_Jumps Python Video 1
05 Max_Sum_Increasing_Subsequence Python
06 Longest_Common_Subsequence Python Video 1
07 Water_Area Python
08 Knapsack_Problem Python
09 Disk_Stacking Python
10 Numbers_In_Pi Python
11 Maximum_Subset_Sum_With_No_Adjacent_Element Python
12 Max_Profit_With_K_Transactions Python
13 Palindrome_Partitioning_Min_Cuts Python
14 Longest_Increasing_Subsequence Python Video 1, Video 2, , Video 3

5. Famous Algorithm

Problem sstatement from with solutions and tutorials/videos

# Title Solution Tutorial Level Remarks
01 Kadane's_Algorithm Python
02 Topological_Sort Python

6. Graphs

Problem sstatement from with solutions and tutorials/videos

# Title Solution Tutorial Level Remarks
01 Youngest_Common_Ancestor Python
02 Single_Cycle_Check Python
03 River_Sizes Python
04 Depth_First_Search Python
05 Breadth_First_Search Python
06 Boggle_Board Python

7. Heaps

Problem sstatement from with solutions and tutorials/videos

# Title Solution Tutorial Level Remarks
01 Min_Heap_Construction Python Video 1
02 Continuous_Median Python Video 1, Video 2

8. Linked List

Problem sstatement from with solutions and tutorials/videos

# Title Solution Tutorial Level Remarks
01 Remove_Kth_Node_From_End Python
02 Linked_List_Construction Python
03 Find_Loop Python
04 Reverse_Linked_List Python
05 LRU_Cache Python

9. Recursion

Problem sstatement from with solutions and tutorials/videos

# Title Solution Tutorial Level Remarks
01 Powerset Python
02 Permutations Python
03 Nth_Fibonacci Python
04 Product_Sum Python
05 Lowest_Common_Manager Python
06 Number_Of_Possible_Binary_Tree_Topologies Python

10. Searching

Problem sstatement from with solutions and tutorials/videos

# Title Solution Tutorial Level Remarks
01 Search_In_Sorted_Matrix Python
02 Find_Three_Largest_Number Python
03 Binary_Search Python
04 Shifted_Binary_Search Python
05 Search_For_Range Python
06 Quick_Select (Kth smallest/largest element) Python

11. Sorting

Problem sstatement from with solutions and tutorials/videos

# Title Solution Tutorial Level Remarks
01 Selection_Sort Python
02 Insertion_Sort Python
03 Bubble_Sort Python
04 Quick_Sort Python Video 1
05 Heap_Sort Python
06 Merge_Sort Python

12. Stacks

Problem sstatement from with solutions and tutorials/videos

# Title Solution Tutorial Level Remarks
01 Balanced Bracket Python
02 Min_Max_Stack_Construction Python

13. String

Problem sstatement from with solutions and tutorials/videos

# Title Solution Tutorial Level Remarks
01 Palindrom_Check Python
02 Longest_Palindromic_Substring Python
03 Caesar_Cipher_Encryptor Python
04 Longest_Substring_Without_Duplication Python
05 Underscorify_Substring Python
06 Pattern_Matcher Python

14. Tries

Problem sstatement from with solutions and tutorials/videos

# Title Solution Tutorial Level Remarks
01 Suffix_Trie_Construction Python
02 Multi_String_Search Python


Some helpful links, channels, tutorials, blogs.

1. Strategies

  1. How a Googler solves coding problems
  2. Nail Every Coding Interview by Becoming Asymmetrical
  3. How to get into FAANG
  4. Preparing for Programming interview with Python
  5. The 30-minute guide to rocking your next coding interview
  6. Google Interview Part-1 , Google Interview Part-2, Google Interview Part-3, Final Part
  7. Amazon ও Google এ চাকরির সুযোগ পাওয়ার প্রস্তুতি পর্ব
  8. How to use LeetCode effectively
  9. How to solve ANY interview question
  10. How To Ace The Google Coding Interview - Complete Guide
  11. Software Engineering Interviews: The Golden Path To Passing
  13. 10 Steps to Solving a Programming Problem

2. Courses/Books

  1. Data Structures in Python: An Interview Refresher
  2. Grokking the Coding Interview: Patterns for Coding Questions
  3. Grokking Dynamic Programming Patterns for Coding Interviews
  4. Coding Interview Class
  5. Competitive Programmer’s Handbook

3. Python

Learn the following modules by heart. Just knowing all of the following items will made most of the problem one-liners.

  1. itertools - Functions creating iterators for efficient looping - They will help you, more often than you think
  2. collections - High-performance container datatypes - Believe me, this is pretty awesome
  3. heapq - Heap queue algorithm - Obviously, we don't have to hand-code heaps anymore
  4. bisect - Array bisection algorithm - Binary Search, simplified
  5. Set
  6. Dict - Now on, hash Tables are fun to work with
  7. Sorting - Don't participate in competitions without reading this completely.
  8. Start using lambda extensively
  9. functools
  10. Apart from these, all the builtin methods of default containers.
  11. Understanding slice notation - you will need/use it more than you can imagine
  12. Magic Methods

4. Channels

  1. Tushar Roy - Coding Made Simple
  2. Back To Back SWE
  3. William Fiset
  4. Irfan Baqui

5. Tree (Tree, BST, BIT, Segment Tree, N-aray Tree, Trie etc)

  1. Fenwick Tree or Binary Indexed Tree - youtube
  2. Binary Indexed Tree or Fenwick Tree - geeksforgeeks
  3. Binary Indexed Tree or Fenwick Tree - topcoder
  4. Segment Tree Range Minimum Query - youtube
  5. Segment Tree | Set 1 (Sum of given range) - geeksforgeeks
  6. Practical Data Structures for Frontend Applications: When to use Segment Trees
  7. What is the difference between a binary indexed tree and a segment tree?
  8. How does one decide when to use a Segment Tree or Fenwick Tree?
  9. What are the differences between segment trees, interval trees, binary indexed trees and range trees?
  10. Height, Depth and Level of a Tree
  11. What is the difference between tree depth and height?

6. Graph(Dijkstra, Union Find, Kruskal, Prim's, Minimum Spanning Tree, Topological Ordering...etc)

  1. Graph Theory Playlist
  2. Graph Theory Playlist 2
  3. Union Find [Disjoint Set] Playlist
  4. Disjoint Sets Data Structure - Weighted Union and Collapsing Find
  6. Single/All Source Shortest Path Algorithms: Dijkstra (1, 2), Bellman-Ford(1, 2), Floyd–Warshall(1, 2)
  7. Dijkstra’s Algorithm Vs Bellman-Ford Algorithm Vs Floyd Warshall Algorithm (1, 2, 3
  8. Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm: Prim's (1, 2, Kruskal's (1, 2
  9. Kruskal's algorithm Vs Prim's algorithm (1, 2, 3

7. Bit Manipulation

  1. Bit Manipulation - youtube
  2. Conversion of Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers
  3. Your guide to Bit Manipulation
  4. Python Bitwise Operators
  5. Add Two Numbers Without The "+" Sign (Bit Shifting Basics)
  6. Binary Arithmetic
  7. 1’s and 2’s complement of a Binary Number
  8. What is “2's Complement”?
  9. Bits manipulation (Important tactics)
  10. Bit Manipulation
  11. Python Bitwise Operators
  12. XOR - The magical bitwise operator
  13. A summary: how to use bit manipulation to solve problems easily and efficiently - leetcode
  14. Bit Manipulation 4% of LeetCode Problems
  15. Coding Interview University - Bitwise operations
  16. Mask (computing)
  17. What is Bit Masking?
  18. Understanding Bit masks
  19. Bitmasks: A very esoteric (and impractical) way of managing booleans
  20. Hacker’s Delight - BOOK
  21. Bitwise operators — Facts and Hacks
  22. Signed number representations

8. Dynamic Programming

  1. The FAST method
  2. A good approach to attack DP
  3. Tabulation vs Memoization
  4. Memoization vs Tabulation
  5. 1D Subproblems vs. 2D Subproblems
  6. Memoization (1D, 2D and 3D)
  7. Introduction to Multi-dimensional Dynamic Programming
  8. Dynamic Programming Patterns - MUST READ
  9. My experience and notes for learning DP
  10. DP IS EASY! 5 Steps to Think Through DP Questions

9. Greedy

  1. Greedy Method - Introduction
  2. Introduction to Greedy Method
  3. Introduction to Greedy Algorithms | GeeksforGeeks
  4. Basics of Greedy Algorithms
  5. When to try greedy algorithms on problems?
  6. How to spot a “greedy” algorithm?

10. DP VS Greedy

  1. Greedy Algorithm and Dynamic Programming
  2. Greedy approach vs Dynamic programming
  3. What is the difference between dynamic programming and greedy approach?

11. Backtracking

  1. Backtracking - wiki
  2. Backtracking | Introduction
  3. Introduction to Backtracking - Brute Force Approach
  4. Branch and Bound Introduction
  5. The Backtracking Blueprint: The Legendary 3 Keys To Backtracking Algorithms
  6. Backtracking explained
  7. Foundation of algorithms - Chapter 5 (Backtracking) notes
  8. Backtracking Search Algorithms

12. Recursion

  1. Learning to think with recursion, part 1
  2. Learning to think with recursion, part 2
  3. What makes a data structure recursive?
  4. Binary Tree as a Recursive Data Structure
  5. Recursion Visualizer - use Viz Mode
  6. Thinking Recursively in Python
  7. Breaking out of a recursive function?
  8. Why does recursion return the first call in the stack and not the last?

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  • Python 98.5%
  • Swift 1.5%