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This is a fully working example based on the development template. The development template is optimized for the use with

With this development template in addition with you can easily develop your own app.
You don't need to think about the hosting and communication with the shop.
This will all be done by and our controller and services.

Getting started

In order to use this template for development or for production you need to configure two things.

  • The APP_NAME (the unique name of your app, the root app folder has to be named equally)
  • The APP_SECRET (a secret which is needed for the registration process)

You need to set both of them in your manifest.xml but also in the

An example for the manifest.xml would be:

<manifest xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">

An example for the would be:

        APP_NAME: myExampleApp
        APP_SECRET: myAppSecret

These should also be changed in the .env to develop locally.

Create the manifest.xml

To easily create manifest.xml-files you can use the bin/console app:create-manifest command.
This command will generate a manifest from the template.
For testing purposes this is the default manifest template from our example app.
In there you can use {{ APP_NAME }},{{ APP_SECRET }},{{ APP_URL_CLIENT }} and {{ APP_URL_BACKEND }} which will get replaced by the values configured in your .env.
Further more you can use your own variables like {{ MY_OWN_VARIABLE }} and declare them when executing the command like this bin/console app:create-manifest MY_OWN_VARIABLE=MY_OWN_VARIABLE_VALUE.
This allows you to easily change URL's in your manifest.xml without changing the .env file.
The generated manifest.xml can be found in build/dev.


This is a symfony based development template.
To register your app you only need to configure your manifest.
The registration URL is

The SwagAppsystem\Client and SwagAppsystem\Event will be injected when you need them. For example:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace App\Controller;

use App\SwagAppsystem\Client;
use App\SwagAppsystem\Event;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

class OrderController
     * @Route("/order/placed/event", methods={"POST"})
    public function orderPlacedEvent(Client $client, Event $event): Response

In there you can use the $client to communicate with the shop or use the $event to get the data.

App lifecycle events

There are five app lifecycle events which can be triggered during the lifecycle of an app.
The events are app.installed, app.updated, app.deleted, app.activated and app.deactivated. To use this events you have to create the webhooks in your manifest.
If you want to implement your own code you only need to implement the AppLifecycleHandler interface and write your own code.

The app.installed event gets triggered each time the app gets installed.
This will also trigger the app.activated event.
At each of this both events the shop is already installed and registered at your app.
The webhook could look like this:

<webhook name="appLifecycleInstalled" url="https://your-shop-url/applifecycle/installed" event="app.installed"/>

The app.updated event gets triggered each time a shop updated your app.
The webhook could look like this:

<webhook name="appLifecycleUpdated" url="https://your-shop-url/applifecycle/updated" event="app.updated"/>

The app.deleted event gets triggered each time a shop deletes your app.
At this point the shop is deleted using the shopRepository.
You should delete all shop data you have saved and stop the communication with the shop.
The webhook could look like this:

<webhook name="appLifecycleDeleted" url="https://your-shop-url/applifecycle/deleted" event="app.deleted"/>

The app.activated event gets triggered each time your app gets installed or activated.
At this point you can start the communication with the shop.
The webhook could look like this:

<webhook name="appLifecycleActivated" url="https://your-shop-url/applifecycle/activated" event="app.activated"/>

The app.deactivated event gets triggered each time your app gets deactivated.
At this point you should stop the communication with the shop.
The webhook could look like this:

<webhook name="appLifecycleDeactivated" url="https://your-shop-url/applifecycle/deactivated" event="app.deactivated"/>


To test your app you can use PHPUnit
You can write your own tests in tests
and execute them executing vendor/bin/phpunit

To check your codestyle you can use EasyCodingStandard
Just execute vendor/bin/ecs check to check your code or add --fix to also fix your code.

Deployment on

To deploy your app on just follow the instructions:

After the deployment you can use the CLI to set up the database. First ssh to your server: platform ssh
Then run the migrations: vendor/bin/doctrine-migrations migrations:migrate
That's is. Your server is running and you can start developing your own app.

The registration process

The registration is the most important thing in your app.
To handle this we have the Registration controller.
This controller will handle the whole registration.

The registration will go through several steps.

  • authenticate the registration request
  • generate an unique secret for the shop
  • save the secret with the id and the url of the shop
  • send the secret to the shop with a confirmation url
  • authenticate the confirmation request
  • save the access keys for the shop

Now the shop is registered to the app and you can start communicating with it.

Communicating with the shop

To communicate with the shop you can use the Client.
The client includes all necessary functionality for communication purposes.

It will authenticate itself to the shop whenever needed.
For example if you want to search a specific product it will first authenticate itself to get the bearer token from the shop.
Then it will set the necessary headers which are needed and then perform your search.

If there is some functionality which isn't implemented into the client you can simply get your own client with $client->getHttpClient.
This client has already the needed header and token to communicate with the shop.
Now you can perform your own requests.

Handling events

In your manifest you can define your own webhooks.
To handle these in your app we included the Event.
You can use it whenever an event gets triggered.

The event itself has all the necessary information you might need.
It includes the shopUrl, shopId, appVersion and the eventData.

The argument resolver

There are two argument resolver. One for the Client and one for the Event.
The purpose of those is to inject the Client and the Event whenever you need them.

For example you define a route for incoming webhooks and want to fetch some extra data.
Then you can use them as a parameter of the method which will be called when a request is send to the route.

But how do you know that the request is from the shop and not from someone who is sending post requests to your app? The argument resolver take care of it. Whenever you use one of them as a parameter the request will be authenticated.
If the request isn't authenticated the Client or the Event will be null.

The shop repository

The ShopRepository can be used to get the secret of the shop and the Credentials.

For example if you want to build your own authentication you can use the ShopRepository to get the secret to the corresponding shop.
But if you want to build your own Client you can simply get the Credentials for a specific shopId.


Let's talk about the infrastructure.
The infrastructure is coupled to your plan which you are paying for.
Each resource whether it is CPU and RAM or disc space is only for one environment / cluster.
It is not shared between multiple environments / clusters.


The resources for cpu and ram are shared between all your container in the cluster.
If one container in your application needs much more ram than another application then you can set the resources with the size key.
You can configure this for your application in your
And configure this for your services in your services.yaml.

This key is optional and by default set to AUTO.
However if you want to change it, you can set it to S, M, L, XL, 2XL or 4XL.
This defines how much resources one container gets.
If the total resources requested by all apps and services is larger than that what the plan size allows
then a production deployment will fail with an error.

You need to keep in mind that the size key only has impact on your production environment.
The key will be ignored in the development environment and will be set to S.
If you need to increase this you can do it on you plan settings page for a fee.

Disc space

Another thing you can configure is the disk space of each application and service.
You can also configure this in and services.yaml.

The resources for the disc space are also shared between all container in the cluster.
The key for this is the disk key.
It is optional so if you don't set it platform-sh will handle it for you.
However if you need much storage for your database then you can change this key in your services.yaml.

The value of this key is always in MB.
For our example we used 2GB or 2048MB for our application and another 2GB or 2048MB for our database.

The default storage you get with each plan is 5GB or 5120MB.
In our case we only used 4GB or 4096MB so you have 1GB or 1024 left
which you can give to your application or to your database.

Whether you use it or not won't affect your costs.

Code quality

To improve your code style we added EasyCodingStandard and for testing purposes PHPUnit.

To check your code style just execute vendor/bin/ecs check or add --fix to also fix your code.

To make sure that your code is working correctly you can write your own tests in tests.
In order to execute those just execute vendor/bin/phpunit.

Local development with docker

Getting started

To develop your own apps locally, you need to do some changes to your existing Shopware development setup.
I assume that you have already set up your local Shopware development setup.
If not here you get more information about the setup
At first, you should clone the app template from GitHub and create a manifest.xml for your app.
For further information about the manifest.xml have a look at our documentation. Or for a fully working example based on this template watch out for our appExample.

Your folder structure should look as follows:

│  ├──custom
│  │  └───apps
│  │      └───yourAppName
│  │          └───manifest.xml
│  │
│  ├──platform
│  └──...

Combining both in one docker setup

Once your Shopware development setup is ready to go you need to add your app to it.
This is done by adding the services to your development/docker-compose.yml.

At first, you need to add two networks. One for your app system and another one for combining the app system with Shopware.
This is done by simply adding the networks appSystem and development to your existing ones:


The appSystem-network is only for your app server and the app database.
The development-network is used to combine your app server with the Shopware server.

Now you need to define the services in your development/docker-compose.yml. Insert the following to firstly add your app server.

    image: shopware/development:local
      - "../shopwareAppTemplate:/app"
      - "~/.composer:/.composer"
      CONTAINER_UID: 1000
      - ""
          - example

This adds a new container to your docker setup running your app server's code. The new container is available at the networks appSystem and development.
In the development-network your app server has the alias example. This will be the url which your Shopware server needs to communicate with.
This is also the url which you should use in your manifest.xml except for iframes. The volumes represents the relative path to your app.
And ports exposes port 8000 to to us so that we can go to or localhost:7777 to directly connect to your app server.
This will come in handy when we register your own modules to use iframes.

The next step is to also add your mysql server to your docker setup.
This is as easy as it was for your app server.
Simply add this to your development/docker-compose.yml.

    build: dev-ops/docker/containers/mysql
      MYSQL_USER: app
      - "5506:3306"
      - ./dev-ops/docker/_volumes/mysql-example:/mysql-data
          - appmysql

As you already know you connect your mysql server to the same network as your app server and give it the alias appmysql.
Furthermore, you can now connect to your database on port 5506 from outside of the docker container.
Last but not least we define the credentials for the mysql server and you are done with this.

Now you need to add him to your development-network and give him an alias as follows:

    image: shopware/development:latest
          - docker.vm
          - shopware
      - "docker.vm:"
      - ~/.composer:/.composer
      - /tmp:mode=1777

Now your app server can communicate with the Shopware server and your app server can also communicate with your app database.

Access your app server via ssh

To easily access your app server via ssh, you need to create this script development/dev-ops/docker/actions/

#!/usr/bin/env bash

TTY: docker exec -i --env COLUMNS=`tput cols` --env LINES=`tput lines` -u __USERKEY__ -t __EXAMPLE_APP_SERVER_ID__ bash

This script can be executed from your development folder with ./psh.phar docker:ssh-app-server.
Keep in mind that this is only possible when the app server has been started with ./psh.phar docker:start from your development folder.

To make sure this script actually knows the ID of your app server which is running in the docker container, you need to define the EXAMPLE_APP_SERVER_ID in the development/.psh.yaml.override.
Your development/.psh.yaml.override should look like this:

  EXAMPLE_APP_SERVER_ID: docker-compose ps -q example_app_server

Initialising the server

To initialise the app server and the app database you should access your app server via ssh and run composer install --no-interaction.
Next you need to change your shopwareAppTemplate/.env and set the DATABASE_URL to mysql://app:app@appmysql:3306/main.
This should look familiar to you because you just configured it in the development/docker-compose.yml.

The next steps should be done while connected over ssh to your app server.
Now you can set up the database by simply typing bin/console doctrine:database:create.
This will create your database with name main.
Then execute the migrations with bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --no-interaction. Now your database is ready.

Registration of local apps

This last step assumes that you already have a valid manifest.xml in the correct folder.
In order to check this, make sure your manifest is in development/custom/apps/yourAppName/manifest.xml.
Then access your local Shopware instance via ssh with ./psh.phar docker:ssh and execute the check with bin/console app:validate.
This will tell you if you provided a valid manifest.xml.

For the sake of simplicity you need to change the APP_URL of your Shopware instance to match the network-alias you gave him.
This should be done in your development/.psh.yaml.override which should look like this:

  APP_URL: "http://shopware"

To make sure your APP_URL changed you need to reconnect to your Shopware instance via ssh with ./psh.phar docker:ssh.
Now your APP_URL changed and you can register your app via bin/console app:refresh. This can also be done by bin/console app:install yourAppName.
In order to access the Shopware admin you should run ./psh.phar administration:watch. Now you can access the admin on localhost:8080.

Note: Like with plugins, apps get installed as inactive. You can activate them by passing the --activate flag to the app:install command or by executing app:activate.

Working with iframes

Due to the fact that the aliases for your app server only work inside the docker container, you need to change it in the manifest.xml.
In contrast to every other action, like webhooks or action buttons, iframes need to be accessible from outside the docker container.
For this purpose iframes are the only thing in your manifest.xml where you need to set the source to http://localhost:7777 as defined in the development/docker-compose.yml.

Local development with

Forwarding requests

In order to register your local Shopware instance to your app on you need to be able to connect from to your client.
To do so, just forward the request from your app to your local Shopware instance. This can be done with port forwarding.
This means that every request which is addressed to localhost:8000 on your app will be forwarded to your defined port to your client.
But why should your app send requests to itself? This happens when your app wants to communicate with your local Shopware instance which should run on localhost:8000.
Then your app will send each request to localhost:8000 which then should get forwarded to your client to the port where Shopware is running on.

####But how does this work in practice?

To accomplish this, just copy the command from which can be found in the top right corner and paste it into your terminal.
This should look something like this ssh
To make the authentication much easier we recommend installing the cli and log in into your project.

To redirect the requests we need to add the option -R with a few parameters to the copied command.
First we define the port on the remote server which should be forwarded to us. In our case this is port 8000.
The second parameter is the destination on your client. This will be your local Shopware instance which is running on localhost:8000.
If you put everything together this should look something like this ssh -R 8000:localhost:8000
The last thing you have to do is to change all URLs in your manifest.xml to point to your URL and you are done.
For further information have a look at remote forwarding.

Switching between and local development

The best way to switch from to your local setup and vice versa is to have two manifest.xml files.
Just create the first one for your setup with bin/console app:create-manifest APP_NAME=PlatformshSetup APP_URL_CLIENT= APP_URL_BACKEND= and the other one for your local setup with
bin/console app:create-manifest APP_NAME=LocalSetup APP_URL_CLIENT=http://localhost/your-local-client-url APP_URL_BACKEND=http://localhost/your-local-backend-url Then place them in development/custom/apps/your-app-name/manifest.xml and you are good to go.

Once you switch to local development you have to make sure to change your APP_URL of your Shopware instance in your development/.psh.yaml.override back to http://localhost:8000. This can be done as follows:

  APP_URL: "http://localhost:8000"

And vice versa change it to http://shopware for development with
After changing your APP_URL you need to execute bin/console app:url-change:resolve. More about this here.


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