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Continuous Clearing Tool



The Continuous Clearing Tool helps the Project Manager/Developer to automate the sw360 clearing process of 3rd party components. This tool scans and identifies the third-party components used in a NPM, NUGET, MAVEN, PYTHON, CONAN and Debian projects and makes an entry in SW360, if it is not present. Continuous Clearing Tool links the components to the respective project and creates job for code scan in FOSSology.The output is an SBOM file which has a nested description of software artifact components and metadata.

Continuous Clearing Tool reduces the effort in creating components in SW360 and identifying the matching source codes from the public repository. Tool eliminates the manual error while creating component and identifying correct version of source code from public repository. Continuous Clearing Tool harmonize the creation of 3P components in SW360 by filling necessary information.

SEPP Integration with Continuous Clearing Tool

The Continuous Clearing Tool incorporates SEPP tool functionalities, seamlessly integrated into the Artifactory uploader. This integration ensures

  • Software License Clearing is done.
  • No pre-release versions of re-use components are used.
  • Trace-ability is guaranteed

What is SEPP tool performing currently ?

  • Check for third-party packages in artifactory
  • Move internal packages from energy-dev- to energy-release- repos/
  • Clone Git repositories.
  • Export JSON file for Long term Archiving (LTA-Export)

What are the existing functionalities of Continuous Clearing Tool ?

  • Check for third party packages
  • Identification of correct source code from github
  • Creating third party components in SW360
  • Triggering source code scan in FOSSology
  • Copy cleared third party components from remote repo to SIPARTY release repo.

Which functionality of SEPP did Continuous Clearing adapt newly ?

  • Move internal packages from energy-dev-* to energy-release-* repos
  • Copy development dependency packages to siparty-devdep-* repos

What happens to SEPP now ?

Currently LTA support is not provided for SBOM, hence until that is implemented SEPP will coexist with continuous clearing tool .Once the implementation is done SEPP will eventually phase out.

Continuous Clearing Tool workflow diagram


  1. Make an entry for your project in SW360 for license clearance and is should be in Active state while running Continuous Clearing Tool

  2. Access request :

    Get SW360 REST API Authentication token

    1.SW360 token :

    a) The user can generate a token from their functional account.

    b) The necessary credentials for token generation i.e the client id and client secret.

    2.Artifactory Token :

    a)For enabling the upload of cleared, internal and development packages into jfrog artifactory, user's need to have their own jfrog artifactory credentials.This includes a username and an Apikey.

    Pipeline Configuration :

    For certain scenarios we have predefined exit codes as mentioned below:

    Exit Code Scenario
    0 Success
    1 Critical failure/error in the run
    2 Action item required from user's side

    While configuring the Continuous Clearing Tool in the pipeline , user can configure each stage to display the result based on these exit codes.

    This can be done by the configuration management team at the time of modifying the pipeline to support Continuous Clearing Tool.

    After the configuration your pipeline will look like this :



Use container image

docker pull

Nuget package

Download the .nupkg file from GitHub releases.

Demo project after consuming the package

You can find sample yml files under the DemoProject.

Continuous Clearing Tool Execution


The Continuous Clearing Tool has 3 dlls, Execute them in the following order to achieve the complete License clearing process.

1. Package Identifier - Processes the input file and generates CycloneDX BOM file. The input file can be package file or a cycloneDx BOM file generated using the standard tool. If there are multiple input files, it can be processed by just passing the path to the directory in the argument

2. SW360 Package Creator - Process the SBOM file(i.e., output of the first dll) and creates the missing components/releases in SW360 and links all the components to the project in the SW360 portal. This exe also triggers the upload of the components to Fossology and automatically updates the clearing state in SW360.

  `Note : Since the PackageIdentifier generates an SBOM file both Dev dependency and internal components will be existing in the BOM file.Make sure to set `RemoveDevDependency` Flag as true while running this exe`

3. Artifactory Uploader - This processes the CycloneDXBOM file generated by the SW360PackageCreator. It targets components with an already cleared status (i.e., "Report approved") and facilitates the copy of these components from the remote repository to the "siparty release" repository in JFrog Artifactory. Additionally, it handles the copy of development components from the remote repository to the "siparty devdep" repository. Furthermore, internal packages are moved from the "energy-dev-" repository to the "energy-release-" repository. Components in states not meeting the above conditions are designated for handling by clearing experts through the Continuous Clearing Dashboard.

  `Note: The default setting for the Release flag is False. This flag is present to execute a dry run of the component copy/move operation. This dry run is instrumental in verifying the accuracy of the components' paths and permissions before the actual operation takes place.`

Prerequisite for Continuous Clearing Tool execution

  • Input files according to project type

    • Project Type : NPM

      • Input file repository should contain package-lock.json file. If not present do an npm install. folderpic
    • Project Type : Nuget

      • .Net core/.Net standard type project's input file repository should contain project.assets.json file. If not present do a dotnet restore.

      • .Net Framework projects, input file repository should contain a packages.config file.

    • Project Type : Maven

      • Apache Maven has to be installed in the build machine and added in the PATH variable. *Add the cycloneDX Maven Plugin to the main **pom.xml" and run the command to generate the input bom file.

         mvn install cyclonedx:makeAggregateBom
      • Input file repository should contain bom.cdx.json file,Which will be the output of CycloneDx-Maven-Plugin tool

      • Note : Incase your project has internal dependencies, compile the project prior to running the clearing tool

          mvn clean install -DskipTests=true 
    • Project Type : Python

      • Input file repository should contain poetry.lock file.
    • Project Type : Conan

      • Input file repository should contain conan.lock file.
    • Project Type : Debian

      Note : below steps is required only if you have tar file to process , otherwise you can keep CycloneDx.json file in the InputDirectory.

      • Create InputImage directory for keeping tar images and InputDirectory for resulted file storing .

      • Run the command given below by replacing the place holder values (i.e., path to input image directory, path to input directory and file name of the Debian image to be cleared) with actual values.

        Example: docker run --rm -v /<path/to/InputImageDirectory>:/tmp/InputImages -v /<path/to/InputDirectory>:/tmp/OutputFiles /opt/DebianImageClearing/./syft packages /tmp/InputImages/<fileNameofthedebianImageTobeCleared.tar> -o cyclonedx-json --file "/tmp/OutputFiles/output.json"

        After successful execution, output.json (CycloneDX.json) file will be created in specified directory


        Resulted output.json file will be having the list of installed packages and the same file will be used as an input to Continuous clearing tool - Bom creator as an argument(--packagefilepath). The remaining process is same as other project types.

Configuring the Continuous Clearing Tool

Arguments can be provided to the tool in two ways :

Method 1 (Recommended)

Copy the below content and create new appSettings.json file in Continuous Clearing tool Config directory.

Below is the list of settings can be made in appSettings.json file.

Sample appSettings.json file

  "CaVersion": "4.0.0",
  "TimeOut": 200,
  "ProjectType": "<Insert ProjectType>",
  "SW360ProjectName": "<Insert SW360 Project Name>",
  "SW360ProjectID": "<Insert SW360 Project Id>",
  "Sw360AuthTokenType": "Bearer",
  "Sw360Token": "<Insert SW360Token in a secure way>",
  "SW360URL": "<Insert SW360URL>",
  "Fossologyurl": "<Insert Fossologyurl>",
  "JFrogApi": "<Insert JFrogApi>",
  "PackageFilePath": "/mnt/Input",
  "BomFolderPath": "/mnt/Output",
  "BomFilePath":"/mnt/Output/<SW360 Project Name>_Bom.cdx.json",
//IdentifierBomFilePath : For multiple project type 
  "IdentifierBomFilePath": "",
//CycloneDxSBomTemplatePath : To be used when customer is providing manual SBOM template
  "CycloneDxSBomTemplatePath": "/PathToSBOMTemplateFile",
  "ArtifactoryUploadApiKey": "<Insert ArtifactoryUploadApiKey in a secure way>",//This should be Jfrog Key
  "ArtifactoryUploadUser": "<Insert ArtifactoryUploadUser>",//This should be Jfrog user name
  "RemoveDevDependency": true,
  "EnableFossTrigger": true,
  "Release": false,
  "InternalRepoList": [
    "<Npm Internal Repo Names>", //This should be the internal repo names in JFrog for NPM
    "<Nuget Internal Repo Names>",//This should be the internal repo names in JFrog for Nuget
    "<Maven Internal Repo Names>",//This should be the internal repo names in JFrog for Maven
    "<Python Internal Repo Names>",//This should be the internal repo names in JFrog for Python
  "Npm": {
    "Include": [ "p*-lock.json" ,"*.cdx.json"],
    "Exclude": [ "node_modules" ],
    "JfrogNpmRepoList": [
      "<Npm Remote Cache Repo Name>",//This is a mirror repo for npm registry in JFrog
      "<Npm Release Repo Name>", //This should be the release repo in JFrog
      "<Npm DevDep Repo Name>" //This should be the development dependency repo in JFrog
    "JfrogThirdPartyDestRepoName": "<Insert third party NpmDestRepoName>",
    "JfrogInternalDestRepoName": "<Insert Internal NpmDestRepoName>",
    "JfrogDevDestRepoName": "<Insert Dev NpmDestRepoName>",
    "ExcludedComponents": []
  "Nuget": {
    "Include": [ "pack*.config", "p*.assets.json", "*.cdx.json" ],
    "Exclude": [],
    "JfrogNugetRepoList": [
      "<Nuget Remote Cache Repo Name>",//This is a mirror repo for in JFrog
      "<Nuget Release Repo Name>",//This should be the release repo in JFrog
      "<Nuget DevDep Repo Name>" //This should be the development dependency repo in JFrog
    "JfrogThirdPartyDestRepoName": "<Insert third party NugetDestRepoName>",
    "JfrogInternalDestRepoName": "<Insert Internal NugetDestRepoName>",
    "JfrogDevDestRepoName": "<Insert Dev NugetDestRepoName>",
    "ExcludedComponents": []
  "Maven": {
    "Include": [ "*.cdx.json" ],
    "Exclude": [],
    "JfrogMavenRepoList": [
      "<Maven Remote Cache Repo Name>",//This is a mirror repo for repo.maven in JFrog
      "<Maven Release Repo Name>",//This should be the release repo.maven in JFrog
      "<Maven DevDep Repo Name>" //This should be the development dependency repo in JFrog
    "JfrogThirdPartyDestRepoName": "<Insert third party MavenDestRepoName>",
    "JfrogInternalDestRepoName": "<Insert Internal MavenDestRepoName>",
    "JfrogDevDestRepoName": "<Insert Dev MavenDestRepoName>",
    "ExcludedComponents": []
  "Debian": {
    "Include": [ "*.json" ],
    "Exclude": [],
    "ExcludedComponents": []
  "Python": {
    "Include": [ "poetry.lock", "*.cdx.json" ],
    "Exclude": [],
    "JfrogPythonRepoList": [
      "<Python Remote Cache Repo Name>",
      "<Python Release Repo Name>",//This should be the release repo in JFrog
      "<Python DevDep Repo Name>" //This should be the development dependency repo in JFrog
    "JfrogThirdPartyDestRepoName": "<Insert third party PythonDestRepoName>",
    "JfrogInternalDestRepoName": "<Insert Internal PythonDestRepoName>",
    "JfrogDevDestRepoName": "<Insert Dev PythonDestRepoName>",
    "ExcludedComponents": []
  "Conan": {
    "Include": [ "conan.lock"],
    "Exclude": [],
	"JfrogConanRepoList": [
      "<Conan Remote Cache Repo Name>",
      "<Conan Release Repo Name>",
      "<Conan DevDep Repo Name>" //This should be the development dependency repo in JFrog
    "JfrogThirdPartyDestRepoName": "<Insert third party ConanDestRepoName>",
    "JfrogInternalDestRepoName": "<Insert Internal ConanDestRepoName>",
    "JfrogDevDestRepoName": "<Insert Dev ConanDestRepoName>",
    "ExcludedComponents": []

Description for the settings in appSettings.json file

Settings required for Package Identifier

S.No Argument name Description Is it Mandatory Example
1 --packagefilepath Path to the package-lock.json file or to the directory where the project is present in case we have multiple package-lock.json files. Yes ,For Docker run /mnt/Input D:\Clearing Automation
2 --cylonedxsbomtemplatepath Path to the SBOM cycloneDx BOM file. Can be passed along with packagefilepath. No if the first argument is provided D:\ExternalToolOutput
3 --bomfolderpath Path to keep the generated boms Yes , For Docker run /mnt/Output D:\Clearing Automation\BOM
4 --sw360token SW360 Auth Token Yes Refer the SW360 Doc here.Make sure you pass this credential in a secured way.
5 --sw360projectid Project ID from SW360 project URL of the project Yes Obtained from SW360
6 --projecttype Type of the package Yes NPM/NUGET/Debian/MAVEN
7 --removedevdependency Make this field to true , if Dev dependencies needs to be excluded from clearing Optional ( By default set to true) true/false
8 --sw360url SW360 URL Yes https://<my_sw360_server>
9 --sw360authtokentype SW360 Auth Token Yes Token/Bearer
10 --settingsfilepath appSettings.json file path Optional (By default it will take from the bom creator exe location
11 --artifactoryuploadapikey JFrog Auth Token Yes Generated from Jfrog Artifactory.Make sure you pass this credential in a secured way.
12 --artifactoryuploaduser Jfrog User Email Yes
13 --identifierbomfilepath CycloneDX BOM Filepath (output generated from the previous Package Identifier run,applicable only if there are multiple project types) i.e The file path of the *_Bom.cdx.json file No If there are multiple project type this argument can be used.
14 --logfolderpath Path to create log No If user wants to give configurable log path this parameter is used
33 --timeout SW360 response timeout value No

Settings for Package Creator

S.No Argument name Description Is it Mandatory Example
1 --bomfilepath CycloneDX BOM Filepath (output generated from the previous Package Identifier run) i.e The file path of the *_Bom.cdx.json file Yes For SW360PackageCreator & ArtifactoryUploader run needs to provide this path.
2 --bomfolderpath Path to keep the generated boms Yes , For Docker run /mnt/Output D:\Clearing Automation\BOM
3 --sw360token SW360 Auth Token Yes Refer the SW360 Doc here.Make sure you pass this credential in a secured way.
4 --sw360authtokentype SW360 Auth Token Yes Token/Bearer
5 --sw360projectid Project ID from SW360 project URL of the project Yes Obtained from SW360
6 --fossologyurl Fossology URL Yes https://<my_fossology_server>
7 --removedevdependency Make this field to true , if Dev dependencies needs to be excluded from clearing Optional ( By default set to true) true/false
8 --sw360url SW360 URL Yes https://<my_sw360_server>
9 --enableFossTrigger SW360 response timeout value To enable the copying of source code from SW360 to Fossology server By default it will be set to true
10 --logfolderpath Path to create log No If user wants to give configurable log path this parameter is used
11 --timeout SW360 response timeout value No

Settings for Artifactory Uploader

S.No Argument name Description Is it Mandatory Example
1 --bomfilepath CycloneDX BOM Filepath (output generated from the previous Package Identifier run) i.e The file path of the *_Bom.cdx.json file Yes For SW360PackageCreator & ArtifactoryUploader run needs to provide this path.
2 --bomfolderpath Path to keep the generated boms Yes , For Docker run /mnt/Output D:\Clearing Automation\BOM
3 --artifactoryuploaduser Jfrog User Email Yes
4 --artifactoryuploadapikey JFrog Auth Token Yes Generated from Jfrog Artifactory.Make sure you pass this credential in a secured way.
5 --Jfrogapi JFrog Url Yes https://<my_jfrog_server>
6 --bomfilepath CycloneDX BOM Filepath (output generated from the previous Package Identifier run) i.e The file path of the *_Bom.cdx.json file Yes For SW360PackageIdentifier & ArtifactoryUploader run needs to provide this path.
7 --release Artifactory Uploader release mode Optional (By default it will be set to False)
8 --npm:jfrogthirdpartydestreponame The destination folder name for the cleared NPM package to be copied to Yes
9 --npm:jfroginternaldestreponame The destination folder name for the internal NPM package to be moved to Yes
10 --npm:jfrogdevdestreponame The destination folder name for the development NPM package to be copied to Yes
11 --nuget:jfrogthirdpartydestreponame The destination folder name for the cleared Nuget package to be copied to Yes
12 --nuget:jfroginternaldestreponame The destination folder name for the internal Nuget package to be moved to Yes
13 --nuget:jfrogdevdestreponame The destination folder name for the development Nuget package to be copied to Yes
14 --maven:jfrogthirdpartydestreponame The destination folder name for the cleared Maven package to be copied to Yes
15 --maven:jfroginternaldestreponame The destination folder name for the internal Maven package to be moved to Yes
16 --maven:jfrogdevdestreponame The destination folder name for the development Maven package to be copied to Yes
17 --python:jfrogthirdpartydestreponame The destination folder name for the cleared Python package to be copied to Yes
18 --python:jfroginternaldestreponame The destination folder name for the internal Python package to be moved to Yes
19 --python:jfrogdevdestreponame The destination folder name for the development Python package to be copied to Yes
20 --conan:jfrogthirdpartydestreponame The destination folder name for the cleared Conan package to be copied to Yes
21 --conan:jfroginternaldestreponame The destination folder name for the internal Conan package to be moved to Yes
22 --conan:jfrogdevdestreponame The destination folder name for the development Conan package to be copied to Yes
23 --logfolderpath Path to create log No If user wants to give configurable log path this parameter is used
24 --timeout SW360 response timeout value No

Method 2

You can also pass the above mentioned arguments in the command line.

Note: If the second approach is followed then make sure you provide all the settings mentioned in the appsettings.json in the command line

Exclude Component or Folders :

In order to exclude any components ,it can be configured in the "appSettings.json" by providing the package name and version as specified above in the ExcludedComponents field.

Incase if you want to exclude a single component of the format "@group/componentname" eg : @angular/common specify it as "@group/componentname:version" i.e @angular/common:4.2.6

If multiple versions has to be excluded of the same component specify it as "@group/componentname:*" i.e @angular/common:*

If multiple components starting with the same group name has to be excluded specify it as "@group/*:version i.e @angular/*:12.0.0

In order to Exclude specific folders from the execution, It can be specified under the Exclude section of that specific package type.

Continuous Clearing Tool Execution

Continuous Clearing Tool can be executed as container or as binaries,

Docker run


  1. Install Docker (Latest stable version).
  2. Create local directories for mapping to the Continuous clearing tool container directories
    • Input : Place to keep input files.
    • Output : Resulted files will be stored here.
    • Log : Continuous clearing log files.
    • CAConfig : Place to keep Config files i.e., appSettings.json.

Note : It is not recommended to use Primary drive(Ex C:\) for project execution or directory creation and also the drive should be configured as Shared Drives in docker.

Package Identifier

  • In order to run the PackageIdentifier.dll , execute the below command.

    Example : docker run --rm -it -v /path/to/InputDirectory:/mnt/Input -v /path/to/OutputDirectory:/mnt/Output -v /path/to/LogDirectory:/var/log -v /path/to/configDirectory:/etc/CATool dotnet PackageIdentifier.dll --settingsfilepath /etc/CATool/appSettings.json

SW360 Package Creator

  • In order to run the SW360PackageCreator.dll , execute the below command.

    Example : docker run --rm -it -v /path/to/OutputDirectory:/mnt/Output -v /path/to/LogDirectory:/var/log -v /path/to/configDirectory:/etc/CATool dotnet SW360PackageCreator.dll --settingsfilepath /etc/CATool/appSettings.json

Artifactory Uploader

  • Artifactory uploader is not applicable for Debian type package clearance.

  • In order to run the Artifactory Uploader dll , execute the below command.

    Example : docker run --rm -it -v /path/to/OutputDirectory:/mnt/Output -v /path/to/LogDirectory:/var/log -v /path/to/configDirectory:/etc/CATool dotnet ArtifactoryUploader.dll --settingsfilepath /etc/CATool/appSettings.json

Binary execution


  1. .NET 6 runtime
  2. Node.js and Git latest

Package Identifier

  • In order to run the PackageIdentifier.exe, execute the below command.

    Example : PackageIdentifier.exe --settingsfilepath /<PathToConfig>/appSettings.json

SW360 Package Creator

  • In order to run the SW360PackageCreator.exe, execute the below command.

    Example : SW360PackageCreator.exe --settingsfilepath /<PathToConfig>/appSettings.json

Artifactory Uploader

  • Artifactory uploader is not applicable for Debian type package clearance.

  • In order to run the Artifactory Uploader exe, execute the below command.

    Example : ArtifactoryUploader.exe --settingsfilepath /<PathToConfig>/appSettings.json

Continuous Clearing Tool Execution Test Mode

The purpose the test mode execution of the tool is to ensure that there are no any connectivity issues with SW360 server.

  • In order to execute the tool in test mode we need to pass an extra parameter to the existing argument list.

    Example : docker run --rm -it -v /D/Projects/Output:/mnt/Output -v /D/Projects/DockerLog:/var/log -v /D/Projects/CAConfig:/etc/CATool dotnet SW360PackageCreator.dll --settingsfilepath /etc/CATool/appSettings.json --mode test


    Example : SW360PackageCreator.exe --settingsfilepath /<PathToConfig>/appSettings.json --mode test

Artifactory Uploader Release Execution

By default, the release mode is set to False. This configuration is designed for the routine execution of the Artifactory uploader on a daily basis during the project's development phase. The primary objective is to continuously verify the accuracy of component paths and permissions before actual operations. When the release mode is set to True, it indicates a shift towards deployment in a production environment. In this mode, the Artifactory uploader is prepared for live operations, signaling the transition from the verification stage to the actual copy/move of components.

  • In order to execute the tool in release mode we need to pass an extra parameter to the existing argument list.

    Example : docker run --rm -it -v /D/Projects/Output:/mnt/Output -v /D/Projects/DockerLog:/var/log -v /D/Projects/CAConfig:/etc/CATool dotnet ArtifactoryUploader.dll --settingsfilepath /etc/CATool/appSettings.json --release true


    Example : ArtifactoryUploader.exe --settingsfilepath /<PathToConfig>/appSettings.json --release true

How to handle multiple project types in same project

Incase your project has both NPM/Nuget components it can be handled by merely running then Package Identifier dll twice.

Steps for Execution:

  1. Run the Package Identifier dll with "ProjectType" set as "NPM" in appSettings.json .

  2. A cycloneDX BOM will be generated in the output BOM path that you provide in the argument.

  3. Next run the Package Identifier dll with "ProjectType" set as "NUGET". In this run make sure that along with the usual arguments you also provide and additional argument "--identifierBomFilePath" which will contain the comparison BOM file path which is generated in the previous run.

  4. Once this is done after the dll run you can find that the components from the first run for "NPM" and the components from second run for "NUGET" will be merged into one BOM file

Quick installation and running the tool with Reuse templates

Note : This is only applicable for integration of CCTool in Azure pipeline's

Steps for Integration:

  1. Include the below mentioned template calling step in master pipeline for Nuget type installation of CCTool,


  1. Include the below mentioned template calling step in master pipeline for pulling Docker image of CCTool and run the remaining process,


Use cases:

  • These templates are responsible for installing and running all the process of CCTool, along with the uploading of generated Bom's and logs files from the CCTool.
  • If you didn't provide the Appsettingsfilepath value ,template will take the values from Default_appSetting.json file for the process.


  1. In case your pipeline takes a lot of time to run(more than 1 hour) when there are many components. It is advisable to increase the pipeline timeout and set it to a minimum of 1 hr.

  2. In case of any failures in the pipeline, while running the tool,check the following configurations.

    • Make sure your build agents are running.

    • Check if there are any action items to be handled from the user's end.(In this case the exit code with which the pipeline will fail is 2)

    • Check if the proxy settings environment variables for sw360 is rightly configured in the build machine.

Manual Update

Upload attachment manually for Debian type.

Bug or Enhancements

For reporting any bug or enhancement and for your feedbacks click here

Glossary of Terms

3P Components 3rd Party Components
BOM Bill of Material
apiAuthToken SW360 authorization token


Image References

  • Fetching Project Id from SW360


API References

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