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Run from Source

Archisman Panigrahi edited this page Jul 13, 2024 · 2 revisions

Even though I do not recommend Safe Eyes users to run Safe Eyes from source, you may need to run from source for testing purposes or to enjoy the latest feature that is not released yet. This page shows you how to run Safe Eyes from source.

You can run Safe Eyes from source even if you have already installed it using the official installer.

Development Requirements

  • git
  • python3
  • pip3

Runtime Dependencies

  • gir1.2-appindicator3-0.1
  • gir1.2-notify-0.7
  • libappindicator-gtk3
  • python3-psutil
  • xprintidle

The easiest way to install these runtime dependencies is installing the latest Safe Eyes using the installer provided for your system. Please check the Installation section for more details.

If you are using GNOME, or LXDE/Openbox/other WMs, you will have to install the appropriate backend for the tray icon to work.

Run from Source

  1. Open a Terminal

  2. Clone the GitHub repository of Safe Eyes if you do not have it already.

git clone
  1. Change the directory to the SafeEyes folder
cd SafeEyes
  1. [Optional] Change the branch to your preferred feature/fix branch.

If you want to run the default development branch: master, you can skip this step.

git checkout fix-break-screen
  1. Update your branch with the changes made in the upstream.
git pull origin <branch-name>

If you are on the master branch, the command should be git pull origin master.

  1. Build the code to compile translation files
python3 build
  1. If there is a Safe Eyes instance running in your system, terminate it using Tray Icon Menu --> Quit or by running safeeyes -q from the terminal.

  2. Start Safe Eyes from the source

python3 -m safeeyes
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