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Groovy Harventer

Converts .HAR files to Groovy JMeter DSL scripts.

The HTTP Archive format is used store communication data (HTTP protocol) between the server and the client.

The .HAR files can be obtained by various tools (including all major browsers).


Before start, you should have:

How to start

Download latest version from releases page and unpack in any folder. Go to bin folder and execute following command:

$ harventer -i yourharfile.har -o yourdslscript.groovy

If in trouble try check 'help' option:

$ harventer --help

usage: harventer [options]
 -c,--compact                             If present the param and headers
                                          will be generated in compact
    --dsl-version <arg>                   Specify which DSL version to use
                                          for generated script
    --exclude-headers <pattern>           Regex pattern for header name to
                                          exclude (by default all headers
                                          are excluded)
    --exclude-types <pattern>             Regex pattern for response
                                          content type to exclude (by
                                          default css, javascript, images
                                          and binary types are excluded)
    --exclude-urls <pattern>              Regex pattern for URL to exclude
                                          (by default .css, .js, .bmp,
                                          .css, .js, .gif, .ico, .jpg,
                                          .jpeg, .png, .swf, .woff,
 -h,--help                                Show help
 -H,--header-variables <param=variable>   Substitute header with variable
                                          (applies to request headers)
 -i,--input-file <file>                   Input *.har file
    --include-headers <pattern>           Regex pattern for header name to
    --include-types <pattern>             Regex pattern for response
                                          content type to include
    --include-urls <pattern>              Regex pattern for URL to include
    --loops=<number>                      Loops number for users
 -o,--output-file <file>                  Output *.groovy file
 -P,--param-variables <param=variable>    Substitute param with variable
                                          (applies to request params)
    --ramp-up <number>                    Ramp up time for test plan
 -t,--think-time                          If present each HTTP request has
                                          think time based on real
 -U,--url-variables <param=variable>      Substitute part of URL with
    --users <number>                      Number of users for default


Below you can find several examples of command execution:

  • the converter excludes all headers for HTTP request, but you can provide which you want to have in the script (use '|' to put several names)

    $ harventer -i yourharfile.har -o yourdslscript.groovy --include-headers "X-CSRF-TOKEN|Host"

    The output from the command should look like code below (the converter adds header X-CSRF-TOKEN and Host if they exist):

    start {
        plan {
            summary(path: 'yourdslscript.jtl', enabled: true)
            group(users: 1, rampUp: 1, loops: 1) {
                // defaults comes from the first request available in .HAR file
                defaults(protocol: 'http', domain: 'localhost', port: 80)
                http('POST /app') {
                    // headers are automatically added to http request
                    headers {
                        header(name: 'X-CSRF-TOKEN', value: '2429304892384092384093')
                        header(name: 'Host', value: 'localhost')
                    params {
                        param(name: 'param1', value: 'value1')
  • the --haeder-variables option creates JMeter variables placeholders for matching headers

    $ harventer -i yourharfile.har -o yourdslscript.groovy --include-headers "X-CSRF-TOKEN" --header-variables "X-CSRF-TOKEN=var_csrfToken"

    The output is very similar to previous one but this time, values for headers comes from defined variable:

    start {
        plan {
            summary(path: 'yourdslscript.jtl', enabled: true)
            group(users: 1, rampUp: 1, loops: 1) {
                variables {
                    // variable defined on the command line
                    variable(name: 'var_csrfToken', value: '')
                // defaults comes from the first request available in .HAR file
                defaults(protocol: 'http', domain: 'localhost', port: 80)
                http('POST /app') {
                    // headers are automatically added to http request
                    headers {
                        header(name: 'X-CSRF-TOKEN', value: '${var_csrfToken')
                    params {
                        param(name: 'param1', value: 'value1')

    The options --param-variables works pretty much the same but for HTTP parameters

  • Next example shows how to automatically add users, ramp up and loops for you test plan, with --users, --ramp-up and --loops options:

    $ harventer -i yourharfile.har -o yourdslscript.groovy --users 10 --rampUp 60 --loops 10
    start {
        plan {
            group(users: 10, rampUp: 60, loops: 10) {
                // rest of script
  • The --think-time option add small wait time between each sample execution. Converter extracts times from .HAR files. With this option the script can more precisely simulate real user interaction.

    $ harventer -i yourharfile.har -o yourdslscript.groovy --think-time

    Output from the command:

    start {
        plan {
            group(users: 1, rampUp: 1, loops: 1) {
                http('POST /app') { }
                flow(name: 'Think Time', action: 'pause', duration: 0) {
                    uniform_timer(name: 'Pause', deloay: '716', range: 100)
                http('GET /app/form') { }
                flow(name: 'Think Time', action: 'pause', duration: 0) {
                    uniform_timer(name: 'Pause', deloay: '300', range: 100)