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Api wrapper for the savage-worlds api written in dart.

Behind the scenes, a postgrest server is used to expose my savage world data in this api wrapper.


First you need to initialize an instance of the SavageApi

void main() {
    final api = SavageApi.postgrest(token: token); 

By default my postgrest server, hosted by supabase will be used for the SavageApi. You just need to supply the token, to be able to read the data.

Optionally you can also supply your own url and token, to use your own postgrest server. Then your database needs to follow database schema shown later.

After you aquired your savageapi instance, you can start querying the data.

// queries 10 abilities starting at offset 0
api.ability().page(0, 10);
// queries the equipment with id 4;

The result of each query will be an Either, resulting either in the actual result, or an ApiFailure. The Either get's provided by dartz.

final result = api.ability().get(1); // ability with id 1
final ability = result.getOrElse(
    () => throw Exception());


The default endpoints will always supply the full object, with all attributes set. If needed, the api can be extended, to e.g. only fetch a certain column of a certain table, to show in a datatable.

Also see custom_api_test.dart

// first create your model, what the api should return
class CustomAbilityResource {
    final String name;

    factory CustomAbilityResource.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
        return _$CustomAbilityResourceFromJson(json);

I use json_serializable to quickly generate my fromJson Method. If you want to do it another way, the next step is not needed. Else run the build_runner.

dart run build_runner build

Next, create an endpoint and a converter.

class CustomAbilityEndpoint extends BaseEndpoint<CustomAbilityResource>
    // optionally mixin the PaginatedEndpoint to get paginating functionality
    with PaginatedEndpoint<CustomAbilityResource>, 
    // or the detail endpoint to get the read by id functionality
    DetailEndpoint<CustomAbilityResource> {
        // which table to select from
        String get from => 'ability';

        // what columsn to select by default
        // defaults to *
        String get columns => 'name';

The endpoint is the interface which you'll use to read from the api.

class CustomAbilityConverter extends Converter<CustomAbilityResource> {
    CustomAbilityResource fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
        return CustomAbilityResource.fromJson(json);

The converter will be used to transform the received json in your model, after requesting the data. Now extend the SavageApi with the new endpoint.

extension CustomSavageApi on SavageApi {
  CustomAbilityEndpoint customAbility() {
    return CustomAbilityEndpoint(client); // client get's provided by SavageApi

When creating your SavageApi, make sure to also pass your new Converter.

final Map<Type, Converter> additionalConverter = {
  CustomAbilityResource: CustomAbilityConverter(),
final api = SavageApi.postgrest(token: token, converterFactory: ConverterFactory(additionalConverter));

You should now be able to call your custom endpoint, which will only select the name column, and only populate the model with the received data.


Add new Table

Checklist for adding a new Table (by example ability)

  • Create folder in feature
    • Add ability_converter.dart
    • Add ability_endpoint.dart
    • Add ability_resource.dart
    • Add ability.dart
  • Extend SavageApiCalls Interface in api.dart by your endpoint
  • Add your Converter in the converter.dart
  • Add a test for your new endpoint

Ability Lib

ability.dart is just for exposing the underlying table.

export 'ability_resource.dart';
export 'ability_endpoint.dart';
export 'ability_converter.dart';

Ability Converter

The Converter extends the Converter class, and implements one method fromJson. With this the Conveter is able to convert the json to a resource.

class AbilityConverter extends Converter<AbilityResource> {
  const AbilityConverter();
  AbilityResource fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
    return AbilityResource.fromJson(json);

Ability Endpoint

The endpoint is the api getting called by the SavageApi instance. With this you will be able to communicate with the datatable.

class AbilityEndpoint extends BaseEndpoint<AbilityResource>
    with DetailEndpoint<AbilityResource>, PaginatedEndpoint<AbilityResource> {
  AbilityEndpoint(SavageClient client) : super(client);

  String get from => 'ability';

  Future<Either<ApiFailure, List<AbilityResource>>> findAllNames() async {
    final builder = QueryBuilder.from(from).select('name');
    final result = await client.get<AbilityResource>(builder);
    return Right(result);

Ability Resource

The resource data, which the endpoint returns for you.

class AbilityResource extends BaseResource {
  @JsonKey(defaultValue: 0)
  final int id;
  @JsonKey(defaultValue: '')
  final String name;
  @JsonKey(defaultValue: '')
  final String description;
  @JsonKey(defaultValue: '')
  final String attribute;

  AbilityResource(,, this.description, this.attribute);

  factory AbilityResource.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
    return _$AbilityResourceFromJson(json);

  String toString() {
    return 'Ability: [id:$id, name:$name, description:$description, attribute:$attribute]';

Extend SavageApiCalls

SavageApiCalls is an interface getting implemented by the main api exposed to the client.

abstract class SavageApiCalls {
  AbilityEndpoint ability();
class SavageApi extends SavageApiCalls {
  // ...
  AbilityEndpoint ability() {
    return AbilityEndpoint(client);

Add Conveter

Add your new Converter in the _defaultConverters to make it known to the api.

const Map<Type, Converter> _defaultConverters = {
  AbilityResource: AbilityConverter()

Database schema


A table named ability.

column type
id bigint primarykey
name text
attribute text
description text



Api wrapper for the savage-worlds api written in dart








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