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Releases: srgantmoomoo/postman


07 May 17:14
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3.001 - fixing stability issues with 3.0.


  • fix esp bug causing crashes on disable.
  • fix hud editor crash caused by blur option (reported by TwoThreeTwo).


  • added number setting for strafe speed in speed module (suggested by Doogie13).
  • added setting command.

(yes cristal aura)


17 Apr 23:33
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3.0 - major stability update and code fixes.
one year since last postman release...

  • command system rewritten.
  • notification system added.
  • moved different modules around to better fit their categories.


  • nether coords hud module (by cattyn)
  • self fill module (by cattyn)
  • target hud module (from postman++).
  • blur option for click gui.
  • vanilla step option for step (by cattyn).

added many new options to no render module....

  • particles
  • signs
  • pistons
  • fireworks
  • skulls
  • withers
  • items
  • tnt
  • armor
  • enchantment tables
  • totem animations
  • and crystals

rewritten modules

  • autogap (now actually functional).
  • tracers.
  • esp's (although some issues with commands and notifications have to be ironed out still).

bug fixes

  • autocrystal no longer places obsidian instead of crystals (by cattyn).
  • autogap disabling fixed (by mwa).
  • time in world module fixed (by cattyn).
  • fix bugs with coords module.
  • sprint multidirection bug fixed (by cattyn).

config stuff fixes...

  • fixed issues with mode settings causing crashes when updating postman.
  • added friends.
  • rewrote most stuff so hopefully it works better idk lol.

(yes cristal aura)


18 Apr 00:39
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changelog -
2.100 - new things added & more fixes.

added baritone, download the api here and drop it in ur mod folder if u wanna use it :)


  • autocrystal config causing crashes.
  • mobowner command null crashes.


  • basic fly module.
  • refill module.
  • nametags.
  • autocope and protester custom msg commands.
  • crystal and gapple counter hud modules.
  • welcomer hud module.

things i still wanna do...

  • config for friends.
  • notification system.
  • certain hud modules.
  • long jump, efly, and burrow modules.

(yes cristal aura)


11 Apr 19:33
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changelog -
2.020 - hopefully the last config fix lol. u dont have to delete anything, i had someone ask me that, it was just for last release.

so as u may know, there was a problem with the previous release. due to my 2 second compromise, events would not initialize upon relaunching the client, this release fixes that along with fixing a few other config issues including...

  • clientFont should no longer cause crashes.
  • blink should no longer cause crashes.
  • autoDisconnect should no longer cause crashes.
  • discordRpc should no longer cause crashes.

this release also comes with "crystalConfigBot" which ig is just a bit of a preview for what i want it to do soon, it's just there cause i was developing it when i noticed the issues with last release lol. everything in it works except for autoConfig rn.

hopefully this is the last bug fix i have to do and its stable enough for me to start working on other things lol.

also, u do not have to delete configs or anything here, that was just for last release, i got some questions on that. although... it might delete ur config automatically, it did that for me... just due to all the shit im doing with the config system :P it should work well after that tho.

(yes cristal aura)


09 Apr 22:02
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changelog -
2.012 - another bug fix, i highly recommend updating to this version.

you have to DELETE UR OLD CONFIG for the config to start working, u can try backing it up and pasting in ur old settings if u want, but u have to remove the old postman file from ur .minecraft (some people have actually not had any problems so u may not have to delete it, but idk, its up to you to test it out).

ok, THIS should fix the config issues, if you're still having them, lmk. and please report ANY bugs to me directly or in postmans #report-issues channel. thank u.


  • configs, completely, hopefully, again.
  • rainbows now save in ur config.
  • ColorSetting class optimized (by techale originally).
  • multithreading returned to main class.
  • all clickgui components now have configurable alpha values.
  • protester, autoDisconnect, and blink will no longer crash you when relogging.

(yes cristal aura)


09 Apr 01:51
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changelog -
2.011 - another little bug fix to fix a few key issues ppl were having.

this should fix any config issues ppl were having, if not pls tell me.

added new switch system to autoCrystal, i recommend using onEnable, there's also a detect mode, but as of now it does not switch back to ur previous hand.


  • surround onShift now switches back to ur previous slot.
  • rainbow colors now are actaully affected by opacity rather than constantly being 255 (thank u techale).
  • autoCrystals new onEnable switch mode will switch the slot back to your previous slot when autoCrystal is turned off.
  • some refactored stuff to help support for postman++ and other postman addons.
  • fixed config issues hopefully.

for now multithreading in the main class has been undone a little cause of config issues.
also once again, detect switch mode in autoCrystal is cool, but as of now does not switch back to ur old hand, so u gotta scroll.

please lmk of any other issues ppl are having, heres a few i will list that are already known but this patch does not include.

  • rainbow settings saving.
  • gui config stuff.

(yes cristal aura)


05 Apr 21:47
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changelog -
2.010 - a bug fix for a few things and some refactored and added stuff.

added autoCope, basically just an autoEz module, not fully customizable rn but there's a few different options lol.


  • inventoryBot removed.
  • inventoryPlus working again.
  • playerModel rect bug fixed, kind of, for now.
  • discord RPC changed a little bit.
  • mainMenuInfo changed to mainMenuWatermark, and refactored a bit.
  • chatSuffix fixed.
  • hud components naming scheme.
  • arraylist coded better, also discludes hud modules by default now.
  • postmanAppreciation module renamed to giveMeClout, and actually fits in gui now lol.
  • stock gui positions improved.

if ur having any config issues lmk, it also might be a good idea to delete the old postman config folder.

(yes cristal aura)


02 Apr 05:02
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changelog -
2.0 - a release cause i haven't made one in weeks. i'm not gonna cover everything in this changelog cause i know im gonna forget some shit lol.

a lot of new autocrystal settings. if ur multiplacing for whatever reason, i recommend using multiplaceplus, and turning off highping. if u not multiplacing, just keep highping on.

new bot category added. this as of now, has nothing working in it, but i plan to finish both of the current modules under it within the postman 2.0 saga.

smartOffHand is a lot better in this release.

also, new website thanks to techale. currently hosted at ... but this will be changed soon.

u can now buy postman++ again, at .... it may take a little for the order to go through because paypal big brain, can take up to a week sadly, but once i receive the payment, you'll receive the client and all roles necessary. :)


  • protester, just a generic announcer module.
  • clip command, teleport through blocks.
  • vanish command, vanish entities u r riding.
  • mobOwner command, works for the most part, but needs some changes.
  • packetCancellor, well... cancel packets.
  • world module, to change weather and shit
    (a lot of this stuff is utility based, sorry pvper's)

code stuff:

  • code cleanup for a lot of things that i didn't write down or remember.
  • lots of code changes in autoCrystal.
  • code changes to the command system.


  • client font crashes u if u quit and relaunch with it on.
  • finish nametags.
  • finish nametags.
  • finish AutoCopeAndSeethe.
  • start notifications (probably what im gonna do next).
  • figure out fucking friends config, its not complicated, im just lazy.
  • start a burrow module maybe.
  • rewrites to surround and holeTp if i ever get around to it.
  • finish crystal pretty esp mode.

(yes cristal aura)


16 Mar 02:52
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changelog -
1.210 - general cleanup and bug fix. i'm releasing this because i wanna get started on ca rewrite which ive been planning for the past few days now lol.


  • mcf, middle click a player to add them as a friend.
  • friend clear command, use (prefix)friend clear to clear friends list.
  • added friends to auto crystal's targeting.

player model works now.

code stuff:

  • fixed run argument for mixins.
  • cleaned up unfinished modules, and removed them from showing in the actual client.
  • ModuleManager class cleaned up.
  • Module class cleaned up a bit.
  • changed inventoryMove to guiMove.
  • some changes to the formatting of the help command and help commands in general.

(yes cristal aura)


10 Mar 16:55
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changelog -
1.209 - friend system, code and actaul client improvements, idk some other shit.

friend system added, only with commands rn, use ,friend or ,help for help with it. u can currently add and remove friends, and use ,friend list for a list of ur current friends. i also wanna add a clear command next release to clear all friends.

better commands. the chat now opens up when u hit ur command prefix ( , by default). u can change the prefix with the prefix command. and friends added to it.

Initialize now has multithreading, thanks to techale :)

added playerModel module to hud.

random stuff:

  • clickgui now render vertically when first open rather horizontally, so it fits better on most screen sizes.
  • clickGuiModule name switched to just clickGui.
  • postman watermark in clickgui :)
  • all hud modules now have the option to right align.
  • criticals fixed.
  • footExp not turning off fixed.
  • chatSuffix fixed.
  • category color is now customizable apart from enabled color in the clickgui.

im going to release a few sporadic releases before rewriting a lot, mostly cause i have cool ideas for modules i wanna implement, i have to finish filling out empty modules, and there's a few things i need to fix/add.

some stuff planned in future releases soon:

  • friends saving in config.
  • mcf.
  • autoCope fix.
  • holeView.
  • pop counter
  • some other cool modules i dont wanna say rn.

(yes cristal aura)