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๐Ÿ’พ Motorola 6809 8-bit microprocessor CPU Instruction

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๐Ÿ’พ Motorola 6809 8-bit microprocessor CPU Instruction

|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                           Motorola                           |
|                                                              |
|              666      88888      000      99999              |
|             6        8     8    0   0    9     9             |
|            6         8     8   0   0 0   9     9             |
|            666666     88888    0  0  0    999999             |
|            6     6   8     8   0 0   0         9             |
|            6     6   8     8    0   0         9              |
|             66666     88888      000      9999               |
|                                                              |
|         6809 MICROPROCESSOR Instruction Set Summary          |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                    _________    _________                    |
|                  _|         \__/         |_  ____            |
|             Vss |_|1                   40|_| Halt <--        |
|             ___  _|                      |_                  |
|         --> NMI |_|2                   39|_| XTAL <--        |
|             ___  _|                      |_                  |
|         --> IRQ |_|3                   38|_| EXTAL <--       |
|            ____  _|                      |_  _____           |
|        --> FIRQ |_|4                   37|_| Reset <--       |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|          <-- BS |_|5                   36|_| MRDY <--        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|          <-- BA |_|6                   35|_| Q -->           |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|             Vcc |_|7                   34|_| E -->           |
|                  _|                      |_  ___ ____        |
|          <-- A0 |_|8                   33|_| DMA/BREQ <--    |
|                  _|                      |_    _             |
|          <-- A1 |_|9                   32|_| R/W -->         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|          <-- A2 |_|10       6809       31|_| D0 <-->         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|          <-- A3 |_|11                  30|_| D1 <-->         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|          <-- A4 |_|12                  29|_| D2 <-->         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|          <-- A5 |_|13                  28|_| D3 <-->         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|          <-- A6 |_|14                  27|_| D4 <-->         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|          <-- A7 |_|15                  26|_| D5 <-->         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|          <-- A8 |_|16                  25|_| D6 <-->         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|          <-- A9 |_|17                  24|_| D7 <-->         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|         <-- A10 |_|18                  23|_| A15 -->         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|         <-- A11 |_|19                  22|_| A14 -->         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|         <-- A12 |_|20                  21|_| A13 -->         |
|                   |______________________|                   |
|                                                              |

Memory map

Adresses Description
FFF0H to FFF1H Reserved by Motorola
FFF2H to FFF3H SWI3 instruction interrupt vector
FFF4H to FFF5H SWI2 instruction interrupt vector
FFF6H to FFF7H Fast hardware int. vector (FIRQ)
FFF8H to FFF9H Hardware interrupt vector (IRQ)
FFFAH to FFFBH SWI instruction interrupt vector
FFFCH to FFFDH Non-maskable interrupt vector (NMI)
FFFEH to FFFFH Reset vector
Registers Description
A B Accumulators (8-bit)
CC Condition Code register (8-bit)
D A and B (16-bit, A high, B low)
DP Direct Page register (8-bit)
PC Program Counter (16-bit)
S U System/User stack pointer(16-bit)
X Y Index registers (16-bit)


Addressing mode Description
DIRECT Direct addressing mode
EXTEND Extended addressing mode
FCB n Form Constant Byte
FCC 'string' Form Constant Characters
FDB nn Form Double Byte
RMB nn Reserve Memory Bytes
Addressing mode Description
a I
nn,E E
[nn] x
xx,p! X
[xx,p!] X
n,D D
#n #
#nn *
m x
[m] R

Condition Code Register

Bit Description
CCR -*01? Unaffect/affected/reset/set/unknown
E E Entire flag (Bit 7, if set RTI~s=F)
F I I FIRQ/IRQ interrupt mask (Bit 6/4)
H H Half carry (Bit 5)
N N Negative (Bit 3)
Z Z Zero (Bit 2)
V V Overflow (Bit 1)
C C Carry/borrow (Bit 0)



~ Description
a Acc A or B (a=A,Op=BXH, a=B,Op=FXH)
d s EA Destination/source/effective addr.
i p r Regs X,Y/regs X,Y,S,U/any register
m Relative address (-126 to +129)
n nn 8/16-bit expression(0 to 255/65535)
xx p! A,B,D,nn/p+,-p,p++,--p (indexed)
+ - * / Add/subtract/multiply/divide
& ~ v x AND/NOT/inclusive OR/exclusive OR
<- -> <-> Rotate left/rotate right/exchange
[ ] [ ]+ -[ ] Indirect address/increment/decr.
{ } Combination of operands
{regs} If E {PC,U/S,Y,X,DP,B,A,CC}/{PC,CC}
(10H) (11H) Hex opcode to precede main opcode

Mnemon. Op IHNZVC IEXD#R ~ Description Notes
ABX 3A ------ X 3 Add to Index Register X=X+B
ADCa s B9 -***** XXXXX 5 Add with Carry a=a+s+C
ADDa s BB -***** XXXXX 5 Add a=a+s
ADDD s F3 -***** XXX*X 7 Add to Double acc. D=D+s
ANDa s B4 --**0- XXXXX 5 Logical AND a=a&s
ANDCC s 1C ?????1 X 3 Logical AND with CCR CC=CC&s
ASL d 78 --**** XXX X 7 Arithmetic Shift Left d=d*2
ASLa 48 --**** X 2 Arithmetic Shift Left a=a*2
ASR d 77 --**** XXX X 7 Arithmetic Shift Right d=d/2
ASRa 47 --**** X 2 Arithmetic Shift Right a=a/2
BCC m 24 ------ x 3 Branch if Carry Clear If C=0
BCS m 25 ------ x 3 Branch if Carry Set If C=1
BEQ m 27 ------ x 3 Branch if Equal If Z=1
BGE m 2C ------ x 3 Branch if Great/Equal If NxV=0
BGT m 2E ------ x 3 Branch if Greater Than If Zv{NxV}=0
BHI m 22 ------ x 3 Branch if Higher If CvZ=0
BHS m 24 ------ x 3 Branch if Higher/Same If C=0
BITa s B5 --**0- XXXXX 5 Bit Test accumulator a&s
BLE m 2F ------ x 3 Branch if Less/Equal If Zv{NxV}=1
BLO m 25 ------ x 3 Branch if Lower If C=1
BLS m 23 ------ x 3 Branch if Lower/Same If CvZ=1
BLT m 2D ------ x 3 Branch if Less Than If NxV=1
BMI m 2B ------ x 3 Branch if Minus If N=1
BNE m 26 ------ x 3 Branch if Not Equal If Z=0
BPL m 2A ------ x 3 Branch if Plus If N=0
BRA m 20 ------ x 3 Branch Always PC=m
BRN m 21 ------ x 3 Branch Never NOP
BSR m 8D ------ x 7 Branch to Subroutine -[S]=PC,BRA
BVC m 28 ------ x 3 Branch if Overflow Clr If V=0
BVS m 29 ------ x 3 Branch if Overflow Set If V=1
CLR d 7F --0100 XXX X 7 Clear d=0
CLRa 4F --0100 X 2 Clear accumulator a=0
CMPa s B1 --**** XXXXX 5 Compare a-s
CMPD s B3 --**** XXX*X 8 Compare Double acc. D-s (10H)
CMPS s BC --**** XXX*X 8 Compare Stack pointer S-s (11H)
CMPU s B3 --**** XXX*X 8 Compare User stack ptr U-s (11H)
CMPi s BC --**** XXX*X 7 Compare i-s (Y ~s=8)
COM d 73 --**01 XXX X 2 Complement d=~d
COMa 43 --**01 X 7 Complement accumulator a=~a
CWAI n 3C E????? X K AND CCR, Wait for int. CC=CC&n,E=1,
DAA 19 --**** X 2 Decimal Adjust Acc. A=BCD format
DEC d 7A --***- XXX X 7 Decrement d=d-1
DECa 4A --***- X 2 Decrement accumulator a=a-1
EORa s B8 --**0- XXXXX 5 Logical Exclusive OR a=axs
EXG r,r 1E ------ X 8 Exchange (r1 size=r2) r1<->r2
INC d 7C --***- XXX X 7 Increment d=d+1
INCa 4C --***- X 2 Increment accumulator a=a+1
JMP s 7E ------ XXX X 4 Jump PC=EAs
JSR s BD ------ XXX X 8 Jump to Subroutine -[S]=PC,JMP
LBcc nn 10 ------ x 5 Long cond. Branch(~=6) If cc LBRA
LBRA nn 16 ------ x 5 Long Branch Always PC=nn
LBSR nn 17 ------ x 9 Long Branch Subroutine -[S]=PC,LBRA
LDa s B6 --**0- XXXXX 5 Load accumulator a=s
LDD s FC --**0- XXX*X 6 Load Double acc. D=s
LDS s FE --**0- XXX*X 7 Load Stack pointer S=s (10H)
LDU s FE --**0- XXX*X 6 Load User stack ptr U=s
LDi s BE --**0- XXX*X 6 Load index register i=s (Y ~s=7)
LEAp s 3X ---i-- xX X 4 Load Effective Address p=EAs(X=0-3)
LSL d 78 --0*** XXX X 7 Logical Shift Left d={C,d,0}<-
LSLa 48 --0*** X 2 Logical Shift Left a={C,a,0}<-
LSR d 74 --0*** XXX X 7 Logical Shift Right d=->{C,d,0}
LSRa 44 --0*** X 2 Logical Shift Right d=->{C,d,0}
MUL 3D ---- X B Multiply D=A*B
NEG d 70 -?**** XXX X 7 Negate d=-d
NEGa 40 -?**** X 2 Negate accumulator a=-a
NOP 12 ------ X 2 No Operation
ORa s BA --**0- XXXXX 5 Logical inclusive OR a=avs
ORCC n 1A ?????? X 3 Inclusive OR CCR CC=CCvn
PSHS r 34 ------ X 2 Push reg(s) (not S) -[S]={r,...}
PSHU r 36 ------ X 2 Push reg(s) (not U) -[U]={r,...}
PULS r 35 ?????? X 2 Pull reg(s) (not S) {r,...}=[S]+
PULU r 37 ?????? X 2 Pull reg(s) (not U) {r,...}=[U]+
ROL d 79 --**** XXX X 7 Rotate Left d={C,d}<-
ROLa 49 --**** X 2 Rotate Left acc. a={C,a}<-
ROR d 76 --**** XXX X 7 Rotate Right d=->{C,d}
RORa 46 --**** X 2 Rotate Right acc. a=->{C,a}

Mnemon. Op IHNZVC IEXD#R ~ Description Notes
RTI 3B -***** X 6 Return from Interrupt {regs}=[S]+
RTS 39 ------ X 5 Return from Subroutine PC=[S]+
SBCa s B2 --**** XXXXX 5 Subtract with Carry a=a-s-C
SEX 1D --**-- X 2 Sign Extend D=B
STa d B7 --**0- XXX X 5 Store accumultor d=a
STD d FD --**0- XXX X 6 Store Double acc. D=a
STS d FF --**0- XXX X 7 Store Stack pointer S=a (10H)
STU d FF --**0- XXX X 6 Store User stack ptr U=a
STi d BF --**0- XXX X 6 Store index register i=a (Y ~s=7)
SUBa s B0 --**** XXXXX 5 Subtract a=a-s
SUBD s B3 --**** XXX*X 7 Subtract Double acc. D=D-s
SWI 3F 1----- X J Software Interrupt 1 -[S]={regs}
SWI2 3F E----- X K Software Interrupt 2 SWI (10H)
SWI3 3F E----- X K Software Interrupt 3 SWI (11H)
SYNC 13 ------ X 2 Sync. to interrupt (min ~s=2)
TFR r,r 1F ------ X 6 Transfer (r1 size<=r2) r2=r1
TST s 7D --**0- XXX X 7 Test s
TSTa 4D --**0- X 2 Test accumulator a


๐Ÿ’พ Motorola 6809 8-bit microprocessor CPU Instruction







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