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Automatic detection and observation of mineral extraction sites in Switzerland

The project aims to perform automatic detection of mineral extraction sites (MES, also referred as quarry in this project) on georeferenced raster images of Switzerland over several years. A deep learning approach is used to train a model achieving a f1 score of about 80% (validation dataset), enabling accurate detection of MES over time. Detailed documentation of the project and results can be found on the STDL technical website.



The project proj-dqry provides scripts to prepare and post-process data and results dedicated to MES automatic detection. Object detection is performed with the object-detector framework developed by the STDL, based on deep learning method. Documentation of this project can be found here.

The procedure is defined in three distinct workflows:

  1. Training and evaluation: enables the detection model to be trained and evaluated using a customised dataset reviewed by domain experts and constituting the ground truth. The detector is first trained on the SWISSIMAGE 10 cm mosaic of 2020, using manually vectorised MES of the swissTLM3D product.
  2. Detection: enables detection by inference of MES in a given set of images (SWISSIMAGE Journey) using the previously trained model.
  3. Detection tracking: identifies and tracks MES evolution over time.

Workflow scheme.



The project has been run on a 32 GiB RAM machine with a 16 GiB GPU (NVIDIA Tesla T4) compatible with CUDA. The library detectron2, dedicated to object detection with deep learning algorithm, was used.
The main limitation is the number of tiles to be processed and the amount of detections, which can lead to RAM saturation. The provided requirements stand for a zoom level equal to or below 17 and an area of interest (AoI) corresponding to typical SWISSIMAGE acquisition footprints (no more than a third of Switzerland's surface area).


  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • Python version 3.8
  • PyTorch version 1.10
  • CUDA version 11.3
  • object-detector version 1.0.0


Install GDAL:

sudo apt-get install -y python3-gdal gdal-bin libgdal-dev gcc g++ python3.8-dev

Python dependencies can be installed with pip or conda using the requirements.txt file (compiled from provided. We advise using a Python virtual environment.

  • Create a Python virtual environment
$ python3 -m venv <dir_path>/<name of the virtual environment>
$ source <dir_path>/<name of the virtual environment>/bin/activate
  • Install dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
  • If needed (update dependencies or addition a new Python library), can be compiled to generate a new requirements.txt:
$ pip-compile

Getting started

Files structure

The folders/files of the project proj-dqry (in combination with object-detector) is organised as follows. Path names can be customised by the user, and * indicates numbers which may vary:

├── config                                          # configurations files folder
│   ├── config_det.template.yaml                    # template file for detection workflow over several years
│   ├── config_track.yaml                           # detection tracking workflow
│   ├── config_det.yaml                             # detection workflow
│   ├── config_trne.yaml                            # training and evaluation workflow
│   ├── detectron2_config_dqry.yaml                 # detectron 2
│   └── logging.conf                                # logging configuration
├── images                                          # folder containing the images displayed in the README 
├── input                                           # inputs folders
│   ├── input_track                                 # detection tracking input 
│   │   ├── oth_detections_at_0dot*_threshold_year-*_score-0dot*_area-*_elevation-*_distance-*.geojson # final filtered detections file for a given year
│   ├── input_det                                   # detection inputs
│   │   ├── logs                                    # folder containing trained model 
│   │   │   └── model_*.pth                         # selected model at iteration
│   │   ├── AoI
│   │   │   ├── swissimage_footprint_*.prj          # AoI shapefile projection for a given year
│   │   │   ├── swissimage_footprint_*.shp          # AoI shapefile for a given year          
│   │   │   └── swissimage_footprint_*.shx          # AoI shapefile indexes for a given year
│   └── input_trne                                  # training and evaluation inputs
│       ├── tlm-hr-trn-topo.prj                     # shapefile projection of the labels
│       ├── tlm-hr-trn-topo.shp                     # shapefile of the labels 
│       └── tlm-hr-trn-topo.shx                     # shapefile indexes of the labels
├── output                                          # outputs folders
│   ├── output_track                                # detection tracking outputs 
│   │   └── oth_detections_at_0dot*_threshold_year-*_score-0dot*_area-*_elevation-*_distance-*   # final filtered detections file for a given year
│   │       ├── plots                               # plot saving folder
│   │       ├── detections_years.csv                # table containing detections (id, geometry, area, year...) for a list of given year
│   │       └── detections_years.geojson            # geometry file containing detections (id, geometry, area, year...) for a list of given year
│   ├── output_det                                  # detection outputs 
│   │   ├── all-images                              # images downloaded from wmts server (XYZ values)
│   │   │   ├── z_y_x.json
│   │   │   └── z_y_x.tif
│   │   ├── oth-images                              # tagged images other dataset
│   │   │   └── z_y_x.tif
│   │   ├── sample_tagged_images                    # examples of annotated detections on images (XYZ values)
│   │   │   └── oth_pred_z_y_x.png
│   │   ├── COCO_oth.json                           # COCO annotations on other dataset  
│   │   ├── img_metadata.json                       # images info
│   │   ├── labels.json                             # AoI contour 
│   │   ├── oth_detections_at_0dot*_threshold_year-*_score-0dot*_area-*_elevation-*_distance-*.geojson
│   │   ├── oth_detections_at_0dot*_threshold.gpkg  # detections obtained with a given score threshold
│   │   ├── split_AoI_tiles.geojson                 # labels' shapes clipped to tiles' shapes 
│   │   └── tiles.geojson                           # tiles geometries 
│   └── output_trne                                 # training and evaluation outputs  
│       ├── all-images                              # images downloaded from WMTS server (XYZ values)
│       │   ├── z_y_x.json
│       │   └── z_y_x.tif
│       ├── logs                                    # folder containing trained model 
│       │   ├── inference
│       │   │   ├── coco_instances_results.json
│       │   │   └── instances_detections.pth
│       │   ├── metrics.json                        # computed metrics for the given interval and bin size
│       │   ├── model_*.pth                         # saved trained model at a given iteration
│       │   └── model_final.pth                     # last iteration saved model
│       ├── sample_tagged_images                    # examples of annotated detections on images (XYZ values)
│       │   └── pred_z_y_x.png
│       │   └── tagged_z_y_x.png
│       │   └── trn_pred_z_y_x.png
│       │   └── tst_pred_z_y_x.png
│       │   └── val_pred_z_y_x.png
│       ├── trn-images                              # tagged images train dataset  
│       │   └── z_y_x.tif
│       ├── tst-images                              # tagged images test dataset
│       │   └── z_y_x.tif
│       ├── val-images                              # tagged images validation dataset
│       │   └── z_y_x.tif
│       ├── clipped_labels.geojson                  # labels shape clipped to tiles shape 
│       ├── COCO_trn.json                           # COCO annotations on train dataset
│       ├── COCO_tst.json                           # COCO annotations on test dataset
│       ├── COCO_val.json                           # COCO annotations on validation dataset
│       ├── img_metadata.json                       # images info
│       ├── labels.json                             # labels geometries
│       ├── precision_vs_recall.html                # plot precision vs recall
│       ├── split_AoI_tiles.geojson                 # tagged dataset tiles 
│       ├── tagged_detections.gpkg                  # tagged detections (TP, FP, FN) 
│       ├── tiles.json                              # tiles geometries
│       ├── trn_metrics_vs_threshold.html           # plot metrics of train dataset vs threshold values
│       ├── trn_detections_at_0dot*_threshold.gpkg  # detections obtained for the train dataset with a given score threshold 
│       ├── trn_TP-FN-FP_vs_threshold.html          # plot train DS TP-FN-FP vs threshold values
│       ├── tst_metrics_vs_threshold.html           # plot metrics of test dataset vs threshold values
│       ├── tst_detections_at_0dot*_threshold.gpkg  # detections obtained for the test dataset with a given score threshold
│       ├── tst_TP-FN-FP_vs_threshold.html          # plot test dataset TP-FN-FP vs threshold values
│       ├── val_metrics_vs_threshold.html           # plot metrics of validation dataset vs threshold values
│       ├── val_detections_at_0dot*_threshold.gpkg  # detections obtained for the validation dataset with a given score threshold
│       └── val_TP-FN-FP_vs_threshold.html          # plot validation dataset TP-FN-FP vs threshold values
├── scripts
│   ├──                            # batch script automatising the detection workflow
│   ├──                         # script tracking the detections in multiple years dataset 
│   ├──                        # script filtering the detections according to threshold values
│   ├──                                  # batch script downloading the DEM of Switzerland
│   ├──                                    # script plotting figures
│   ├──                             # script preparing data to be processed by the object-detector scripts
│   └──                                   # detail description of each script 
├── .gitignore                                      
├──                                 # list of python libraries required for the project
└── requirements.txt                                # python dependencies compiled from file


Below, the description of input data used for this project.

  • images: SWISSIMAGE Journey is an annual dataset of aerial images of Switzerland. Only RGB images are used, from 1999 to current. It includes SWISSIMAGE 10 cm, SWISSIMAGE 25 cm and SWISSIMAGE 50 cm. The images are downloaded from the server using XYZ connector.
  • ground truth: MES labels come from the swissTLM3D product. The file tlm-hr-trn-topo.shp, used for training, has been reviewed and synchronised with the 2020 SWISSIMAGE 10 cm mosaic.
  • AoI: image acquisition footprints by year (swissimage_footprint_.shp) can be found here. The shapefiles of SWISSIMAGE acquisition footprint from 2015 to 2020 are provided in this repository.
  • DEM: the DEM of Switzerland has been processed by Lukas Martinelli and can be downloaded here.
  • trained model: the trained model used to produce the results presented in the documentation and achieving a f1 score of 82% is available on request.


The proj-dqry repository contains scripts to prepare and post-process the data and results:


The description of each script can be found here.

Object detection is performed with tools present in the object-detector git repository.

Workflow instructions

The workflow can be executed by running the following list of actions and commands. Adjust the paths and input values of the configuration files accordingly. The contents of the configuration files in angle brackets must be assigned.

Training and evaluation:

$ python scripts/ config/config_trne.yaml
$ stdl-objdet generate_tilesets config/config_trne.yaml
$ stdl-objdet train_model config/config_trne.yaml
$ tensorboard --logdir output/output_trne/logs

Open the following link with a web browser: http://localhost:6006 and identify the iteration minimising the validation loss and select the model accordingly (model_*.pth) in config_trne. For the provided parameters, model_0002999.pth is the default one.

$ stdl-objdet make_detections config/config_trne.yaml
$ stdl-objdet assess_detections config/config_trne.yaml


$ mkdir -p input/input_det/logs
$ cp output/output_trne/logs/<selected_model_pth> input/input_det/logs
$ python scripts/ config/config_det.yaml

Don't forget to assign the desired year to the url in config_det.yaml when you download tiles from the server with


$ stdl-objdet generate_tilesets config/config_det.yaml
$ stdl-objdet make_detections config/config_det.yaml
$ scripts/
$ python scripts/ config/config_det.yaml

The Detection workflow has been automated and can be run for a batch of years by executing these commands:

$ scripts/
$ scripts/

Detection tracking:

Copy the detections files oth_detections_at_0dot3_threshold_year-{year}_{filters_list}.geojson produced for different years with the Detection workflow to the input_track folder.

$ mkdir input/input_track
$ cp output/output_det/<oth_filtered_detections_path> input/input_track
$ python scripts/ config/config_track.yaml
$ python scripts/ config/config_track.yaml


proj-dqry was made possible with the help of several contributors (alphabetical):

Alessandro Cerioni, Nils Hamel, Clémence Herny, Shanci Li, Adrian Meyer, Huriel Reichel


Depending on the end purpose, we strongly recommend users not take for granted the detections obtained through this code. Indeed, results can exhibit false positives and false negatives, as is the case in all approaches based on machine learning.


This project is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPLv3. Documentation and illustrations are licensed under the terms of the CC BY 4.0.