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RRH is a simple git repository manager.

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There are too many repositories. We love programming; however, to manage many repositories is quite hard and bothersome tasks. Therefore, we built a headquarter for managing the git repositories, named RRH. RRH manages repositories by categorizing in groups and execute git command to the groups.

I know the tool ghq, manages the git repositories. However, I cannot use it for the following reasons.

  1. there are quite many repositories in my home directory.
    • To start using ghq, we clone the repositories. However, I did not accept to clone all of the repositories.
  2. The location of repositories is fixed in the config file and is accepted only one location.
    • I decide the directory layout in my home directory.

Additionally, I edit several repositories in a day, when I work hard. Consequently, the progress of each repository is obscured; I cannot remember a lot of things. Therefore, it is glad to see the last modified date of branches.

RRH is now growing. Please hack RRH itself.



Install rrh via Homebrew, simply run:

$ brew tap tamada/brew
$ brew install rrh


To install by cli, simply run:

$ go get


  • Runtime
    • Bash 4.x or after, for completion.
      • zsh?, and fish?, I do not use them, so I do not know.
      • For macOS user, the default shell of the macOS is bash 3.x, therefore, the completion is not work enough.
        • rrh is maybe work on Windows, and Linux. I do not use them.
  • Development
    • Go 1.12
    • See go.mod

For 1.x.x Users

rrh updates the default config and database paths from "${HOME}/.rrh" to "${HOME}/.config/rrh". Therefore, please move the previous database and config to the new location by executing rrh migrate 1.x.x.


Getting started

RRH has various subcommands, however, list and add subcommand make you happy.

  • rrh list shows managed repositories.
  • rrh add <REPO> adds the given repository under the RRH management.
  • type cdrrh on Terminal, then type TAB, TAB, TAB!

Command references

    -h, --help                        print this message.
    -v, --version                     print version.
    -c, --config-file <CONFIG_FILE>   specifies the config file path.
    add          add repositories on the local path to RRH.
    clone        run "git clone" and register it to a group.
    config       set/unset and list configuration of RRH.
    export       export RRH database to stdout.
    fetch        run "git fetch" on the given groups.
    fetch-all    run "git fetch" in the all repositories.
    group        add/list/update/remove groups and show groups of the repository.
    help         print this message.
    import       import the given database.
    list         print managed repositories and their groups.
    mv           move the repositories from groups to another group.
    open         open folder or web page of the given repositories.
    prune        prune unnecessary repositories and groups.
    repository   manages repositories.
    rm           remove given repository from database.
    status       show git status of repositories.
    version      show version.

If the user specified an unknown subcommand (e.g., rrh helloworld), rrh treats it as an external command. In that case, rrh searches an executable file named rrh-helloworld from the PATH environment variable. If rrh found it, rrh executes it, if not found, rrh prints help and exit.


rrh add

Registers the repositories which specified the given paths to the RRH database and categorize to the group (Default no-group, see RRH_DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME).

    -g, --group <GROUP>        add repository to RRH database.
    -r, --repository-id <ID>   specified repository id of the given repository path.
                               Specifying this option fails with multiple arguments.
    REPOSITORY_PATHS           the local path list of the git repositories.

rrh clone

Runs git clone command and registers the cloned repository to RRH database. The following steps identify the id of the repository.

  1. If the length of REMOTE_REPOS is 1, and DEST exists, then the last entry of REMOTE_REPOS is repository id by eliminating the suffix .git.
  2. If the length of REMOTE_REPOS is 1, and DEST does not exist, then the last entry of DEST is repository id.
  3. If the length of REMOTE_REPOS is greater than 1, then the last entry of each REMOTE_REPOS is repository ids by eliminating the suffix .git.
rrh clone [OPTIONS] <REMOTE_REPOS...>
    -g, --group <GROUP>   print managed repositories categoried in the group.
    -d, --dest <DEST>     specify the destination. Default is the current directory.
    REMOTE_REPOS          repository urls

The destination of cloned repository is located based on RRH_CLONE_DESTINATION

rrh config

Handles the operations of configuration/environment variables. This subcommand requires sub-sub-command. If sub-sub-command was not specified, it runs list sub-sub-command.

rrh config <COMMAND> [ARGUMENTS]
    set <ENV_NAME> <VALUE>  set ENV_NAME to VALUE
    unset <ENV_NAME>        reset ENV_NAME
    list                    list all of ENVs (default)

rrh export

Exports the data of RRH database by JSON format.

rrh export [OPTIONS]
    --no-indent      print result as no indented json
    --no-hide-home   not replace home directory to '${HOME}' keyword

rrh fetch

Runs git fetch command in the repositories of the specified group.

rrh fetch [OPTIONS] [GROUPS...]
    -r, --remote <REMOTE>   specify the remote name. Default is "origin."
    GROUPS                  run "git fetch" command on each repository on the group.
                            if no value is specified, run on the default group.

rrh fetch-all

Runs git fetch command in all repositories of managing in RRH. This command may make heavy network traffic; therefore, we do not recommend to run.

rrh fetch-all [OPTIONS]
    -r, --remote <REMOTE>   specify the remote name. Default is "origin."

rrh group

Handles the operations of groups of RRH. This subcommand requires sub-sub-command. If sub-sub-command was not specified, it runs list sub-sub-command.

rrh group <SUBCOMMAND>
    add       add new group.
    info      show information of specified groups.
    list      list groups (default).
    of        shows groups of the specified repository.
    rm        remove group.
    update    update group.
rrh group add

Adds new group to the RRH database.

rrh group add [OPTIONS] <GROUPS...>
    -d, --desc <DESC>        gives the description of the group.
    -o, --omit-list <FLAG>   gives the omit list flag of the group.
    GROUPS                   gives group names.
rrh group info

Show information of specified groups.

rrh group info <GROUPS...>
    GROUPS           group names to show the information.
rrh group list

Displays group list.

rrh group list [OPTIONS]
    -d, --desc             show description.
    -r, --repository       show repositories in the group.
    -o, --only-groupname   show only group name. This option is prioritized.
rrh group of

Displays group of the specified repositories.

rrh group of <REPOSITORY_ID>
    REPOSITORY_ID     show the groups of the repository.
rrh group rm

Removes groups.

rrh group rm [OPTIONS] <GROUPS...>
    -f, --force      force remove.
    -i, --inquery    inquiry mode.
    -v, --verbose    verbose mode.
    GROUPS           target group names.
rrh group update

Update the information of specified group.

rrh group update [OPTIONS] <GROUP>
    -n, --name <NAME>        change group name to NAME.
    -d, --desc <DESC>        change description to DESC.
    -o, --omit-list <FLAG>   change omit-list of the group. FLAG must be "true" or "false".
    GROUP                    update target group names.

rrh help

Prints the help message.

rrh help [ARGUMENTS...]
    print help message of target command.

rrh import

Import the database to the local environment.

    --auto-clone    clone the repository, if paths do not exist.
    --overwrite     replace the local RRH database to the given database.
    -v, --verbose   verbose mode.
    DATABASE_JSON   the exported RRH database.

rrh list

Prints the repositories of managing in RRH.

rrh list [OPTIONS] [GROUPS...]
    -d, --desc          print description of group.
    -p, --path          print local paths (default).
    -r, --remote        print remote urls.
    -A, --all-entries   print all entries of each repository.

    -a, --all           print all repositories, no omit repositories.
    -c, --csv           print result as csv format.
    GROUPS    print managed repositories categorized in the groups.
              if no groups are specified, all groups are printed.

rrh mv

Move repositories to another group.

rrh mv [OPTIONS] <FROMS...> <TO>
    -v, --verbose   verbose mode

    FROMS...        specifies move from, formatted in <GROUP_NAME/REPO_ID>, or <GROUP_NAME>
    TO              specifies move to, formatted in <GROUP_NAME>

rrh open

Opens folder or web page of the given repositories.

    -f, --folder     open the folder of the specified repository (Default).
    -w, --webpage    open the webpage of the specified repository.
    -h, --help       print this message.
    REPOSITORIES     specifies repository names.

rrh prune

Deletes unnecessary groups and repositories. The unnecessary groups are no repositories in them. The unnecessary repositories are to have an invalid path.

rrh prune

rrh repository

Prints/Updates the repository.

rrh repository <SUBCOMMAND>
    info [OPTIONS] <REPO...>     shows repository information.
    update [OPTIONS] <REPO...>   updates repository information.
    update-remotes [OPTIONS]     update all remote entries.
rrh repository info

prints the repository information.

rrh repository info [OPTIONS] [REPOSITORIES...]
    -G, --color     prints the results with color.
    -c, --csv       prints the results in the csv format.
    REPOSITORIES    target repositories.  If no repositories are specified,
                    this sub command failed.
rrh repository update

update the information of the repository.

rrh repository update [OPTIONS] <REPOSITORY>
    -i, --id <NEWID>     specifies new repository id.
    -d, --desc <DESC>    specifies new description.
    -p, --path <PATH>    specifies new path.
    REPOSITORY           specifies the repository id.
rrh repository update-remotes

update remote entries in the all repositories.

rrh repository update-remotes [OPTIONS]
    -d, --dry-run    dry-run mode.
    -v, --verbose    verbose mode.

rrh rm

Removes the specified groups, repositories, and relations. If the group has entries is removed by specifying the option --recursive.

    -i, --inquiry       inquiry mode.
    -r, --recursive     recursive mode.
    -v, --verbose       verbose mode.

    REPOY_ID            repository name for removing.
    GROUP_ID            group name. if the group contains repositories,
                        removing will fail without '-r' option.
    GROUP_ID/REPO_ID    remove the relation between the given REPO_ID and GROUP_ID.

rrh status

Prints the last modified times of each branch in the repositories of the specified group.

rrh status [OPTIONS] [GROUPS|REPOS...]
    -b, --branches  show the status of the local branches.
    -r, --remote    show the status of the remote branches.
    -c, --csv       print result in csv format.
    GROUPS          target groups.
    REPOS           target repositories.
                    If no arguments were specified, this command
                    shows the result of default group.

rrh version

Prints rrh version.

rrh version

Environment variables

We can see those variables by running rrh config sub-command.


  • specifies the location of the RRH database and config file.
  • Default: /Users/tamada/.rrh


  • specifies the location of the location path.
    • RRH ignores to specify RRH_CONFIG_PATH in the config file. This variable availables only environment variable.
  • Default: ${RRH_HOME}/config.json


  • specifies the location of the database path.
  • Default: ${RRH_HOME}/database.json


  • specifies the default group name.
  • Default: no-group


  • specifies the destination by cloning the repository.
  • Default: .


  • specifies the behaviors of RRH on error.
  • Default: WARN
  • Available values: FAIL_IMMEDIATELY, FAIL, WARN, and IGNORE
      • reports error immediately and quits RRH with a non-zero status.
    • FAIL
      • runs through all targets and reports errors if needed, then quits RRH with a non-zero status.
    • WARN
      • runs through all targets and reports errors if needed, then quits RRH successfully.
    • IGNORE
      • runs all targets and no reports errors.


  • specifies the time format for status command.
  • Default: relative
  • Available value: relative and the time format for Go lang.
    • relative
      • shows times by humanized format (e.g., 2 weeks ago)
    • Other strings
      • regard as formatting layout and give to Format method of the time.


  • specifies to create the group when the not existing group was specified, and it needs to create.
  • Default: false


  • specifies to delete the group when some group was no more needed.
  • Default: false


  • specifies to sort database entries on updating database.
  • Default: false


  • specifies the colors of the output.
  • Default: "repository:fg=red+group:fg=magenta+label:op=bold+configValue:fg=green"
  • Format: "repository:fg=<COLOR>;bg=<COLOR>;op=<STYLE>+group:fg=<COLOR>;bg=<COLOR>;op=<STYLE>+label:fg=<COLOR>;bg=<COLOR>;op=<STYLE>+configValue:fg=<COLOR>;bg=<COLOR>;op=<STYLE>"
    • Available COLORs
      • red, cyan, blue, black, green, white, yellow, magenta.
    • Available STYLEs
      • bold, underscore.
    • Delimiter of repository, group and label is +, delimiter of type and value is :, delimiter of each label is ;, and delimiter of each value is ,.
  • Examples:
    • RRH_COLOR: repository:fg=red+group:fg=cyan;op=bold,underscore
      • Repository: red, Group: cyan in bold with underscore.


  • specifies to colorize the output. The colors of output were specified on RRH_COLOR
  • Default: false



The database for managed repositories is formatted in JSON. The JSON format is as follows. The JSON file is placed on $RRH_HOME/database.json. If $RRH_HOME was not set, $HOME/.rrh is used as $RRH_HOME. Also, the configuration file is on $RRH_HOME/config.json

    last-modified: '2019-01-01T',
    repositories: [
            repository_id: 'rrh', // unique key of repository.
            repository_path: 'absolute/path/of/repository',
            repository_desc: 'description of the repository.',
            remotes: [
                    Name: "origin",
                    URL: ""
    groups: [
            group_name: 'no-group',
            group_desc: 'The description of the group.',
            omit_list: false
    relations: [
            repository_id: 'rrh',
            group_name: 'no-group'


Write the following script to $HOME/.bash_profile, then restart shell, then we can use cdrrh and rrhpeco command in the terminal.


changes directory to the specified repository.

    path=$(rrh repository list --path $1)
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
        cd $path
        echo "$1: repository not found"


list repositories, and filtering them by peco, then change directory to the filtering result.

  csv=$(rrh list --path --csv | peco)
  cd $(echo $csv | awk -F , '{ print $3 }')

About the Project

Contribution Code of Conduct License Gitter Gitter misc_ja


  1. Fork the project. (
  2. Create a feature branch. (git checkout -b FEATURE_BRANCH_NAME)
  3. Edit the source files and Commit your changes.
  4. Create tests and commit them.
  5. Rebase your local changes against the master branch.
  6. Run the test suite with the make test and confirm that passes.
  7. Create a new pull request.
  8. Confirm all checks pass.

See also the contribution guideline.

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct


Apache Version 2.0



Gitter Gitter misc_ja

Join our Gitter channel if you have any problem or suggestions to rrh.

For Japanese user, misc_ja channel has discussions in Japanese. The public language of other channels and GitHub pages are English.


Why the project name RRH

At first, the name of this project was GRIM (Git Repository Integrated Manager). However, the means of grim is not good, and there are many commands which start with gr. Therefore, we changed the project name to RRH. RRH means "Repositories, Ready to Hack" or "Remote Repositories Head," are not the abbreviation of the Red Riding Hood.


Icon of RRH

icon of rrh by

Version histories

  • v1.1.0 (18 Dec, 2018)
    • #79 (add rrh group info sub command)
    • #77 (introduce rrh repository update-remotes sub command)
    • #81 (introduce options for rrh prune command)
  • v1.0.4 (13 Jul, 2018)
    • #74 (permission of created by rrh-new was invalid (204))
    • #75 (Introduce --dry-run option to rrh new command)
  • v1.0.3 (29 Jun, 2018)
    • #72 (Print belonging groups on rrh repository info)
  • v1.0.2 (29 Jun, 2018)
    • #67 (implements rrh new sub command)
  • v1.0.1 (26 Jun, 2018)
    • #68 (rrh group prints rrh config list)
  • v1.0.0 (18 Jun, 2018)
    • The first public release.

Table of Contents