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Sight Documentation

This document details the key steps needed to start using the Sight system.

  1. The Prerequisites section details all the steps needed to configure Sight to work within a given GCP project, including accounts, accessing the Sight codebase and launching the Sight server.
  2. The Logging API section summarizes Sight's APIs for logging the application's execution so that it can be visualized, searched or analyzed by external tools.
  3. Section Decision API describes Sight's APIs for using external ML libraries to control or optimize the application's execution to achieve the user's objectives.
  4. Section Sight Utilities details useful supporting tools that make it easier to use Sight.


Fetching Sight code:

Install packages:

# Install basic libraries
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install git
sudo apt install virtualenv
sudo apt-get install python3-pip

Install docker:

for Google-internal user (on cloudtop)
# Remove old docker-* packages (if installed)
sudo apt remove docker-engine docker-runc docker-containerd

sudo glinux-add-repo docker-ce-"$(lsb_release -cs)"
sudo apt update
sudo apt install docker-ce

# If the previous command fails, you may need to clear your
# docker lib (rm -rf /var/lib/docker) as well. Doing this will delete
# all images on disk. Ensure that they are backed up somewhere
# if you don't want this to happen.

# Sudoless Docker
sudo addgroup docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
# In order for the above to take effect, logout and log back in (or reboot if that does not work), or use newgrp docker to change your primary group within a terminal.
for GCP (on VM)
# Add Docker's official GPG key:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl gnupg
sudo install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg
sudo chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg

# Add the repository to Apt sources:
echo \
  "deb [arch="$(dpkg --print-architecture)" signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg] \
  "$(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_CODENAME")" stable" | \
  sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
sudo apt-get update

# Install the Docker packages.
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin

# Verify
sudo docker run hello-world

# Run Docker Commands Without Sudo
# Need to close and start the terminal again for this to get effect
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

Get code from github:

#clone and fetch latest sigh code from gerrit
cd ~/
git clone

Python Version Compatibility

This application is compatible with Python versions 3.9 and 3.10. If you don't have either of these versions installed, you can follow these steps to set up the supported Python version using pyenv:

# Install all the required packages
sudo apt install curl git-core gcc make zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev libssl-dev libffi-dev lzma liblzma-dev

# Grab the the latest pyenv source tree from its Github repository
git clone $HOME/.pyenv
# Set the environment variable PYENV_ROOT
vim $HOME/.bashrc
## add pyenv configs in .bashrc file
export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv"
export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"

if command -v pyenv 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then
  eval "$(pyenv init -)"
# source $HOME/.bashrc file or restart the shell
source $HOME/.bashrc
# Install supported python version
pyenv versions
pyenv install 3.10.12
pyenv global 3.10.12
source $HOME/.bashrc
pyenv global

After installing the supported Python version (3.9 or 3.10), you can proceed with creating virtualenv and install required depencies.

Create virtual env:

# Create and set-up new virtual environment
cd ~/
mkdir venvs
cd venvs
# 3.9 should work if 10 doesn't
virtualenv sight_env --python=python3.10
source ~/venvs/sight_env/bin/activate

# Install necessary dependencies from requirement.txt file
pip install -r ~/x-sight/py/sight/requirements.txt

Note : if error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'virtualenv' occurs, try installing virtualenv using pip, sudo pip install virtualenv

# Set python path to x-sight directory and reload the bashrc file
echo 'export PYTHONPATH="$HOME/x-sight/py:$HOME/x-sight:$PYTHONPATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
source  ~/.bashrc
source ~/venvs/sight_env/bin/activate
cd ~/x-sight

User Permissions:

Note : all the follow up commands using $PROJECT_ID assumes you have it already set to your gcp project id. If not, set it via


For completing rest of the task from prerequisites, one needs either owner role and directly continue to this section or one can create Sight Manager role as following and assign that role to any user and delegate the remaining tasks from prerequisites.

Creating Sight Manager role:

gcloud iam roles create sight_manager --project=$PROJECT_ID --file=infra/sight-manager-role.yaml

Assigning role to User:

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID \
--member="user:$USER_ACCOUNT" \

We'll need one service account and 2 custom roles (for application user and for service account to be used by sight spawned workers) with necessary permissions to run the Sight.

Make sure following APIs are enabled in your gcp project


Custom Roles/Service-account:

Sight User:

  1. Create a custom role for User working with Sight from the sight-user-role.yaml file available in the root directory of repo.

    gcloud iam roles create sight_user --project=$PROJECT_ID --file=infra/sight-user-role.yaml
  2. Assign the custom role to user.

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID \
    --member="user:$USER_ACCOUNT" \

Sight Service Account:

  1. Create the service account for sight related work

    gcloud iam service-accounts create sight-service-account \
        --display-name="sight service account" --project=$PROJECT_ID
  2. Create a custom role for service-account with necessary permissions to work with Sight from the sight-service-account-role.yaml file available in the root directory of repo.

    gcloud iam roles create sight_service_account --project=$PROJECT_ID --file=infra/sight-service-account-role.yaml
  3. Assign the custom role to the newly created service account so that this service account can have required permissions.

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID \
    --member="serviceAccount:sight-service-account@$" \

Launching Default-service:

  1. Add your project details to .env file in the code

    echo "PROJECT_ID=$PROJECT_ID" >> .env
    echo "GENAI_API_KEY=$YOUR_ACTUAL_KEY" >> .env
  2. Create service image from the code and host it on

    docker build --tag$PROJECT_ID/sight-default -f sight_service/Dockerfile .
    gcloud auth print-access-token | docker login -u oauth2accesstoken --password-stdin
    docker push$PROJECT_ID/sight-default
  3. With the help of the image, launch cloud run service

    gcloud run deploy sight-default$PROJECT_ID/sight-default:latest --allow-unauthenticated --service-account=sight-service-account@$ --concurrency=default --cpu=2 --memory=8Gi --min-instances=1 --max-instances=1 --no-cpu-throttling --region=us-central1 --project=$PROJECT_ID

Hosting worker image:

Host the worker image in a cloud which will be used as default image by the workers spawned using sight unless specified otherwise.

docker build --tag$PROJECT_ID/sight-worker -f py/Dockerfile .

gcloud auth print-access-token | docker login -u oauth2accesstoken --password-stdin

docker push$PROJECT_ID/sight-worker

Logging API

Sight enables application developers to log the dynamic behavior of their application at a high level of abstraction, documenting the hierarchical nesting structure of its logic and the full details of the logged data structures. These logs are stored in BigQuery and can be viewed via a specialized GUI that clearly visualizes the log's structure and provides search and navigation capabilities, powered by BigQuery.

Logging is done via an object of type Sight, which exposes a range of logging APIs specialized to document various aspects of application behavior. A Sight object is created as follows:

def get_sight_instance():
    params = sight_pb2.Params(
         label="experiment", # Human-readable description of the application
         project_id=PROJECT_ID, # Name of the user's GCP project
         bucket_name=PROJECT_ID+"-sight", # The GCS bucket where the log is stored
    sight_obj = Sight(params)
    return sight_ob

Sight enables users to document the logical nesting structure of their application's execution via the Block object, which is used as follows:

with Block("A", sight):
 with Block("A1.1", sight):
   sight.text("A1.1 text")

Everything logged to sight while a given object is in scope is nested within that block and this containment relationship is visualized in the GUI.


And one can click on the arrow > button to close down the whole code block of particular region and can focus on the things which are required.


The Attribute API enables users to search for regions of the log where certain conditions hold. This mechanism lets users specify key-value pair bindings that hold while an Attribute object is in scope. Everything logged during this time period is marked with this key-value pair and the GUI lets users search for regions of the log where various constraints on these key-value pairs are satisfied.

with Block("B", sight):
  sight.text("B preText")
  with Attribute("key", "B1", sight):
    with Block("B1", sight):
      with Block("B1.1", sight):
        sight.text("B1.1 text")
  with Attribute("key", "B2", sight):
    with Block("B2", sight):
      with Block("B2.1", sight):
        sight.text("B2.1 text")
  sight.text("B postText")


Users typically need to log complex data structures and analyze specific components of these objects. Traditional logging systems typically require such data structures to be serialized into some human-readable string format and then log this string. In contrast, Sight's data_structure library logs the full structure of objects directly, capturing their internal details within the BigQuery database in a structured format, making it possible to visualize them or analyze them programmatically. To use the data_structure while logging using sight, where the first argument of log API can be any supported data_structure supported by python.

with Block("C", sight):
  data = list(range(0, 12))
          "x": 1,
          (1, 2, 3): ["a", "b", {1: 2}],
          1: [1, 2],
          "1d": np.array(data),
          "2d": np.array(data).reshape((3, 4))


The file sight/demo/ provides examples of how all of the above APIs may be used and is an excellent starting point to understand the core capabilities and how the resulting logs are visualized in Sight's GUI. To generate a log, please edit this file to specify your own project and bucket and then run the demo code:

 python sight/demo/

Sight then prints out the GCS path where the log is stored, the BigQuery table that references it, and most importantly, the URL of the Sight GUI where this log may be viewed:


Decision API:


While the logging API helps application developers better understand the behavior of their applications, the decision API enables them to incorporate machine learning into their application logic, extending their own domain expertise with new tools from the ML community with minimal modifications to their code. The core idea of the Decision API is that when application developers are not sure what their application should do, they can ask Sight, which may use a wide range of ML algorithms (e.g. Bayesian Optimization, Reinforcement Learning, or Large Language Models) to suggest a course of action. At a later point in the application's execution it must use Sight's Decision API to let the ML algorithm know how effective that suggestion was so that such suggestions may be refined in the future. Sight can train these ML models to provide good advice by running many copies of the application in parallel on GCP's distributed compute clusters.

The Decision API may be used by general applications to make complex decisions, such as the choice of a caching policy, the layout of widgets on a web page (e.g. for A/B experiments), selecting the split points in hierarchical sorting algorithms or choosing the parameters of simulations to minimize prediction error. To use the Decision API application developers must package their application into a form that allows Sight to run it many times as it trains the model and then start execution via Sight's function. Currently Sight supports the following package types:

  1. If the application logic is implemented via a dm_env-type environment (e.g. the OpenAI gym) users can provide this environment with no modification and Sight will call the gym's step and reward functions.
  2. Alternatively, application logic can be encapsulated in a call-back driver function that calls Sight's Decision API directly. Sight will then call this driver function one or more times during the model's training process, as well as during normal program execution.

Decision API using an Environment

  • To start the program users must create their environment object and pass it to the function. This environment may be implemented by the application developer (e.g. ShowerEnv) or may be a ready-made environment from AI gym:, env=shower_env.ShowerEnv())
            sight=sight, env=wrappers.GymWrapper(gym.make(flags.FLAGS.env_name))
  • The code below provides an example implementation of a gym, which must implement methods reset(), step(), action_spec() and observation_spec().

    class ShowerEnv(dm_env.Environment):
      """dm_env environment for managing shower temperature."""
      def __init__(self):
        self.state = 38 + random.randint(-3, 3)
        self.shower_length = 60
      def action_spec(self):
        return dm_env.specs.BoundedArray(
            shape=(), dtype=int, name='action', minimum=0, maximum=2
      def observation_spec(self):
        return dm_env.specs.BoundedArray(
      def step(self, action):
        self.state += action - 1
        self.shower_length -= 1
        # Calculate reward, based on whether the shower's temperature is
        # comfortable (between 37 and 39 degrees C).
        if self.state >= 37 and self.state <= 39:
          reward = 1
          reward = -1
        # Check if shower is done
        if self.shower_length <= 0:
          done = True
          done = False
        # Return step information
        if done:
          return dm_env.termination(
              reward, np.array([self.state], dtype=np.float32)
          return dm_env.transition(reward, np.array([self.state],
      def reset(self):
        # Reset shower temperature
        self.state = 38 + random.randint(-3, 3)
        self.shower_length = 60
        return dm_env.restart(np.array([self.state], dtype=np.float32))

Decision API without an Environment

The Decision API can be used in generic code by using the Decision API to identify the questions that need to be asked, the format of the answers that need to be given and add explicit calls where the application asks for guidance and reports back on the outcomes of the ML algorithm's suggestions.

  • The first step is to implement the application's entry point as a driver function that is passed as a parameter to the

  • Next developers must document the properties of the application's dynamic execution that will be communicated to the ML algorithm as context for the decisions it makes. These are passed to the state_attrsparameter and document the range of possible values of each state parameter.

  • Finally, developers must document the format of the guidance it needs back from the ML algorithm as a set of named attributes and their allowed value ranges. These are passed to the action_attrsparameter.
                "Temperature": sight_pb2.DecisionConfigurationStart.AttrProps(
                "Direction": sight_pb2.DecisionConfigurationStart.AttrProps(
  • The driver function performs all the logic of the application and calls the following functions to interact with the ML algorithm:

    • data_structures.log_var():When the application logs a variable explicitly named as a state variable, it is communicated to the ML algorithm as part of the application's current state.

    • decision.decision_point(): Asks the ML algorithm for suggestions about how the application should execute. The response a dict with same keys as the action_attrsparameter in the and values in the allowed range for each such parameter.

      action = decision_point("label", sight)
    • decision.decision_outcome(): Communicates to the ML algorithm the effectiveness of the preceding suggestion, with higher values of the reward parameter indicating that the

  • Driver function should looks something like:

    def driver_fn(sight: Sight) -> None:
      # Initialize simulation state
      temperature = 38 + random.randint(-3, 3)
      shower_length = 60
      data_structures.log_var("Temperature", temperature, sight)
      # Simulation loop
      for _ in range(shower_length):
        # Ask Sight's optimizer for the action to perform.
        chosen_action = decision.decision_point("DP_label", sight)
        direction = np.array(chosen_action["Direction"], dtype=np.int64)
        # Change temperature based on the Sight-recommended direction.
        temperature += direction - 1
        data_structures.log_var("Temperature", temperature, sight)
        # Calculate reward based on whether the temperature target has
        # been achieved.
        if temperature >= 37 and temperature <= 39:
          current_reward = 1
          current_reward = -1
        # Inform Sight of the outcome of the recommended action.
  • In the case of the dm_env type RL environment provided, the default driver function gets run multiple times while running the simulation, if the custom function is not provided. The usage of decision_point and decision_outcome call in this driver function is shown below:

Running Decision API-enabled applications on the command line:

Applications the use the Decision API may be run in two modes:

  • Training: the ML algorithm observes many runs of the application to learn how to make high-quality decisions, and
  • Run: the ML algorithm has been trained and the application is run normally, guided by the trained ML algorithm.

To run the application in training mode users must run the application's binary while setting the command line flag --decision_mode as train and must use the following flags to control the training process:

  • deployment_mode: The procedure to use when training a model to drive applications that use the Decision API.

    • distributed: The application is executed in parallel on the GCP cloud.
    • docker_local: The application is executed locally in a docker container
    • local: The application is executed locally in the current OS environment
  • optimizer_type: The optimizer to be used while training (vizier, dm-acme, exhaustive_search)

  • num_train_workers: Number of workers to use on the GCP cloud in a training run in distributed mode.

  • num_trials: Total number of training trials to perform across all the local or distributed worker nodes.

  • docker_image: docker image to used by worker nodes while running the taks

  • log_path: path to store the logs of workers

Once the ML model has been trained users can use this model to guide ordinary application runs by executing the application's binary while setting the command line flag: --decision_mode as run and --trained_model_log_id as $log_id of generated sight run while training.

Example demo applications:

To make it easier to experiment with the Decision API the sight/demo directory contains the following demo applications that use the Decision API in the different ways described above:

  1. (dm_acme): driver function that uses the Decision API explicitly.
  2. (dm_acme): uses the Decision API implicitly via an RL environment that is driven from Sight.
  3. (dm_acme): uses the Decision API implicitly to drive an AI gym environment that is specified via the --env_name command line flag.
  4. Simple program that tries to learn the level of sweetness a user likes and uses the explicit Decision API to describe the state and action attributes, as well as the decision point and outcome. Used most effectively with the following optimizers: vizier, exhaustive_search.
  5. Simulation of the Volterra-Lotka predator-prey model using the explicit Decision API. Used most effectively with the following optimizers: vizier, exhaustive_search.

Example Training Invocation Commands:

To make it easier to start experimenting with Sight, below are some example commands for running demo files with different optimizers.

Without any environment:

To use the sight for training optimizer, without any environment, run following command with all the mandatory flags mentioned here:

python py/sight/demo/ \
--decision_mode=train \
--deployment_mode=distributed \
--optimizer_type=dm_acme \
--num_train_workers=2 \
--num_trials=5 \
--acme_agent=dqn \$PROJECT_ID/sight-worker
With environment:

To use the sight for training optimizer with gym environment, add env_name flag in addition to all the mandatory flags for any other dm_env type environment, no need to pass env_name flag:

python py/sight/demo/ \
--decision_mode=train \
--deployment_mode=distributed \
--optimizer_type=dm_acme \
--num_train_workers=2 \
--num_trials=5 \
--acme_agent=dqn \$PROJECT_ID/sight-worker \


To use sight with vertex AI vizier for hyperparameter turning one can use the following

python py/sight/demo/ \
--decision_mode=train \
--deployment_mode=distributed \
--optimizer_type=vizier \
--num_train_workers=2 \
--num_trials=5 \$PROJECT_ID/sight-worker

Exhaustive Search:

python py/sight/demo/ \
--decision_mode=train \
--deployment_mode=distributed \
--optimizer_type=exhaustive_search \
--num_train_workers=2 \
--num_trials=5 \$PROJECT_ID/sight-worker

Sight Utilities

Check status

After running the larger experiment, If the user wants to check the status of their experiment, they can run the file to check the same. This file calls the server and gets the latest status of the experiment. User can run this file as follows:

python py/sight/widgets/decision/ --project_id=$PROJECT_ID --log_id=SIGHT_LOG_ID

Private server

Sight applications are trained using a single default server process that is hosted on CloudRun and is shared among all users of a given GCP project. As this may cause contention and slowdowns users may also start one or more private Sight servers that are dedicated to individual training or logging workloads. This is done by passing the desired unique name of the server in the --service_name command line parameter while running the experiment. Users may also use the --service_docker_file to specify a specific custom build of Sight (e.g. if they're experimenting with ML algorithms).

Taking example from here, and adding above mentioned flags:

python py/sight/demo/ \
--service_name=new-service \
--service_docker_file=server/Dockerfile \
--decision_mode=train \
--deployment_mode=distributed \
--optimizer_type=dm_acme \
--num_train_workers=2 \
--num_trials=5 \ \

Local server

Instead of running sight service on cloudrun, User can run it locally on the same machine where we are running the root process. This helps in faster development, testing and saves time required to create the service image and deploying it on cloud run, after each minor change in server-side logic.

For this, User can run service_root script from one terminal session

cd ~/x-sight
python sight_service/

And from another terminal session, User can run any valid command from this section and change the flag --deployment_mode=local to indicate that sight_service is running locally.


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