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Albertas Vyšniauskas edited this page Mar 22, 2015 · 2 revisions


Gpick is an advanced color picker. It provides tools for:

  • picking, tweaking, naming, comparing, and combining colors
  • export to/import from common palette formats.
  • generating palettes from images
  • generating colorschemes and gradients
  • arranging, combining, and splitting palettes
  • testing colorschemes on layouts

  • Overview of features
    1. Menu
    1. Main panel, showing one of (ColorPickerPanel, SchemeGeneration, LayoutPreview) in a tabbed interface.
    1. ColorSliders alter the color in the active swatch slot. A few other miscellaneous functions are included here as well.
    1. PaletteList lists the colors in the palette and allows you to select and perform operations on them.
    1. ToolPanel shows one of the secondary tools (access the View->Secondary View menu item to choose which, or use the shortcuts listed in that menu)
    1. Pick button activates the floating color picker (also activateable by pressing Ctrl+P)
    1. Swatches store 6 colors for easy comparison and show the color that the mouse is currently over.
    1. ZoomArea textually describes the color the mouse is over and shows a zoomed view of the area around the mouse.
    1. Status / message bar. Also shows information about the count of total colors in the palette and count of selected colors.
  • ColorPicker
  • CommonActions
  • Preferences
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