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tine-dev (docker dev setup)


Pullup / console


prerequisites: git, docker, php, composer and your user is in the docker group. If not see below

  1. clone this git and open it git clone tine-dev and cd tine20-dev
  2. install symfony/console dependencies composer install
  3. start tine20-docker setup ./console docker:up, if you have not done this, install 4 to 6 answer y to clone repos
  4. install tine ./console tine:install
  5. visit localhost:4000, login as tine20admin pw: tine20admin


  • add eval $(~/path/to//docker/console _completion --generate-hook) to your shell's profile (e.g. ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc) to enable autocomplete
  • link your tine20 source ln -s /path/to/tine/repo tine20 or just wait for console to clone it for you
  • link docservice source ln -s /path/to/docservice/repo docservice or just wait for console to clone it for you
  • link broadcasthub source ln -s /path/to/tine20-broadcsthub/repo broadcasthub or just wait for console to clone it for you
  • install docservice dependencies, if console has cloned it you don't need to do anything: cd docservice && composer install --ignore-platform-reqs
  • install broadcasthub dependencies, if console has cloned it you don't need to do anything: cd broadcasthub && npm install

Console Commands

run ./console in tine-dev directory to see available Commands


to override default settings copy .pullup.json to pullup.json

  • composeFiles: dockerset up "modules". Take a look at ./compose (Do not include the ones with -build.yml)
  • build: if true images will be build locally
  • more: any wishes? > issue tracker


Install and Setup Docker

Check/Get Docker Image

Our dev image (latest: tinegroupware/dev:2023.11-8.1) is on docker hub:

Show Containers

docker ps

Run bash in Container

docker exec -it tine20 /bin/sh

Open tine in Browser

localhost:4000 - nginx

localhost:4000 - webpack served

localhost:4000/setup.php - webpack served setup

localhost:4002 Phpmyadmin Username:tine20 Password:tine20pw

Other Useful Functions


docker ps
docker ps -a            # shows all (not running only) containers
docker rm <container id/name>


docker image ls
docker image ls -a      # shows all containers, as well as deps
docker image rm <image id/name>

Debugging with Xdebug

Debugging with PhpStorm

this is the default xdebug.ini:

you need to define a "PHP remote debug" server in PhpStorm:

 name: debugger
   name: tine20docker
   host: (or tine20docker)
   port: 9001 
   debugger: Xdebug
   path mapping:
     /local/tine/tests -> /usr/share/tests
     /local/tine/tine20 -> /usr/share/tine20
 ide key: serverName=tine20docker

open Xdebug port in PhpStorm

File | Settings | Languages & Frameworks | PHP | Debug | Xdebug
- Debug port : 9001
- [x] can accept external connections 

if you have a different IP, you might need to use the XDEBUG_CONFIG env vars in docker-compose.yml

Debugging with vscode:

You will need to install the "PHP Debug" extension by xdebug. The launch configuration to listen for xdebug connection, is already configured in this repo. Just start listening with "Listen for Xdebug".


some tips on testing your xdebug/phpstorm setup:

Check Connectivity

on docker host:

$ netstat -tulpen | grep 9001
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      1000       2918160    14641/java

in container:

$ nc -vz 9001 ( open

Check xdebug Log

  • activate xdebug log in container (add remote_log=/tine/logs/xdebug.log in xdebug.yml)
  • look into log (default path: /tine/logs/xdebug.log)

Allow iptables Access from Container -> Host

sudo iptables -I INPUT 1 -i <docker-bridge-interface> -j ACCEPT

is something like "br-3ff4120010e5" which has ip: (visible with ifconfig)

Docker Network Problems (for example: "ERROR: Pool overlaps ...")

you might need to remove old / unused docker networks:

➜  docker network ls                                                                                                                                 git:(phil|✚4⚑2
NETWORK ID     NAME                           DRIVER    SCOPE
833313480af2   docker_internal_network        bridge    local
0ed859aaf6ea   tine20_internal_network        bridge    local
92b66a6b4791   tine-docker_external_network   bridge    local
c6e1e1f2a5cb   tine-docker_internal_network   bridge    local

➜  docker network rm docker_internal_network tine20_internal_network docker_external_network docker_internal_network


➜  docker network prune

Debug / Test Stuff with Fake Previews

sometimes you don't have a working doc service but need to test files with previews.

Copy Some Images to Container:

docker cp ~/Pictures/image1.png tine20:/tine/files
docker cp ~/Pictures/image2.png tine20:/tine/files

Patch tine20/Tinebase/FileSystem/Preview/ServiceV1.php

     public function getPreviewsForFile($_filePath, array $_config)
        // just for testing
        $blob1 = file_get_contents('/tine/files/ssh_password.png');
        $blob2 = file_get_contents('/tine/files/tine20_datenbanken.png');
        return array('thumbnail' => array('blob'), 'previews' => array($blob1, $blob2));
        // [...]

Configure Previews (

'filesystem' => array(
    'createPreviews' => true,
    'previewServiceVersion' => 1,

Create Previews for files

 docker exec --user nginx tine20 sh -c "cd /tine/tine20/ && php tine20.php  --method Tinebase.fileSystemCheckPreviews  --username=test --password=test"

Add Document Service

NOTE: some fonts are not available on the minimal docker image ... so don't wonder about strange looking texts ... ;)

Clone, Initialize and Link Repository

git clone
cd documentPreview
composer install
cd /path/to/tine20-docker
ln -s /patch/to/docservice docservice


note: this only works with* branches

'filesystem' => array(
    'createPreviews' => true,
    'previewServiceVersion' => 2,
    'previewServiceUrl' => 'http://docservice/v2/documentPreviewService',

Add tine Broadcasthub

Clone, Initialize and Link Repository

git clone broadcasthub
cd broadcasthub
# Make sure NODE_ENV is not set or is not "production"
# development dependencies have to get installed
npm install
cd /path/to/tine20-docker
ln -s /patch/to/broadcasthub broadcasthub

Make sure to always fetch the latest production docker image for the tine broadcasthub, change the tag in file compose/broadcasthub accordingly.


There is a setup task in the tine repository for adding an auth_token record: setup.php --add_auth_token --.

Formerly this record had to be inserted manually via phpMyAdmin in order to connect with a websocket client to the tine Broadcasthub websocket server:

INSERT INTO tine20_auth_token (id, auth_token, account_id, valid_until, channels) VALUES ('longlongid', 'longlongtoken', (select id from tine20_accounts where login_name = "tine20admin"), ADDDATE(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 YEAR), '["broadcasthub"]');


Follow the setup instructions above. Make sure to link your local tine Broadcasthub repository into the docker setup. Prior to run ./console docker:up copy .pullup.json to pullup.json and change the entry broadcasthub to broadcasthub-dev. This way a development container for the tine Broadcasthub is ran rather than the production container. The development container has the following features (see compose/broadcasthub-dev.yml for complete setup):

  • The tine Broadcasthub code is mounted from localhost into the container
  • DEBUG is set to full debug output. This output is displayed along with all other logs when ./console docker:up is used to pullup the tine20/docker setup
  • Node is executed by nodemon within the container. nodemon automatically restarts node in the container on file changes in the local tine Broadcasthub repository. A file change can also be simulated with touch app.js on localhost

Adapt the websocket URL in broadcasthub/dev/client.js to match the URL of the tine Broadcasthub in the docker setup, i.e. change the port in ws://localhost:8080 to whatever port the tine Broadcasthub is exposed to in the docker setup (see compose/broadcasthub-dev.yml).

Now you can start the development websocket client: node broadcasthub/dev/client.js and check if broadcast messages are received.

In order to trigger a websocket broadcast message, either log into the Redis CLI of the tine20/docker setup using something like docker exec -it cache redis-cli and execute something like publish broadcasthub "A broadcast message!". Or log into the tine frontend, open the file manager and upload a file. Running dev/trigger.js does not work here because the tine20/docker Redis service is not exposed to the localhost and only available from within the docker-compose environment.

NOTE (2021-09-29): The websocket client in the tine client and the markup of changed files in file manager do not exist yet.

Clear tine Cache

docker exec --user nginx tine20 sh -c "cd /tine/tine20/ && php tine20.php --method=Tinebase.clearCache --username test --password test"

TODO: Add phing invocations

Restart webpack-dev-server

im tine container:

ps aux | grep webpack
kill [PID]

Use ramdisk for SQL Storage

davor muss der alte db container gelöscht werden, sonst greift das mount nicht:

docker rm db

ramdisk erzeugen:

sudo mkdir /mnt/ramdisk
sudo mount -t tmpfs -o size=512m tmpfs /mnt/ramdisk

wenn man mag, kann das mount in die /etc/fstab geschoben werden.

tmpfs   /mnt/ramdisk tmpfs   nosuid,size=512M   0 0


# start docker with ramdisk & webpack
php scripts/docker.php webpack ramdisk

achtung: man verliert natürlich seine db nach dem reboot!

achtung 2: man darf sonst nichts in die ramdisk legen, sonst meckert mysql/maria


you need to add sentry to your /etc/hosts file (because of CSRF):       localhost sentry

First boot:

./console docker:up sentry [...]
docker exec -it sentry bash
./ sentry upgrade

Use MySQL Instead of MariaDB

add "mysql" to your pullup.json!


tldr: https://localhost:4430/

Https is served at port 4430 with a self singed certificate. Subject Names of the cert are: localhost, web, tine.local, tine.test and Accessing tine with a browser you can add an exception for the cert. With curl you need to specify the option --insecure, to not verify the certificate.

Other service in docker compose can not access tine by https. Maybe they could be configured to not verify the certificate.

Activate tine Cronjob

$ docker exec --user root -it tine20-web-1 sh
$ cat > /etc/crontabs/tine20
*/1    *   *   *   *   tine20.php --method Tinebase.triggerAsyncEvents