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docx report generation based on allure-generated json files


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DOCX and PDF report generation based on allure-generated result files.


This package is developed in collaboration by Typhoon Hil and the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE. Users are welcome to test and report problems and suggestions by creating an issue. Note that the package is not officially supported by Typhoon HIL and is still on the alpha phase.


The generator was only tested so far using allure results from python with allure-pytest and java with allure-junit5. Therefore it expects a folder with .json files generated by the allure plugins.

Check the issues on the repository to see other current limitations.


Feel free to open an issue ticket with any problems or questions. Please if possible provide your test result files so we can debug it more efficiently.


The library uses matplotlib which depends on Visual C++ Redistributables. If not already installed, you can get them here: .


We publish windows standalone executable files. With them you can use it without having to install anything else, meaning no installing python, etc.

You can download them at:

Then you can use the executable directly (possibly adding it a folder added to PATH).

Linux and Windows

You can install from source using:

pip install git+

Then you should be able to use allure-docx executable like you use pip.


Check usage by running allure-docx --help

You can generate the docx file by running allure-docx ALLUREDIR filename.docx


Use the --config_tag / --config_file option to control which information should be added. Use the preset names or give a path to your custom .ini file. When using a custom configuration the standard configuration is used as base and is overwritten for each attribute inside the custom file. The standard file looks like this:

description = fbpsu
details = fbpsu
trace = fbpsu
parameters = fbpsu
links = fbpsu
setup = fbpsu
body = fbpsu
teardown = fbpsu
duration = fbpsu
attachments = fbpsu
severity = fbpsu
title = Allure

The report will display tests with the specified field (info and labels section) if the corresponding character is included. For mapping see following table:

failed broken passed skipped unknown
f b p s u

There are some additional information you can add to your report. This includes following:

Add custom labels

The allure engine allows for custom labels inside the test code. These are not printed on standard. You can add a custom label under [labels] section to include it in the report. It will appear inside the label table directly below the test heading.


some_label = fbpsu
Add a company name to the cover

You can include a company name on the cover of the report by setting the company_name variable under the [cover] section.


company = Some company
Add custom details to the Test Details section

You can add custom variables inside the [details] section. These will be printed on the Test Details section of the document.


Test name = Example Test
Device under test = Example device under test
Relevant documents = 
    Document abc v1.5
    Document xyz v5.4
Description = This is a test description.

This will be printed as following table under Test Details:

Test name Example Test
Device under test Example device under test
Relevant documents Document abc v1.5
Document xyz v5.4
Description This is a test description.

Putting "Device under test" into the details section also adds the value to the header."

Custom Title and Logo

You can use the --title option to customize the docx report title (or specify inside custom configuration file, as described above).

If you want to remove the title altogether (e.g. your logo already has the company title), you can set --title="".

You can also use the --logo option with a path to a custom image to add the test title and the --logo-width option to adjust the width size of the logo image (in centimeters).

Example invocation:

allure-docx --pdf --config_file=C:\myconfig.ini --logo=C:\mycompanylogo.png --logo-width=2 allure allure.docx


The --pdf option will search for either Word (Windows only) or soffice (LibreOffice) to generate the PDF.

If both Word and soffice are present, Word will be used.

Previous versions

The previous version of the package can be found in the releases page of the plugin here.


Building the standalone executable

We use PyInstaller to create standalone executables. If you want to build an executable yourself, follow these steps:

  • Create a new virtual environment with the proper python version (tested using python 3, 32 or 64 bit so far)
  • Install using pip pyinstaller and ONLY needed packages defined in This prevents your executable to become too large with unnecessary dependencies
  • Delete any previous dist folder from a previous PyInstaller run
  • Run the build_exe.cmd command to run PyInstaller and create a single file executable.

If having the following error:

ImportError: This package should not be accessible on Python 3. Either you are trying to run from the python-future src folder or your installation of python-future is corrupted.

Run pip install --force-reinstall -U future (nipy/nipype#2646)