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Tim Fischer edited this page Jun 23, 2023 · 11 revisions

How to register

  1. Open the D-WISE Tool Suite, you are greeted by the Login Screen.
  2. Click 'Create Account' in the bottom left. You are redirected to the registration screen.
  3. Fill out the Registration form. Make sure to use a strong password with 8 or more characters containing a mix of letters, numbers & symbols.
  4. Finish the Registration by clicking on 'Register'. You are redirected back to the login screen.
  5. Log in with your newly created account.

How to create a new project

  1. Navigate to the project overview. Therefore, in the top bar, left to the 'DWTS' lettering, click on the burger menu icon. The navigation drawer opens on the left. Click the first item called 'Projects'. You are redirected to the project overview.
  2. Click the big box labeled 'Create new projects'. You are redirected to the project settings.
  3. Fill out the 'Create new project' form by entering a project name and its description.
  4. Finish the project creation by clicking on 'Create Project'.

How to import / upload documents to a project

  1. Navigate to the project overview. Therefore, in the top bar, left to the 'DWTS' lettering, click on the burger menu icon. The navigation drawer opens on the left. Click the first item called 'Projects'. You are redirected to the project overview.
  2. Find your project and click on the pencil icon in the bottom right. You are redirected to the project settings screen.
  3. Click on the 'Documents' tab, right next to 'Details'. This brings you to the document overview.
  4. Now you have two options: a) Upload files, b) Import websites via URL. a) Upload files: Click the 'Choose Files' button. This will open the file explorer of your operating system. Find and select all documents (text, image, videos and audio files) that you want to upload. Next, click the 'Upload File' button. This starts the import process. b) Import websites: Click the 'Import URLs' button. A Dialog is opened and asks you to input valid URLs of websites, one per line. Click the 'Start Crawler Job!' button to start the import process. Optionally, you can navigate to the 'Crawlers' tab and inspect the status of your recently created crawling job. Depending on the number of URLs, this process may take a while. After downloading all websites, the import process is started automatically.
  5. Wait. The import process will take a while as your data is processed and analyzed by our pipeline. The current import status is indicated by the blue progress bar. You can find more information about the technical details of the pre-processing pipeline here.

How to hide annotations project-wide

The D-WISE Tool Suite allows you to hide all annotations of a specific code. By hiding codes, you will not be able to see annotated text passages of the hidden codes. It offers two ways to do it.

In the project settings:

  1. Navigate to the project overview. Therefore, in the top bar, left to the 'DWTS' lettering, click on the burger menu icon. The navigation drawer opens on the left. Click the first item called 'Projects'. You are redirected to the project overview.
  2. Find your project and click on the pencil icon in the bottom right. You are redirected to the project settings screen.
  3. Click on the 'Codes' tab. This brings you to the code overview.
  4. Click the 'Eye' Icon next to the code you want to hide. Clicking on a code, will also toggle the visibility of all child codes. As a result, you will not be able to see annotated text passages of the hidden codes.

In the annotator view:

  1. Open the annotator. Therefore, click on 'Annotation' in the bottom navigation bar.
  2. Find the Code Explorer on the right side of the annotation view.
  3. Click the 'Eye' Icon next to the code you want to hide. Clicking on a code, will also toggle the visibility of all child codes.

How to disable codes & corresponding annotations project-wide

The D-WISE Tool Suite allows you to disable a code and all its annotations. By disabling a code project wide, you will not be able to see, select and annotate with that code, nor will you be able to see annotated text passages of the disabled code.

  1. Navigate to the project overview. Therefore, in the top bar, left to the 'DWTS' lettering, click on the burger menu icon. The navigation drawer opens on the left. Click the first item called 'Projects'. You are redirected to the project overview.
  2. Find your project and click on the pencil icon in the bottom right. You are redirected to the project settings screen.
  3. Click on the 'Codes' tab. This brings you to the code overview.
  4. Click the 'Toggle' Icon next to the code you want to disable. Clicking on a code, will also disable all child codes.

How to add users to your project

  1. Navigate to the project overview. Therefore, in the top bar, left to the 'DWTS' lettering, click on the burger menu icon. The navigation drawer opens on the left. Click the first item called 'Projects'. You are redirected to the project overview.
  2. Find your project and click on the pencil icon in the bottom right. You are redirected to the project settings screen.
  3. Click on the 'User' tab. This brings you to the user overview.
  4. In the drop down menu next to 'Add user', find the user you want to add to your project. Confirm the selection with the 'Add' button.

How to delete your project

  1. Navigate to the project overview. Therefore, in the top bar, left to the 'DWTS' lettering, click on the burger menu icon. The navigation drawer opens on the left. Click the first item called 'Projects'. You are redirected to the project overview.
  2. Find your project and click on the pencil icon in the bottom right. You are redirected to the project settings screen.
  3. Click on the red 'Delete' button in the top right corner. Warning: This operation is final and irreversible. All documents, memos, logbook, codes, annotations, etc. will be removed.

How to search & filter documents

  1. Open your project. You are automatically redirected to the search screen.
  2. Perform any of the following steps and/or combine them. Every single action will add an additional filter, further reducing the resulting documents.
  • Click on the search bar in the top bar. This opens a small pane. Here, you can configure what modalities you are interested in (by default, text image audio and video documents are returned by the search) as well as what search method you want to use. a) Lexical search (LINK to technical details here) allows for typical keyword based search like other popular search engines. Search results are guaranteed to include the keyword or small deviations from it (under the hood, the D-WISE Tool Suite performs fuzzy matching). b) Filename search allows to search for specific files. The search is performed as a 'starts-with' or 'prefix' query. For example, searching for 'Hamb' will return all documents whose file name stars with that text. c) Semantic search allows to search for semantically similar sentences (LINK to technical details here). Given the query, this search will return sentences that are most similar according to their meaning. In contrast to lexical search, this does not guarantee to find documents with the exact query words, but instead finds sentences that share the same meaning.
  • Click on a tag on the left side of the screen. Each document can be assigned multiple tags. Adding a tag filter like this, will ensure that only documents with that tag are returned.
  • Click on a tag of a document. Each document may have zero to multiple tags. The tags of a document are displayed at the bottom. Click on this tag to add it as a tag filter.
  • Click on a statistic. On the bottom left of the screen, the search statistics are shown. You can navigate the statistics by clicking and scrolling through the tabs. Typically, the statistics are shown for keywords, tags and multiple codes. You can right click on the tab navigation, to quickly navigate to a certain tab. Clicking on any of the statistics, will add it as a filter. For example, navigate to the tab 'Person', then click on the first entry (in my case 'Merkel'). This will add the filter 'Person: Merkel' and consequently, only documents that contain this exact annotation are returned.

The following search & filter options are only available when you are reading a document in the document viewer. Therefore, click on any of the search results to open that document in the document viewer.

  • Add a metadata filter. Below the document title, expand the 'Metadata' box. Click on the 'filter' icon on the right of side of any metadata entry. For example, click on the filter icon for the 'language' metadata. This will add the metadata filter 'language: en' (in my case). As a result, only English documents are returned.
  • Add a keyword filter. Below the document title, expand the 'Metadata' box. The first entry is called 'keywords'. Click on any keyword to add it as a filter. As a result, only documents that are assigned exactly this keyword are returned.
  • Add a annotation filter. When reading the document, you will notice automatically generated annotations. Right click the annotation (e.g. Person: Merkel), and select the 'Add filter: Person: Merkel' option in the context menu. This will add the filter 'Person: Merkel' and consequently, only documents that contain this exact annotation are returned.
  • Perform sentence similarity search. When hovering over a sentence, you will notice a highlight. Right click the sentence, and select the 'Find similar sentences' option in the context menu. This will discard all existing filters, and find sentences with a similar meaning. It is also possible to right click images and perform the 'Find similar sentences' search.
  • Perform image similarity search. When hovering over a sentence, you will notice a highlight. Right click the sentence, and select the 'Find similar images' option in the context menu. This will discard all existing filters, and find images that related to that sentence. It is also possible to right click images and perform the 'Find similar images' search.
  1. Use the page navigation on the right side of the toolbar to browse through the search results.
  2. All added filters are shown right below the search and tool bar. You can click on the 'x' icon to remove a specific filter. You can remove all filters by clicking on the 'x' icon in the right side of the search bar.
  3. Please note that annotation filters are clickable. When you are reading a document in the document viewer, you can click on a filter (e.g. Person: Merkel) to jump between all mentions of 'Merkel'.

How to tag documents

There are many ways to tag your documents. Whenever you encounter a document in the D-WISE Tool Suite, try to right-click it and choose the 'Change tags' option in the context menu. The most common way to tag documents is described in the following.

  1. Navigate to the search view. Therefore, open your project and click on 'Search' in the bottom navigation bar.
  2. (optional) search & filter your documents.
  3. Select documents: a) In the toolbar, right below the search bar, click on the check box to select all visible documents. b) Alternatively, you can click on the check box in the top right corner of a document to add it to your selection. The number of selected documents is shown in the toolbar.
  4. Click the tag icon, right next to the number of selected documents. Use this menu to search, add and apply tags to the selected documents.

How to delete a document

There are many ways to delete your documents. Whenever you encounter a document in the D-WISE Tool Suite, try to right-click it and choose the 'Delete document' option in the context menu. The most common way to delete a document is described in the following.

  1. Navigate to the project overview. Therefore, in the top bar, left to the 'DWTS' lettering, click on the burger menu icon. The navigation drawer opens on the left. Click the first item called 'Projects'. You are redirected to the project overview.
  2. Find your project and click on the pencil icon in the bottom right. You are redirected to the project settings screen.
  3. Click on the 'Documents' tab, right next to 'Details'. This brings you to the document overview.
  4. In the list of all documents, find the document you want to delete and click the 'Trash bin' icon to remove it.

How to annotate documents

  1. Find the documents you want to annotate. Open your project. You are redirected to the search screen. Here, you can search & filter for relevant documents. On every document, you can click the 'pencil' icon in the bottom left corner, to open the annotator with that document. Alternatively, whenever you encounter a document in the D-WISE Tool Suite, try to right-click it and choose the 'Annotate document' option in the context menu. However, the recommended way is to apply a tag to all relevant documents that you want to annotate.
  2. Open the annotator. You are either already redirected to the Annotator by clicking on the 'pencil icon' or the 'Annotate document' option, or you can click on 'Annotation' in the bottom navigation bar.
  3. Understand the annotation view. The Document Explorer is on the left side. In the middle of the screen, the actual document is displayed in annotation mode. The Code Explorer is on the right side.
  4. Open a document. If you clicked on the 'pencil icon' or the 'Annotate document' option, the corresponding document is already opened. Otherwise, use the toolbar of the document explorer to select your previously applied tag and find & click on a document you want to annotate in the list of all documents.
  5. Select visible annotations. In the document annotation view, below the 'Metadata' box, find the Annotations drop down menu. Here, you can select which users' annotations you want to see. Make sure that your own user is selected, otherwise your annotations created in the following will be invisible!
  6. Create an annotation. Depending on your document's modality (image or text), drag a bounding box or select text. A context menu allows you to search, create on-the-fly and finally select a code you want to apply to that text or image segment.
  7. Modify a annotation. Right click on a bounding box (image) or span (text) annotation. A context menu allows you to delete (trash bin icon) or edit (pencil icon) the annotation.
  8. Use the Code Explorer. When creating annotations, you might have already noticed that all existing codes are available in the code selection context menu. Click on a code in the code explorer to limit the selectable codes to only the clicked code and all of its children. Click that code again to cancel the limitation.
  9. Create a new code. You can create codes on-the-fly when annotating images or texts: drag a bounding box or select text, then type the name of your coe in the context menu and click on 'Add ...'. Alternatively, you can click on the 'Add Code' button at the top of the Code Explorer. A dialog opens that allows to specify parent, name, color, and description of the new code.
  10. Edit an existing code. Use the code explorer to find the code you want to edit. Right-click the code and select the 'Edit code' option in the context menu, or click the 'pencil' icon. A dialog opens that allows to modify parent, name, color, and description of the code. Please note that it is not allowed to edit systems codes (codes that are written in ALL CAPS, like NAMED_ENTITY).

How to add metadata to a document

  1. Open the document. Therefore, open your project, click on 'Search' in the bottom navigation bar and find the document of your interest. You can open the document by clicking on it.
  2. The Document Viewer is opened. Find and expand the 'Metadata' box right below the document's title by clicking on it.
  3. Click the 'Add' button at the bottom of the 'Metadata' box. A new metadata with 'Key' and 'Value will be created automatically.
  4. Edit both 'Key' and 'Value to your liking. The changes are saved automatically.

How to delete metadata from a document

  1. Open the document. Therefore, open your project, click on 'Search' in the bottom navigation bar and find the document of your interest. You can open the document by clicking on it.
  2. The Document Viewer is opened. Find and expand the 'Metadata' box right below the document's title by clicking on it.
  3. Find the metadata entry you want to delete.
  4. Click on the 'Trash bin' icon on the right side of this entry to delete the metadata. Warning: This process is irreversible.

How to work with memos

The D-WISE Tool Suite allows to attach memos to almost all objects. This includes documents, tags, codes and annotations. You will notice the memo icon (comment icon) whenever memos can be created for the object. You can also try right-clicking documents, tags, codes or annotations and select the 'Memo' option in the context menu.

Creating a memo

  1. Click on the memo icon (comment icon) of the object of your choice.
  2. The 'Create Memo' Dialog is opened automatically. Enter title and content of your memo and save the information with the 'Create Memo' button.

Editing a memo

  1. Click on the memo icon (comment icon) of the object of your choice. If the object does not have a memo attached to it, the 'Create Memo' Dialog is opened. Otherwise ...
  2. The 'Edit Memo" Dialog is opened automatically. Change title and/or content of your memo and save the information with the 'Update Memo' button.

Deleting a memo

  1. Click on the memo icon (comment icon) of the object of your choice.
  2. The 'Edit Memo" Dialog is opened automatically. Click the 'Delete Memo' button. Warning: This operation is irreversible.

View & search your memos

  1. Navigate to the logbook view. Therefore, open your project and click on 'Logbook' in the bottom navigation bar.
  2. See the list of your memos on the right side of the screen. You can edit the memos by hovering over it and clicking the 'pencil' icon in the bottom left corner.
  3. Use the search bar at the top to perform a keyword search. Please note, this search returns all memos whose content (not the title) contains the keyword. Further, you can specify the 'Attached to' parameter. Using this option, you can e.g. find all memos that you attached to documents.