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Gradle Git Version Plugin

A plugin for the Gradle build system that helps with determining a project’s version from its Git repository.


Traditionally, the version of a software project is kept in a text file with the code, e.g. the file or the build script itself. This file would have to be updated for each new version, which has a couple of disadvantages: Firstly, it requires high maintenance and discipline by the developer, which makes the delivery process either error prone, or dependent on such abominations as the Maven Release Plugin. Secondly, it makes branching and merging much more difficult, because it either leads to version clashes between branches, or requires the first commit on any new branch to be a version change (which must not be merged into another branch later).

As most modern software projects are kept under version control in a Git repository, which already contains rich version-related information, an attractive alternative is to keep version information out of the code entirely, and determine the version entirely from the Git repository.

There are already several Gradle plugins that help with this approach, including com.zoltu.git-versioning, io.freefair.git-version, com.palantir.git-version and com.github.amkay.gitflow. However, these plugins are either very simplistic in their approach (like being based only on git describe, or the presence of tags), or very opinionated about the way you should use Git (e.g. require you to subscribe to the Git Flow process).

This plugin, in contrast, makes very little assumptions about your specific usage of Git; instead it allows you define flexible versioning rules in your Gradle script. In fact, the only assumption is that you are producing a version that complies with the format of Semantic Versioning format (but not necessarily its semantics).


Applying the Plugin

Add the following at the beginning of your Gradle build script:

plugins {
  id "org.unbroken-dome.gitversion" version "0.10.0"

Applying the plugin installs a gitVersion extension in the DSL, as well as some tasks used for versioning.

Defining rules

The plugin does not offer much value without at least one versioning rule. Rules can be as simple or complex as you like, and you can add any number of rules to the gitVersion.rules block:

gitVersion {
  rules {

    onBranch('master') {
      version = '1.0.0-master'

    onBranch(~/release\/(\d+\.\d+)/) {
      version = matches[1]

The above example would distinguish between the branch that is currently checked out. The first rule states that on the master branch, the resulting version should always be 0.1.0-master. The second rule uses a regular expression to match the name pattern of a release branch, and extracts the version from the branch name. For example, a branch named release/1.2 would lead to the version 1.2.0 (The third part of the version is automatically set to 0 because 1.2 would not be a valid semver.)

Read more about Defining Rules in the detailed documentation.

Using the Version

In Gradle, the project’s version is stored in the version property of the project. The plugin does not touch it automatically, as it offers various ways to determine it.

The easiest way is to call the determineVersion method on the gitVersion extension after defining your rules:

project.version = gitVersion.determineVersion()

Note that determineVersion is a method, not a Gradle task! The reason for this is that the version is generally required during the evaluation phase, in order to configure other tasks - so setting it in a task (during the execution phase) would be too late.

Read more about Determining the Version, including alternative approaches, in the detailed documentation.

Detailed Documentation

Please refer to the Wiki for detailed documentation.