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Dynamic Path Planner

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This project used a dynamic programming (DP) approach to provide a collision-free optimal path to the robot. It implements the DP algorithm on differential-drive robot, namely, Turtlebot-3.

The working of the algorithm, path selection, and distance propogation has been included in the project report in detail. The project report also includes all the results and conclusions pertaining to the project. Please refer it for more details on the project.

Figure 1 - Turtlebot-3 navigating in a dynamic environment using dynamic programming algorithm

The project was developed in various phases:

  • The dynamic programming algorithm was tested in 2D static and dynamic environments.
  • 3D environments were developed using ROS and Gazebo.
  • The algorithm was tested in the 3D world with stationary as well as mobile obstacles.

The various GIF of each phase of testing can be found here.

Team Members


  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • ROS Melodic
  • Gazebo
  • Turtlebot3 Packages
  • Python Packages: Numpy, OpenCV-Python

Install Dependencies

  • Install Python3, Python3-tk, and the necessary libraries: (if not already installed)
sudo apt install python3 python3-tk
sudo apt install python3-pip
pip3 install numpy opencv-python
  • Check if your system successfully installed all the dependencies
  • Open terminal using Ctrl+Alt+T and enter python3.
  • The terminal should now present a new area represented by >>> to enter python commands
  • Now use the following commands to check libraries: (Exit python window using Ctrl+Z if an error pops up while running the below commands)
import tkinter
import numpy
import cv2
  • Install ROS Melodic by following the instructions given on referenced web-page.
  • We recommend installing the full-desktop version of ROS because it automatically installs the latest compatible version of Gazebo on your system.
  • If you wish to install Gazebo separately, then follow the instruction on the Gazebo install page.
  • Install Turtlebot-3 package and its dependencies using this link.

Run Instructions

  • Clone this repository in your ROS workspace
cd ~/<ROS_Workspace>/src/
git clone
  • You can also extract the compressed project file in the src folder of your ROS workspace.
  • Open the terminal, build the ROS package, and run the launch file:
cd ~/<ROS_Workspace>
catkin_make or catkin build
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch dynamic-path-planner planner.launch
  • This would launch a gazebo world where the turtlebot-3 would reach its destination using the path planned via the dynamic programming algorithm.