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Go module for communicating with the Veryfi OCR API.


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Go Reference Go Report Card Test License: MIT

veryfi-go is a Go module for communicating with the Veryfi OCR API.

Table of Contents


This package can be installed by cloning this directory:

git clone

or using go get:

go get

Getting Started

Obtaining Client ID and user keys

If you don't have an account with Veryfi, please go ahead and register here:

Setting up the project

For the ease of developing, a Makefile is included for several handy commands. Simply issue make help for more informations.

clean                Remove temporary files and build artifacts
cover                Run unit tests and open the coverage report
fmt                  Run gofmt on all files
github-tag           Create and push a tag with the current client version
help                 Print usage information
lint                 Lint project source files
test-integration     Run integration tests
test-unit            Run unit tests
version              Print the version

Go API Client Library

The Veryfi library can be used to communicate with Veryfi API. All available functionality is described here

Below is the sample script using Veryfi to OCR and extract data from a document:

package main

import (


func main() {
	timeout, err := time.ParseDuration("10s")
	if err != nil {

	client, err := veryfi.NewClientV8(&veryfi.Options{
		Username: "YOUR_USERNAME",
		HTTP: veryfi.HTTPOptions{
			Timeout: timeout,
			Retry: veryfi.RetryOptions{
				Count: 1,
	if err != nil {

	resp, err := client.ProcessDocumentURL(scheme.DocumentURLOptions{
		DocumentSharedOptions: scheme.DocumentSharedOptions{
			Tags: []string{"electric", "repair", "ny"},
	if err != nil {

	fmt.Printf("%+v", resp)

A successful response will look something like this:

&{ABNNumber: AccountNumber: BillToAddress: BillToName: BillToVATNumber: CardNumber: Category: Created:2021-05-20 19:21:38 CurrencyCode:USD Date:2019-02-26 00:00:00 DeliveryDate: Discount:0 DocumentReferenceNumber: DueDate:2019-02-26 ExternalID: ID:23002226 ImgFileName:3947f571-a41b-4b79-abc7-c0d9805c8610.png ImgThumbnailURL: ImgURL: Insurance: InvoiceNumber:   US-001 IsDuplicate:0 LineItems:[] OCRText:

INVOICE                         LOGO
East Repair Inc.
1912 Harvest Lane
New York, NY 12210
John Smith      John Smith      INVOICE DATE    11/02/2019
2 Court Square  3787 Pineview Drive
New York, NY 12210      Cambridge, MA 12210     P.O.    2312/2019
        DUE DATE        26/02/2019


1       Front and rear brake cables             100.00  100.00
2 New set of pedal arms         15.00   30.00
3       Labor 3hrs                      5.00    15.00

        Subtotal        145.00
        Sales Tax 6.25% 9.06
        TOTAL   $154.06

Thank you       , Please make checks payable to: East Repair Inc.
        Payment is due within 15 days
        John Smith
 OrderDate: PaymentDisplayName:No Payment, PaymentTerms: PaymentType:no_payment, PhoneNumber: PurchaseOrderNumber: Rounding:0 ServiceEndDate: ServiceStartDate: ShipDate: ShipToAddress: ShipToName: Shipping:0 StoreNumber: Subtotal:145 Tax:9.06 TaxLines:[] Tip:0 Total:154.06 TotalWeight: TrackingNumber: Updated:2021-05-20 19:21:39 VATNumber: Vendor:{Address:1912 harvest lane new york, ny 12210 2 court square    3787 pineview drive Category: Email: FaxNumber: Name: PhoneNumber: RawName: VendorLogo: VendorRegNumber: VendorType: Web:} VendorAccountNumber: VendorBankName: VendorBankNumber: VendorBankSwift: VendorIban:}%

For more examples about different methods to process documents, refer to the documentation's examples.


To run unit tests:

make test-unit

To run integration tests, supply your CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, USERNAME, and API_KEY environment variables in Makefile and run make test-integration:

.PHONY: test-integration
test-integration:  ## Run integration tests
	CLIENT_ID=FIXME CLIENT_SECRET=FIXME USERNAME=FIXME API_KEY=FIXME go test -race -cover -run Integration -coverprofile=coverage.out -covermode=atomic ./...

Need Help?

Visit to access integration guides and usage notes in the Veryfi API Documentation Portal

If you run into any issue or need help installing or using the library, please contact

If you found a bug in this library or would like new features added, then open an issue or pull requests against this repo!

To learn more about Veryfi visit


Below is a introduction to the Go SDK. We're gonna walkthrough a problem and solve it together:

Let’s say we are faced with a challenge where we have to capture and extract data from thousands (or even millions) of backlogged receipts. We don’t want to do it manually because copying and pasting from files to files takes a lot of time and is often error-prone. Also, different receipts have different forms and styles, finding the meaningful data across a huge pile of files can be a tedious task. What is even better is if we could extract the receipts and see the processing in real-time where the results can be returned almost immediately in seconds, not hours. So now, what is the best way that we can solve this?

Link to blog post →

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