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=== viidea-embed ===
Contributors: NejcJelovcan
Donate link:
Tags: video, embeds
Requires at least: 3.3
Tested up to: 3.5.1
Stable tag: 1.0
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Easily embed Viidea hosted videos into your blog posts and pages. 

== Description ==

Easily embed Viidea hosted videos into your blog posts and pages. Once installed use either editor button while composing post or shortcode [viidea url=""] to embed video.

More info:
* [Viidea](

== Installation ==

Installation is easy:

Through backend:

* Search for 'viidea-embed'.
* Install and activate the plugin.
* Start embedding Viidea lectures!

Through FTP:

* Download the plugin.
* Unzip the plugin file.
* Upload the `viidea-embed` folder to the plugins directory of your blog.
* Enable the plugin in your admin panel.
* Start embedding Viidea lectures!

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= What is the difference between iframe and pop-up? =

Popup adds a small section of javascript to your blog which allows plugin to open the video in overlay embed, providing better viewing experience. Iframe plays video in the embed area inside your blog post loading all the content using iframe html tag. Use iframe option if you have problems with plugin compatibility with your theme and let us know about it so we can make it even more robust.

== Screenshots ==

1. Embed options inside editor

== Changelog ==

= 1.0 =

* Initial release.

== Upgrade notice ==

No notices so far.


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