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vonuvoli Scheme -- an R7RS interpreter written in Rust focused on systems programming and scripting (i.e. processes, file-system, etc.) with performance and safety in mind

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vonuvoli Scheme

Table of contents:

As the about says it, vonuvoli is a Scheme based programming language implemented in Rust, which supports most of the R7RS standard.

Although the actual usage documentation (API, internals, etc.) is at the moment quite scarce, the about section is quite extensive in explaining what vonuvoli Scheme actually is all about, what is the current implementation status, how it differs from other Scheme implementations, and why it is written in Rust.

For the moment the implemented functionality (syntaxes, procedures, etc.) are listed at:

vonuvoli is a Scheme R7RS-based programming language with focus on systems programming, extensibility and deployability.

Currently it runs only on UNIX-like operating systems, like Linux / OSX / BSD's / etc. Porting it on Windows should be trivial, but is not currently a priority.

A.K.A. That moment when everyone wonders about "another case of not-invented-here-syndrome"?

I have investigated reusing Chibi (a Scheme R7RS implementation) written in C, however it failed some primary requirements for the intended use-case.

Because many other C-based Scheme implementations seem to have the same issues, I'll quickly list Chibi's shortcomings bellow as highlights of what problems we are trying to avoid:

  • the runtime deployment isn't "untar-anywhere" compliant, because during the build process some paths get hard-coded into the binaries;
  • extending (by writing native libraries) in C is quite cumbersome, as much of the code is juggling sexp_gc_var*, sexp_gc_preserve*, sexp_gc_release* which are so easy to miss-use;
  • extending in C is also quite "unsafe" as one can easily misuse the various low-level value accessors with the wrong value type;
  • much of the builtin functionality is written in Scheme, which incurs quite an overhead during the VM initialization, and might miss some optimization opportunities;
  • at times it feels many features are abandoned experiments, most of which can be disabled at compile time, but incurring quite a lot of complexity;

Granted that Chibi (and other C-based Scheme implementations) are quite performant, feature-full, and more mature.

Mainly because:

  • process management in Python / Ruby / Lua is quite cumbersome, especially when dealing with process pipelines;
  • lack of proper macros (i.e. syntax extensions) prohibits proper DSL creation, which makes some tasks cumbersome;
  • extending them with native libraries (i.e. in C) is quite involved;

Apparently not. Someone wrote somewhere that in the Scheme / Lisp world the norm is for more implementations per author than authors per implementation. :)

  • enabling easy systems programming (i.e. scripting), from process and pipeline management, file-system operations, and inter-process communication;
  • providing as builtin functionality various much needed building-blocks (like those related to cryptography, JSON, persistent key-value store, etc.), without hampering performance;
  • minimizing the runtime footprint in terms of files and dependencies, which enables tar-based deployments (i.e. the runtime deployment should resume to mkdir /.../any-folder && cd /.../any-folder && curl http://.../vonuvoli.tar.gz | tar -xz) and relocatable deployments (i.e. mv /.../old-folder /.../new-folder);
  • minimizing the runtime resource consumption in terms of memory, enabling large in-memory datasets; achieved mainly by using as few abstractions over Rust as possible; (currently a Scheme value's overhead over its Rust native abstraction is only 8 octets, mainly due to alignment constraints;)
  • performance where it matters for the targeted use-cases; which is achieved by implementing functionality as much as possible in Rust (thus compiled to native code), and providing as builtin functionality the most common patterns;
  • extensibility by enabling easy development of additional builtin functionality in Rust (and thus, again, compiled to native code);
  • safety by adhering to strict API contracts, providing "safe" building blocks (like immutable / mutable variants of strings, arrays, etc.), building upon Rust's reference borrowing rules and smart pointers, and in general favoring correctness over performance;
  • computational performance --- if one needs high-performance algorithms, one can always write that code directly in Rust (or even C) and expose that as builtin functionality;
  • Windows portability --- as previously stated the development is mainly focused on UNIX-like operating systems, but porting it to Windows should be trivial building upon Rust's conditional compilation;
  • GUI and human interaction --- focusing mainly on systems programming, these matters should be better delegated to tools like dmenu or rofi;
  • full Scheme R7RS compliance --- some of the "key" features of Scheme (mainly continuations) are sacrificed because they require heavy tradeoffs (especially in terms of performance and complexity) given the current implementation; (this however might change;) (for an up-to-date R7RS implementation status see this report;)
A.K.A. That section about "what features are currently missing, some of which are quite important and useful, but unfortunately of which 50% will be delayed forever --- unless someone steps-up, or even better pays the authors, to implement them"...

Scheme / Lisp related functionalities:

  • tail recursion --- this is one of the top TODO tasks;
  • Lisp defmacro-like macros --- like tail recursion is at the top of the TODO list;
  • Scheme R7RS syntax-rules macros --- still a top TODO task, but much more involved than the simpler defmacro-like counterparts;
  • Scheme R7RS define-record-type;
  • Scheme R7RS error and related --- which is a low-hanging fruit in terms of implementation ease;
  • Scheme R7RS parametrized and related --- similar to error it should be trivial to implement;
  • Scheme R7RS dynamic-wind and related;
  • Scheme R7RS define-library and related;
  • Scheme R7RS eval and related;
  • Scheme R7RS delay and related;
  • (for an up-to-date Scheme R7RS implementation status see this report;)

Other builtin functionalities:

  • JSON functions and syntax;
  • regular expressions and syntax;
  • extended string / bytes / array / lists functions;
  • extended process management;
  • extended file-system operations;
  • cryptographic functions;
A.K.A. That section about "what features are currently missing, will be missing for the foreseeable future, and of which 100% will never be implemented"...
  • Scheme R7RS complex and rational numbers;
  • Scheme R7RS continuations (i.e. call/cc and related);
  • arbitrary precision numeric values;
  • (for an up-to-date Scheme R7RS implementation status see this report;)

Rust is a modern programming language, focusing on performance, safety and systems programming; compiled via LLVM into native executables; similar to C/C++ and Go; actively developed by Mozilla and used in many mission-critical tools and software.

Writing the interpreter and builtins in Rust proved to be quite easy (compared to C/C++), most builtins being almost as concise as if written in Scheme.

Moreover given the plethora of Rust libraries available one can easily extend the interpreter with additional builtins.

Simply put:

  • a nightmare to build; (autoconf-and-company anyone? perhaps CMake?)
  • a nightmare to rely on other libraries; (rpm / apt / brew / latest-craze-package-manager anyone?)
  • nothing beats Rust's enum data-type, which is priceless in writing the interpreter; in C one has to rely on union with an enum discriminator and hope no-one miss-types anything; in C++ one has to rely on dynamic-casts, etc.;
  • nothing beats Rust's functions multiple return facility; in C one has to rely on pointer arguments (which hopefully are non-NULL), and returning errno-style values (which hopefully are checked and acted upon);
  • have I mentioned yet NULL-pointer segmentation faults, double free's, \0-terminated strings, uninitialized pointers, header files? have I missed something?

No tie-breaking advantage / disadvantage over Rust for this use-case.

Have I mentioned yet Rust's proper generics, proper macro system, enum data-type, proper dependency management, and native performance?

Nothing. It's just a made-up word that has the following properties:

  • it's easy to remember, say, and type;
  • searching it on Google yields 0 exact matches, and only a 10 "similar word" results;

Unfortunately currently there is no documentation about the interpreter invocation. Basically the interpreter takes a proper Scheme source file and executes it.

However at the moment it doesn't support any flags, therefore its invocation is quite simple:

vonuvoli-scheme-interpreter /.../

For example, executing all benchmark scripts:

find ./examples -type f -name 'benchmark--*.ss' -print -exec ./target/debug/vonuvoli-scheme-interpreter '{}' \;

Like with the interpreter, currently there is no documentation about the compiler invocation. Basically the compiler takes a proper Scheme source file then compiles it and dumps the resulting Expression.

However, just like with the interpreter, the invocation is quite simple:

vonuvoli-scheme-compiler /.../

For example, compiling all benchmark scripts:

find ./examples -type f -name 'benchmark--*.ss' -print -exec ./target/debug/vonuvoli-scheme-compiler '{}' \;

Like with the interpreter, currently there is no documentation about the compiler invocation. Basically the tester and bencher take a proper Scheme test file and executes it. (A "test" Scheme file is a simple syntax extension over "plain" Scheme: statement => expected-output.)

However, just like with the interpreter, the invocation is quite simple:

vonuvoli-scheme-tester /.../script.sst
vonuvoli-scheme-bencher /.../script.sst

For example, testing all test-cases:

find ./tests/scheme -type f -name '*.sst' -exec ./target/debug/vonuvoli-scheme-tester '{}' \;
find ./tests/scheme -type f -name '*.sst' -exec ./target/debug/vonuvoli-scheme-bencher '{}' \;

Unfortunately currently there is little (to no) documentation regarding the builtin functionality API.

The implemented functionality (syntaxes, procedures, etc.) are listed at: all available functionality.

However one can take a look at the tests/scheme/*.sst files which provide good examples (expected inputs and outputs) for all the builtins.

Moreover one can look at the Scheme R7RS standard which is mostly implemented by this interpreter. For an up-to-date Scheme R7RS implementation status see this report.

Unfortunately currently there is no documentation about the Rust API.

However the code is quite simple, the type and function identifiers are quite self-explanatory, and one can just take a closer look.

Moreover, given that we are using Rust, one can't make any mistake which the compiler won't point out.

The interpreter is composed of multiple sub-systems, each focused on one single concern.

The Value data-type is the object juggled all over the place. It is an Rust enum data-type (i.e. a C-like tagged union) which holds one variant per supported data-type.

Its implementation (and its related types implementations) can be found in the sources/values_*.rs files.

These are plain Rust functions that receive Value's, check if the input arguments are of the right type, execute their functionality, and return.

Their implementation can be found in the sources/builtin_*.rs files.

These are Rust enum's that are exposed to the Scheme code as Value's and which are used to dispatch the matching "builtin" function.

Their implementation can be found in the sources/primitives_*.rs files.

As opposed to many naive Scheme implementations (i.e. S-expression-based evaluators), and unlike the "stack"-based VM Scheme implementations (i.e. opcode-based evaluators), this implementation uses an AST-like approach, by defining a set of expression objects that can be evaluated. These expression objects are embodied by the Expression Rust enum data-type.

One can easily observe there are quite a few variants, but many of these are just specializations of a more generic form, which help with evaluation performance.

The implementation can be found in the sources/ file.

The compiler (found in sources/, as its name states, transforms the S-expression Value's into the most generic Expression's (i.e. without regard to optimizations).

The optimizer (found in sources/, as its name states, takes a "generic" Expression and tries to transform it into a much more "specific" (but semantically equivalent) variant.

For example the following are just a few optimization examples:

  • (begin (begin (begin (+ 1 2))) is transformed to 3;
  • (if #t (something) (whatever)) is transformed to (something);

The evaluator (found in sources/, as its name states, evaluates an Expression to obtain a Value.

Its code is quite trivial and does little else than dispatching to the various "builtins".

Like many other Scheme implementations, it could implement (efficiently) almost any non-object-oriented programming language.

Therefore if one dislikes all the parentheses involved in Scheme / Lisp languages, one could easily write an alternative compiler.


No binaries available yet!

git clone
cd ./vonuvoli-scheme

The snippets bellow describe a "manual" rustup deployment method, one which has zero side-effects on your system. (The "official" procedure implies a global per-user rustup deployment.)

(In the snippets bellow replace x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu with the variant matching your operating system available here.)

mkdir -- ./.rust ./.rust/rustup ./.rust/cargo
curl -s -o ./.rust/rustup-init.tmp --
mv -n -T -- ./.rust/rustup-init.tmp ./.rust/rustup-init
chmod +x -- ./.rust/rustup-init
export -- RUSTUP_HOME="${PWD}/.rust/rustup"
export -- CARGO_HOME="${PWD}/.rust/cargo"
export -- PATH="${PWD}/.rust/rustup/toolchains/nightly-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/bin:${PWD}/.rust/cargo/bin:${PATH}"
./.rust/rustup-init -y --no-modify-path
./.rust/cargo/bin/rustup install nightly

If this step fails please submit an issue on GitHub.

(This step will take quite a while, on my computer around 3 minutes.)

cargo build

If this step fails please submit an issue on GitHub.

(If you have not executed the previous step, it will take quite a while, see above.)

env RUST_MIN_STACK=134217728 cargo test

If this step fails please submit an issue on GitHub.

(This step will take quite a while, on my computer around 9 minutes.)

cargo build --release

You can safely skip this step, especially if you have run the tests in the debug mode.

If this step fails please submit an issue on GitHub.

(If you have not executed the previous step, it will take quite a while, see above.)

env RUST_MIN_STACK=134217728 cargo test --release

The following binary is the only one required to execute Scheme script.

cp ./target/release/vonuvoli-scheme-interpreter /.../vonuvoli-scheme-interpreter

The following binaries are optional to see how Scheme scripts are translated into Expression objects, and to execute test cases.

cp ./target/release/vonuvoli-scheme-compiler /.../vonuvoli-scheme-compiler
cp ./target/release/vonuvoli-scheme-tester /.../vonuvoli-scheme-tester
cp ./target/release/vonuvoli-scheme-bencher /.../vonuvoli-scheme-bencher
Ciprian Dorin Craciun

Please also see the SBOM (Software Bill of Materials) for links this project's dependencies and their authors.

If you have encountered a bug, just use the GitHub issues.

If you are not sure about something, want to give feedback, or request new features, just use the GitHub discussions.

If you want to ask a quick question, or just have a quick chat, just head over to the Discord channel.

Notice -- short version

The code is licensed under LGPL 3 or later.

Thus you can use this code without releasing your own code as open-source. However if you change the code within this repository you'll have to release it as per LGPL.

Notice -- long version

For details about the copyright and licensing, please consult the notice file in the documentation/licensing folder.

If someone requires the sources and/or documentation to be released under a different license, please send an email to the authors, stating the licensing requirements, accompanied with the reasons and other details; then, depending on the situation, the authors might release the sources and/or documentation under a different license.

This project, like many other open-source projects, incorporates code from other open-source projects (besides other tools used to develop, build and test).

Strictly related to the project's dependencies (direct and transitive), please see the SBOM (Software Bill of Materials) for links to these dependencies and their licenses.

[Scheme]Scheme @WikiPedia
[R7RS]Revised 7th Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme (R7RS)
[Rust]Rust (home page)
[RustBorrow]Rust (documentation) -- References and Borrowing
[RustPointers]Rust (documentation) -- Smart Pointers
[rustup-quick]rustup (tool) -- quick install method
[rustup-manual]rustup (tool) -- manual install method
[LLVM]LLVM Compiler Infrastructure (home page)
[Chibi]Chibi Scheme (home page)


vonuvoli Scheme -- an R7RS interpreter written in Rust focused on systems programming and scripting (i.e. processes, file-system, etc.) with performance and safety in mind






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