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Wiiitek edited this page Jun 6, 2018 · 3 revisions

ReplaceText Modifier

ReplaceText Modifier is responsible for replacing text inside html tags or in tags attributes. It affects Screen Collector results only.

Module name: replaceText

! Important information
In order to use this modifier it must be declared after the open module in the definition of the test suite XML.
Parameter Value Description Mandatory
value default: "" (empty string) new text value for given attribute or innerHtml of selected Element no
attributeName default: "innerHTML" attribute of selected element to be set, e.g. 'href' or 'value'; attribute value or inner HTML will be replaced/set to 'value' no
xpath xpath_to_element Xpath of element(s) xpath or css
css css_selector_to_element css selector of element(s) xpath or css
timeout 1000ms The timeout to wait for the element to be present, in milliseconds. The max value of this parameter is 15000 milliseconds (15 seconds). no (default will be used)
Example Usage
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<suite name="test-suite" company="cognifide" project="project">
    <test name="ReplaceText-test">
            <open />          
            <resolution  width="1200" height="760" />
            <replaceText xpath="//*[@id='day_of_the_week']" value="today"/>
            <replaceText css="#logo > a" attribute="href" value="#"/>
            <replaceText css="#logo > a" />
            <screen />

Tips and tricks

Some page elements such as images or third-party components might not load as fast as the rest of the page under test. In cases where we don't really need to test this slowly loading element we can either hide it or replace a large, heavy image with a small placeholder.

Replace image in an img element
      <replaceText css="img" attributeName="src" value="/content/dam/test/uk/en_gb/dummy/dummy.png.renditions.original.png" />

"replacetext" replaces the src attribute for all img elements on the page under test, this way the test can become more stable because it becomes independent of external image sources.

Replace background image in a page element
      <replaceText attributeName="style"
	    value="background-image: url('/content/dam/test/uk/en_gb/dummy/dummy.png.renditions.original.png')"
	    css="#backgroundStuff" timeout="5000"/>

"replacetext" replaces the background image for the selected element, this way the test can become more stable because it becomes independent of external image sources.

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