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A LXC based online judge engine, which supports 10+ programming language processors:

Supported processors

Read the docs for more information.

Processor Language(s)* Required Docker image
Bash Shell bash
  • C (c)
  • C++ (cpp)
  • C (c)
  • C++ (cpp)
  • Go (go)
Go Go golang
  • Visual Basic (vb)
  • C# (csharp)
Node Node.js node
OpenJDK Java openjdk
PyPy Python pypy
Python Python python
Ruby Ruby ruby
Swift Swift swift

* The language argumnets of the processors which support multiple languages should be provided, or the source will be judged in the default language (usually C++ or C#, emboldened in the table).


Read the docs for more information.


To run dockerjudge, Docker Engine is required.

Install using the convenience script (for servers)

curl -fsSL -o
sudo sh

See Install Docker Engine | Docker Documentation for more information.


dockerjudge · PyPI

Via pip
pip install dockerjudge
Via Easy install (deprecated)
easy_install dockerjudge

From GitHub

wxh06/dockerjudge: A Docker Based Online Judge Engine

  • HTTPS:
  • SSH:
git clone
cd dockerjudge

make pip && make  # python3 -m pip install -Ur requirements.txt && python3 build
sudo make install  # python3 install


Read the docs for more information.

>>> from dockerjudge import judge
>>> from dockerjudge.processor import GCC, Clang, Bash, Python, Node, OpenJDK, PHP, Ruby, Mono, Swift
>>> judge(
...     GCC(GCC.Language.c),  # or `GCC('c')` / `GCC('C')`, which means compile the source code in the C programming language with `gcc` command
...     b'''
...         #include <stdio.h>
...         int main() {
...             int a, b;
...             scanf("%d %d", &a, &b);
...             printf("%d", a / b);
...             return 0;
...         }
...     ''',
...     [
...         (b'1 1', b'1'),  # AC
...         (b'1 2', b'0.5'),  # WA
...         (b'0 0', b'')  # RE
...     ]
... )
        (<Status.AC: 'Accepted'>, (b'1', b''), 0.001),
        (<Status.WA: 'Wrong Answer'>, (b'0', b''), 0.001),
        (<Status.RE: 'Runtime Error'>, (None, b'Floating point exception (core dumped)\n'), 0.01)
>>> judge(GCC(GCC.Language.c), b'', [(b'', b'')])  # CE
        (<Status.CE: 'Compilation Error'>, (None, None), 0.0)
    b"/usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/crt1.o: in function `_start':\n(.text+0x20): undefined reference to `main'\ncollect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status\n"
>>> judge(
...     GCC(GCC.Language.cpp),  # or `GCC('cpp')` / `GCC('C++')`, which means compile the source code in the C++ programming language with `g++` command
...     b'''
...         #include <cstdio>
...         int main() {
...             printf("Hello, world!");
...             while (true)
...                 ;
...         }
...     ''',
...     [
...         (b'', b'Hello, world!')  # TLE
...     ],
...     {
...         'limit': {
...             'time': .1
...         }
...     }
... )
        (<Status.TLE: 'Time Limit Exceeded'>, (None, b'bash: line 1:    35 Killed                  timeout -sKILL 0.1 sh -c ./a.out > /dockerjudge/1.out < /dockerjudge/\n'), 0.100)
>>> judge(
...     GCC(
...         GCC.Language.c,
...         'latest',  # The GCC version number, such as `4`, `4.8`, etc.
...         {'bin': 'a'}  # The binary filename, which passes to `gcc`'s `-o` option
...     ),
...     b'''
...         #include <stdio.h>
...         int main() {
...             int a, b;
...             freopen("", "r", stdin);  // Open `` as stdin
...             scanf("%d %d", &a, &b);  // Scan from ``
...             freopen("a.out", "w", stdout);  // Open `a.out` as stdout
...             printf("%d", a / b);  // Print to `a.out`
...             return 0;
...         }
...     ''',
...     [
...         (b'1 1', b'1'),  # AC
...         (b'1 2', b'0.5'),  # WA
...         (b'0 0', b'')  # RE
...     ],
...     {
...         'iofilename': {
...             'in': '',
...             'out': 'a.out'
...         }
...     }
... )
        (<Status.AC: 'Accepted'>, (b'1', b''), 0.001),
        (<Status.WA: 'Wrong Answer'>, (b'0', b''), 0.001),
        (<Status.RE: 'Runtime Error'>, (None, b'Floating point exception (core dumped)\n'), 0.001)
>>> judge(
...     GCC(GCC.Language.c, filenames={'bin': 'a'}),
...     b'''
...         #include <stdio.h>
...         int main() {
...             int a, b;
...             scanf("%d %d", &a, &b);
...             printf("%d", a / b);
...             return 0;
...         }
...     ''',
...     [
...         (b'1 1', b'1'),
...         (b'0 0', b'')
...     ],
...     {
...         'iofilename': {
...             'out': 'a.out'  # ONF
...         }
...     }
... )
        (<Status.ONF: 'Output Not Found'>, (None, b''), 0.001),
        (<Status.RE: 'Runtime Error'>, (None, b'Floating point exception (core dumped)\n'), 0.001)
>>> judge(  # BTW, GCC starting from 4.9 also supports Go, named `gccgo`
...     GCC(GCC.Language.go),
...     b'package main\n'
...     b''
...     b'import "fmt"\n'
...     b''
...     b'func main() {\n'
...     br'    fmt.Printf("hello, world\n")'b'\n'
...     b'}\n',
...     [(b'', b'hello, world')]
... )
        (<Status.AC: 'Accepted'>, (b'hello, world\n', b''), 0.02)
>>> judge(
...     Clang(  # Besides GCC, LLVM Clang is also supported (The same arguments as GCC's)
...         Clang.Language.c,  # Only C and C++ supported
...         11  # The version number of LLVM CLang is **required**!
...     ),
...     b'',  # CE
...     [
...         (b'', b'')
...     ]
... )
        (<Status.CE: 'Compilation Error'>, (None, None), 0.0)
    b"/usr/bin/ld: /usr/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/crt1.o: in function `_start':\n'
    b"(.text+0x24): undefined reference to `main'\n"
    b'clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)\n'
>>> # Other programming languages are also supported
>>> judge(Bash(), b'echo Hello, world!', [(b'', b'Hello, world!')])  # Bash
        (<Status.AC: 'Accepted'>, (b'Hello, world!\n', b''), 0.001)
>>> judge(Python(3), b"print('Hello, world!')", [(b'', b'Hello, world!')])  # Python 3
        (<Status.AC: 'Accepted'>, (b'Hello, world!\n', b''), 0.05)
    b"Listing '.'...\n"
    b"Compiling './'...\n"
>>> judge(PyPy(), b"print('Hello, world!')", [(b'', b'Hello, world!')])  # PyPy 3
        (<Status.AC: 'Accepted'>, (b'Hello, world!\n', b''), 0.075)
    b"Listing '.'...\n"
    b"Compiling './'...\n"
>>> judge(Node(12), b'console.log("Hello World")', [(b'', b'Hello World')])  # Node.js
        (<Status.AC: 'Accepted'>, (b'Hello World\n', b''), 0.05)
>>> judge(  # Java / OpenJDK
...     OpenJDK(), #  The default public class name is `Main`
...     b'''
...         public class Main {
...             public static void main(String[] args) {
...                 System.out.println("Hello, world!");
...             }
...         }
...     ''',
...     [
...         (b'', b'Hello, world!')
...     ]
... )
        (<Status.AC: 'Accepted'>, (b'Hello, world!\n', b''), 0.1)
>>> judge(PHP(), b'<?php echo "Hello, world!";', [(b'', b'Hello, world!')])  # PHP
        (<Status.AC: 'Accepted'>, (b'Hello, world!', b''), 0.05)
    b'No syntax errors detected in index.php\n'
>>> judge(Ruby(), b'print "Hello, world!";', [(b'', b'Hello, world!')])  # Ruby
        (<Status.AC: 'Accepted'>, (b'Hello, world!', b''), 0.05)
    b'Syntax OK\n'
>>> judge(
...     Mono(Mono.Language.csharp),  # C# (Mono)
...     b'''
...         using System;
...         public class HelloWorld
...         {
...             public static void Main(string[] args)
...             {
...                 Console.WriteLine ("Hello Mono World");
...             }
...         }
...     ''',
...     [
...         (b'', b'Hello Mono World')
...     ]
... )
        (<Status.AC: 'Accepted'>, (b'Hello Mono World\n', b''), 0.02)
    b'Microsoft (R) Visual C# Compiler version 3.5.0-beta1-19606-04 (d2bd58c6)\n'
    b'Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n'
>>> judge(
...     Mono(Mono.Language.vb),  # Visual Basic (Mono)
...     b'''
...         Imports System
...         Module HelloWorld
...             Sub Main()
...                 Console.WriteLine("Hello World!")
...             End Sub
...         End Module
...     ''',
...     [
...         (b'', b'Hello World!')
...     ]
... )
        (<Status.AC: 'Accepted'>, (b'Hello World!\n', b''), 0.024)
    b'Visual Basic.Net Compiler version (Mono 4.7 - tarball)\n'
    b'Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Rolf Bjarne Kvinge. All rights reserved.\n'
    b"Assembly 'mono, Version=0.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' saved successfully to '/dockerjudge/0/mono.exe'.\r\n"
    b'Compilation successful\r\n'
    b'Compilation took 00:00:00.0000000\n'
>>> judge(Swift(), b'print("Hello, world!")', [(b'', b'Hello, world!')])  # Swift
        (<Status.AC: 'Accepted'>, (b'Hello, world!\n', b''), 0.2)

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