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A sample app that shows how you can do end-to-end testing of capistrano tasks on a single machine

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In this post, I'll show you how to set up end-to-end Capistrano testing using Cucumber. I've extracted this from the cucumber features I wrote for a gem I'm building named auto_tagger. To fully test capistrano recipes, your tests will have to:

  • Create a local git repository
  • Create a local app with a config/deploy.rb file
  • Push the app to the local repository
  • Run cap deploy:setup from the app (which will setup a directory inside your local test directory)
  • Run a cap deploy from the app (which will deploy to your test directory)
  • Assert against the content of the deployed app in the test directory

Background - Capistrano recipes are almost never tested

Looking around online, I couldn't find a single list of capistrano packages that has an automated test suite, even ones from some big hosts. It's no surprise that Capistrano tasks are seldom tested - testing capistrano recipes is hard, and even when you do test them, there are still so many variables in real-life deploys that you can't account for everything.

It's like Rummy said:

There are known knowns. There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we now know we don’t know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we do not know we don’t know.

from wikipedia

However, there are some things you can do to stave off the "known unknowns". For example, you know that someone might forget to set an important variable in their cap task and you know they might be using cap-ext-multistage. For these kinds of examples, Capistrano testing can give you much more assurance that a bug in your recipe is less likely to rm -rf /* on your remote machine.

Getting started: setup your keys

To make life easy, you'll want to be able to ssh to your own machine. To do this, you'll need to create a key, then add that key to your authorized keys. If you don't already have a key setup locally, check out the excellent RailsMachine guide. Once you have a key, you can copy it to authorized keys like so:

cat ~/.ssh/ >>~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Now you should be able to ssh to your own box without entering a password. To log into your own box, you can use the IP address or the computer's name. Depending on your /etc/hosts file entries, you may also be able to log in using localhost.

If you are a Mac user you'll have to enable "Remote Access" from System Preferences to be able to ssh in to your own box. For security, only allow yourself to log in via ssh. The system preferences pane will show you the IP address you can use to ssh into.

Mac Remote Login Preference Pane

NOTE: this only will not work on Windows

Setup your cucumber file system

The file system I'll use for this demo will look like this:

|-- features
|   |-- capistrano.feature
|   |-- step_definitions
|   |   `-- capistrano_steps.rb
|   |-- support
|   |   `-- env.rb
|   `-- templates
|       `-- deploy.erb
|-- recipes
|   `-- my_recipe.rb
`-- test_files

Add the feature

Let's say you have a simple cap task that writes a file to shared after you deploy. The feature file might look something like this:


Feature: Deployment
  In order to know feel better about myself
  As a person who needs lots of reinforcement
  I want leave files named PEOPLE_LIKE_YOU all around my remote machine

  Scenario: User deploys
    Given a an app
    When I deploy
    Then the PEOPLE_LIKE_YOU file should be written to shared

Now you can run cucumber features/ and you'll see that you have several pending steps.

Get your setup correct

For these features to work, we'll need a test directory (that's outside of the features directory), and we'll need to delete everything from it before running every scenario:


require 'spec'
require 'erb'
require 'etc'

Before do
  @test_files_dir = File.join(Dir.pwd, "test_files")
  @app_dir  = File.join(@test_files_dir, "app")
  @repo_dir = File.join(@test_files_dir, "repo")

  FileUtils.rm_r(@test_files_dir) if File.exists?(@test_files_dir)

Fill in the steps


Given /^a an app$/ do

  # Create the git repo
  FileUtils.mkdir_p @repo_dir
  Dir.chdir(@repo_dir) do
    system "git --bare init"

  # Create and capify the dummy app, and push it to the local repo
  FileUtils.mkdir_p @app_dir
  Dir.chdir(@app_dir) do
      %Q{git init},
      %Q{mkdir config},
      %Q{capify .},
      %Q{git add .},
      %Q{git commit -m "first commit"},
      %Q{git remote add origin file://#{@repo_dir}},
      %Q{git push origin master}
    ].each do |command|
      system command

  # Write a custom deploy file to the app, using an ERB template
  deploy_variables = {
    :deploy_to => File.join(@test_files_dir, "deployed"),
    :repository => @repo_dir,
    :git_executable => `which git`.strip,
    :logged_in_user => Etc.getlogin

  template_path     = File.expand_path(File.join(__FILE__, "..", "..", "templates", "deploy.erb"))
  compiled_template =, "config", "deploy.rb"), 'w') {|f| 
    f.write compiled_template

When /^I deploy$/ do
  Dir.chdir(@app_dir) do
    system "cap deploy:setup"
    system "cap deploy"


Then /^the PEOPLE_LIKE_YOU file should be written to shared$/ do
  File.exists?(File.join(@test_files_dir, "deployed", "shared", "PEOPLE_LIKE_YOU")).should be_true

Now when you run cucumber features/ and you'll see that you a failure because you don't have the correct cap file.

Make it pass

To make this pass, add a recipe like this:


Capistrano::Configuration.instance(:must_exist).load do
  task "my_task" do
    run "echo PEOPLE_LIKE_YOU > #{shared_path}/PEOPLE_LIKE_YOU"


You'll notice that when you run cucumber features you get all of the output from capistrano. This makes your output messy, but provides a lot of valuable debug information. If you want to silence it, you can use any number of tools, including piping the output to logs, or using methods like silence_stream.

You'll also notice that the setup described above leaves the files in the test_files directory intact after each feature (it wipes it clean before each feature). This makes it easy to inspect the file system manually after each run. While developing, you can even cd into the test_files/app directory and re-run deployments, or tweak the config/deploy.rb file and re-deploy and then move your changes back to templates/deploy.erb .

Next Steps

This is just a quick sample to show you what you can do. It is not meant to be a good example of how to use cucumber (it has lots of instance variables, hard to read steps that are not reusable etc...), but rather a quick example of how to use cucumber to test cap recipes.

You'll probably want to create a helper class of some sort to wrap up the file system calls, so your steps would look more like:

Given /^a an app$/ do

Testing against non-local environments

You could in theory use this to test against any environment you have access to - just change the host in templates/deploy.erb. If you choose to test against a true remote machine, you'll have to figure out how to shell out commands to it.

If you are on a mac, one thing that might help is to mount a remote machine over ssh.

Grab the source

The full source code for this app can be found at:


A sample app that shows how you can do end-to-end testing of capistrano tasks on a single machine






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