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brson edited this page Apr 29, 2013 · 2 revisions


  • submodule update workflow
  • release engineering
  • Skia GL work


azita, brson, patrick, dherman, jack, seth

Submodule updates

  • jack: new submodule update process: make pull requests to submodules, then servo. reviewer is repsonsible to merge all < missed >
  • brian: have we given samsung the permissions we promised?
  • jack: not yet
  • jack: should I add them to mozilla-servo?
  • brian: yes
  • pcwalton: yes
  • jack: i will add them today

Release Engineering

  • jack: any news here?
  • brson: things are progressing. ben has a ticket open and has been doing stuff. there's nothing for us to do for now.

Color packing

  • jack: Need to be able to test this color packing issue on Android
  • jack: Talked to young-il about this and he's going to have Android patches landing soon
  • jack: We're going to want automation for Android
  • jack: Same for Rust, we don't have automation there.
  • jack: Everything I'm touching involves Android
  • jack: We haven't talked to Ben About Andrdoid?
  • brian: No
  • jack: Maybe we can set up a meeting with him?
  • brian: Ok, I'll do that.


  • brson: young-il asked how to integrate android into the build. he is probably going to be directly working on our makefiles. it will take some major surgery.
  • jack: we'll have to do similiar work when we integrate windows into the build
  • jack: somebody has been working on Rust windows support recently so hoping they iron out some of those issues
  • brson: That's Thad. He's woring on cygwin support. Probably won't affect us since we won't want to build under cygwin normally.


  • jack: Added a lint pass for 'unused unsafe' so I got rid of all of them
  • jack: unfortunately there are a bunch of them flagged that actually are unsafe (C FFI)
  • jack: It still compiles if I remove unsafe
  • pcwalton: It's a bug
  • jack: Seems fairly serious to me. #6030
  • jack: Is there a way to move this to the front of the queue?
  • pcwalton: I can take a look at it today.


  • jack: I can run skia GL work by you
  • brson: What's needed for GL updates?
  • jack: Have to pass in frame buffer that already exists...
  • jack: no way to share GL context in skia, so even if you have a framebuffer none of these other GL contexts can get it
  • jack: so I added shared GL contexts to skia
  • pcwalton: eventually we won't need it. use platform-specific ways to send textures without shared contexts. shared contexts on some platforms will hurt parallelism because shared GL contexts use locks
  • pcwalton: want to use sharegl to share textures between processes
  • jack: mac only?
  • pcwalton: can also use on X
  • jack: anyway, changed skia's draw target to render to a texture. now need to render from that texture to servo context
  • jack:
  • pcwalton: Encoding lifetimes is going to be fun. At some point we're going to want to make this same.
  • jack: So azure is not used on Android at all?
  • pcwalton: Not used for content but used for canvas
  • pcwalton: Apparently opinions differ on the gfx team but I think GPU rendering is going to be the future
  • pcwalton: Jeff Gilbert, Andreas agree. I don't see any technical reason not to do it from the start
  • jack: It makes sense so we don't have to upload the final textures to the GPU
  • pcwalton: Uploading huge buffers is slow on mobile
  • jack: The CreateSkiaDrawTargetForFBO stuff in azure seems incomplete
  • pcwalton: It wouldn't surprise me. Azure is still a WIP.
  • jack: Should we be worried about texture memory available on mobile devices? We're putting every layer in the GPU
  • pcwalton: Today we're uploading large textures. We'll also be adding font atlasses. Hopefully skia is smart enough to manage that. Certainly we're going to need to add tiles so we don't render the entire page.
- jack: I assumed that, when the image layer is decoded, we'll set the layer to that image - pcwalton: We don't want to do that because layers are always uploaded - jack: Maybe we should back up. What is a layer? - jack: You are saying that the entire page is rendered to a single layer - pcwalton: Usually, yes. There are some cases, liked `position: fixed` where browsers make extra layers - jack: What happens when we add WebGL? If we are using lots of GPU memory then that imposes on WebGL - pcwalton: yes, I don't know what other browsers do - jack: Could switch to software rendering when using WebGL - pcwalton: something we could try first is to tell skia to lower it's cache limits while running WebGL - jack: Something to consider for the future
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