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Josh Matthews edited this page Jul 29, 2013 · 1 revision

Servo Meeting 2013-07-29


  • Alternate meeting time
  • RFC on DOM priorities
  • CSS parser code walk
  • Benchmarks
  • Tasks for 0.1


jdm, kmc, simonsapin, jack, eatkinson, eschweic, brson, tikue

time zones

  • jack: samsung has expressed a desire to participate in meetings. can we find a time that is acceptable for everyone? probably not, but maybe we can alternate every week so that some parties can make it and some cannot.
  • jack: josh, you're farthest east in NA. how late can you go on a monday?
  • jdm: no restrictions. hopefully before 1am?
  • jack: how about 5pm PST; early morning in seoul, simonsapin can sit out. alternate with 10am PST like usual.

rfc on dom priorities

  • jdm: last week i worked on two different orthogonal things: inline dom storage and auto-generating Document and Node bindings. i started doing that because jst was interested in finding out the work involved in node bindings, and samsung started doing pull requests for these manual bindings. i'm now keen to get auto-generated bindings and get rid of all the manual bindings.
  • brson: since samsung people are working on this stuff, it's probably best to focus on those.
  • jack: will this include bindings for things like canvas
  • jdm: not out of the box. this would only be for the various HTML element classes we have.
  • jack: do DListElement types need to be spit out of the parser
  • jdm: yes. just like all the other empty elements.
  • jack: ok, i have a patch for that so i'll submit it.

CSS rust-css parser

  • jack: we landed the new css parser with no review. we'd like to do a code walk.
  • (jack and josh interested in reviewing)
  • scheduled for 9am pacific thursday

benchmarks and tasks for 0.1

  • jack: interest from samsung to have a 0.1 release next year, with discussion of viability criteria relative to gecko.
  • simonsapin: what is the criteria for 0.1 release?
  • jack: selector matching in rust, passing acid1, maybe acid2, bindings in the js heap
  • simonsapin: what's the pupose of a release? to say we've achieved certain goals?
  • jack: yes
  • brson: but only for initial release, right? we'd want to have time-based subsequently to minimize process.
  • simonsapin: firefox has arewefastyet, but this tests mostly javascript
  • jdm: there's dromaeo ( that's got dom tests, css selectors...
  • jack: the other thing to test would be layout
  • jack: the pdf.js benchmark could be good for dom manipulation. we'll need canvas for that.
  • jdm: I could add canvas bindings to my todo list, which we would need for someone to implement canvas.
  • jack: skia should have the various operations required.


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