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test edited this page Aug 14, 2024 · 8 revisions

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Browse featured Alliance Vs Alliance conflicts and statistics For fine grained war stats, please use other bot commands

Listing featured

📚 Get a list of the conflicts in the database
/conflict list

Get a list of the conflicts in the database


[-i includeInactive] - boolean

Viewing conflict attributes on discord

📚 View a conflict's configured information
/conflict info

View a conflict's configured information


<conflict> - Conflict
The name of a stored conflict between two coalitions
<showParticipants> - boolean

Creating a personal conflict (non featured)

📚 Create a temporary conflict between two coalitions...
/conflict create_temp

Create a temporary conflict between two coalitions
Conflict is not auto updated


<col1> - Set
A comma separated list of alliances
<col2> - Set
<start> - long[Timestamp]
A unix timestamp, a DMY date or a time difference that will resolve to a timestamp from the current date
[end] - Long[Timestamp]
[-g includeGraphs] - boolean

Website Administration


Note: Conflicts created within the bot may NOT be automatically pushed to the site. See the sync command below

Your browser may cache site data. To disable caching in chrome:

  1. Press F12 or Ctrl + Shift + i. Press Command + Option+i if you’re using MacOS.
  2. When the console appears, click on the Network tab and then tick the Disable Cache checkbox

Importing conflicts / Website sync

Use * for arguments accepting Set<Conflict> to specify ALL featured conflicts

📚 Import a wiki page as a conflict...
/conflict sync wiki_page

Import a wiki page as a conflict
This does not push the data to the site


<name> - String
A single line of text
[url] - String
[useCache=true] - boolean
[-p skipPushToSite] - boolean

📚 Import all wiki pages as conflicts...
/conflict sync wiki_all

Import all wiki pages as conflicts
This does not push the data to the site


[useCache=true] - boolean

📚 Import ctowned conflicts into the database...
/conflict sync ctowned

Import ctowned conflicts into the database
This does not push the data to the site


[useCache=true] - boolean
If the cached version of the site is used

📚 Bulk import conflict data from multiple sources...
/conflict sync multiple_sources

Bulk import conflict data from multiple sources
Including ctowned, wiki, graph data, alliance names or ALL
This does not push the data to the site unless all is used


[-c ctowned] - boolean
[-g graphData] - Set
The name of a stored conflict between two coalitions
[-a allianceNames] - boolean
[-w wiki] - boolean
[-s all] - boolean

📚 Import alliance names (to match with the ids of deleted alliances)...
/conflict sync alliance_names

Import alliance names (to match with the ids of deleted alliances)
This does not push the data to the site

This command has no arguments

📚 Recalculate the table data for a set of conflicts...
/conflict sync recalculate_tables

Recalculate the table data for a set of conflicts
This does not push the data to the site


<conflicts> - Set
The name of a stored conflict between two coalitions

📚 Recalculate the graph data for a set of conflicts...
/conflict sync recalculate_graphs

Recalculate the graph data for a set of conflicts
This does not push the data to the site


<conflicts> - Set
The name of a stored conflict between two coalitions

Manually Creating/Deleting a conflict

📚 Manually create an ongoing conflict between two coalitions...
/conflict create

Manually create an ongoing conflict between two coalitions
Use -1 for end date to specify no end date


<category> - ConflictCategory
The category for a conflict
<coalition1> - Set
A comma separated list of alliances
<coalition2> - Set
<start> - long[Timestamp]
A unix timestamp, a DMY date or a time difference that will resolve to a timestamp from the current date
<end> - long[Timestamp]
[-n conflictName] - String
A single line of text

📚 Delete a conflict from the database...
/conflict delete

Delete a conflict from the database
Does not push changes to the website


<conflict> - Conflict
The name of a stored conflict between two coalitions
[-f force] - boolean

Configuring a conflict

Start/End date

You may need to run /conflict sync website conflicts: upload_graph: true reinitialize_wars: true after changing the start/end date

📚 Set the start date for a conflict...
/conflict edit start

Set the start date for a conflict
Use a value of -1 to specify no start date (if prividing an alliance)
This does not push the data to the site


<conflict> - Conflict
The name of a stored conflict between two coalitions
<time> - long[Timestamp]
A unix timestamp, a DMY date or a time difference that will resolve to a timestamp from the current date
[-a alliance] - DBAlliance
An alliance name id or url

📚 Set the end date for a conflict...
/conflict edit end

Set the end date for a conflict
Use a value of -1 to specify no end date
This does not push the data to the site


<conflict> - Conflict
The name of a stored conflict between two coalitions
<time> - long[Timestamp]
A unix timestamp, a DMY date or a time difference that will resolve to a timestamp from the current date
[-a alliance] - DBAlliance
Only set the end date for a single alliance
(An alliance name id or url)

Add/Remove Alliance from a conflict

You may need to run /conflict sync website conflicts: upload_graph: true reinitialize_wars: true after changing the belligerents

📚 Add a set of alliances to a conflict...
/conflict alliance add

Add a set of alliances to a conflict
This does NOT update conflict stats


<conflict> - Conflict
The name of a stored conflict between two coalitions
<alliances> - Set
A comma separated list of alliances
[-col1 isCoalition1] - boolean
[-col2 isCoalition2] - boolean

📚 Remove a set of alliances from a conflict...
/conflict alliance remove

Remove a set of alliances from a conflict
This does NOT update conflict stats


<conflict> - Conflict
The name of a stored conflict between two coalitions
<alliances> - Set
A comma separated list of alliances

Individual alliance start/end dates

Use -1 for the start/end date to match the conflict start/end date

You may need to run /conflict sync website conflicts: upload_graph: true reinitialize_wars: true after changing the start/end date

/conflict edit start conflict: <conflict> time: <time> alliance: <alliance>

/conflict edit end conflict: <conflict> time: <time> alliance: <alliance>


📚 Set the name of a conflict, or the name of a conflict's coalition
/conflict edit rename

Set the name of a conflict, or the name of a conflict's coalition


<conflict> - Conflict
The name of a stored conflict between two coalitions
<name> - String
A single line of text
[-col1 isCoalition1] - boolean
[-col2 isCoalition2] - boolean

📚 Sets the wiki page for a conflict
/conflict edit wiki

Sets the wiki page for a conflict


<conflict> - Conflict
The name of a stored conflict between two coalitions
<url> - String
A single line of text

📚 Sets the wiki page for a conflict
/conflict edit status

Sets the wiki page for a conflict


<conflict> - Conflict
The name of a stored conflict between two coalitions
<status> - String
A single line of text

📚 Sets the wiki page for a conflict
/conflict edit casus_belli

Sets the wiki page for a conflict


<conflict> - Conflict
The name of a stored conflict between two coalitions
<casus_belli> - String
A single line of text

📚 Sets the wiki page for a conflict
/conflict edit category

Sets the wiki page for a conflict


<conflict> - Conflict
The name of a stored conflict between two coalitions
<category> - ConflictCategory
The category for a conflict

📚 Purge permenent conflicts that aren't in the database
/conflict edit add_forum_post

Purge permenent conflicts that aren't in the database


<conflict> - Conflict
The name of a stored conflict between two coalitions
<url> - String
A single line of text
[desc] - String

Pushing stats to webpage

This does NOT create any new conflicts within the bot, only updating the site with the conflicts that already exist

Note: To recalculate conflict stats before updating the site, set reloadWars: True with the command below

If includeGraphs is false, the graph pages will not be updated

Updating ALL conflicts

/conflict sync website conflicts: * upload_graph: true

Updating a specific conflict

The conflict ID is in the conflict URL

Set reinitialize_wars or reinitialize_graphs to fully recalculate table and graph data before uploading

/conflict sync website conflicts: 1234 upload_graph: true

Filtering Featured Conflicts

Conflicts have an id (in the url), as well as an creator (discord guild)

You add guilds or conflict ids that are shown on the main webpage when your discord guild is selected on the website

📚 Configure the guilds and conflict ids that will be featured by this guild...
/conflict featured add_rule

Configure the guilds and conflict ids that will be featured by this guild
By default all conflicts are featured
Specify either a set of conflicts, or a guild to feature all conflicts from that guild


[conflicts] - Set
The name of a stored conflict between two coalitions
[guild] - Guild
A discord guild id. See:

📚 Configure the guilds and conflict ids that will be featured by this guild...
/conflict featured remove_rule

Configure the guilds and conflict ids that will be featured by this guild
By default all conflicts are featured
Specify either a set of conflicts, or a guild to feature all conflicts from that guild


[conflicts] - Set
The name of a stored conflict between two coalitions
[guild] - Guild
A discord guild id. See:

📚 List the ruleset for which conflicts are featured by this guild (if any are set)...
/conflict featured list_rules

List the ruleset for which conflicts are featured by this guild (if any are set)
This consists of a list of either guilds that created the conflict, or individual conflicts

This command has no arguments

Purging unused conflicts from the website

When a conflict is deleted via command, it will be removed from the conflict list page, but remains accessible via direct url

These conflicts as well as user generated conflicts can be purged in bulk

📚 Purge permenent conflicts that aren't in the database
/conflict purge featured

Purge permenent conflicts that aren't in the database


[olderThan] - Long[Timestamp]
A unix timestamp, a DMY date or a time difference that will resolve to a timestamp from the current date
[-f force] - boolean

📚 Purge permenent conflicts on the website that aren't in the database
/conflict purge user_generated

Purge permenent conflicts on the website that aren't in the database


<olderThan> - long[Timestamp]
A unix timestamp, a DMY date or a time difference that will resolve to a timestamp from the current date
[-f force] - boolean

Clone this wiki locally