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test edited this page Aug 14, 2024 · 14 revisions

Loan Reporting Overview

The loan reporting system allows alliances and player banks to share and access information about active or defaulted loans. Loan information can be useful to avoid loaning to over burdened players with active loan obligations or a history of fraud

Anyone with the INTERNAL_AFFAIRS role can create loans. All loan information is publicly viewable. Loans are tied to the server/alliance creating them. Only those with the INTERNAL_AFFAIRS role can update or remove a loan.

Valid loan status

  • OPEN

Adding, updating and removing a single loan

📚 Add a loan for a nation or alliance
/report loan add

Add a loan for a nation or alliance


<receiver> - NationOrAlliance
A nation or alliance name, url or id. Prefix with AA: or nation: to avoid ambiguity if there exists both by the same name or id
[status] - Status
The status of a nation's loan
[-o overwriteLoan] - DBLoan[GuildLoan]
[-p principal] - Map<ResourceType, Double>
A comma separated list of resources and their amounts
[-r remaining] - Map<ResourceType, Double>
[-c amountPaid] - Map<ResourceType, Double>
[-d dueDate] - Long[Timestamp]
A unix timestamp, a DMY date or a time difference that will resolve to a timestamp from the current date
[-a allianceLending] - DBAlliance
An alliance name id or url
[-f force] - boolean

📚 Update a loan for a nation or alliance...
/report loan update

Update a loan for a nation or alliance
If no other arguments are provided, only the last updated date will be set


<loan> - DBLoan[GuildLoan]
[-p principal] - Map<ResourceType, Double>
A comma separated list of resources and their amounts
[-r remaining] - Map<ResourceType, Double>
[-c amountPaid] - Map<ResourceType, Double>
[-d dueDate] - Long[Timestamp]
A unix timestamp, a DMY date or a time difference that will resolve to a timestamp from the current date
[-f force] - boolean

📚 Delete a loan for a nation or alliance...
/report loan remove

Delete a loan for a nation or alliance
Note: To delete all loans use the loan purge command


<loan> - DBLoan[GuildLoan]
[-f force] - boolean

Viewing loans

📚 Generate a google sheet of all loan information banks and alliances have submitted...
/report loan sheet

Generate a google sheet of all loan information banks and alliances have submitted
If no nations are provided, only the loans for this server are returned
If no loan status is provided, all loans are returned


[nations] - Set
A comma separated list of nations, alliances and filters
[-s sheet] - SpreadSheet
A google spreadsheet id or url
For shorthand, use a comma when specifying the sheet tab e.g. sheet:ID,TAB_NAMEFor a url, append #gid=1234 or #tab=tabName to specify the id of the tab to use
[-l loanStatus] - Set
A comma separated list of the status of a nation's loan

Using Sheets to bulk add, update or replace loans

📚 Import loan report data from a google sheet...
/report loan upload

Import loan report data from a google sheet
Expects the columns: Receiver, Principal, Remaining, Status, Due Date, Loan Date, Paid, Interest
This is not affect member balances and is solely for sharing information with the public


<sheet> - SpreadSheet
A google spreadsheet id or url
For shorthand, use a comma when specifying the sheet tab e.g. sheet:ID,TAB_NAMEFor a url, append #gid=1234 or #tab=tabName to specify the id of the tab to use
[defaultStatus] - Status
The status of a nation's loan
[-o overwriteLoans] - boolean
[-m overwriteSameNation] - boolean
[-a addLoans] - boolean

Bulk deleting loans

📚 Delete all loan information
/report loan purge

Delete all loan information


[guildOrAllianceId] - Long
Purge all loans created by this guild or alliance id
(A whole number)
[-f force] - boolean

Marking loan information as updated

Active loans which have been reported will be flagged as outdated if they have not been updated in over 7 days

To mark all loans as updated, use the following command

📚 Mark all active loans by this guild as up to date...
/report loan update_all

Mark all active loans by this guild as up to date
It is useful for loan reporting to remain accurate


[loanStatus] - Set
A comma separated list of the status of a nation's loan
[-f force] - boolean

Global Loan and Report alert channel

📚 The channel to receive alerts when any nation or user is reported to the bot...
/settings_orbis_alerts report_alert_channel

The channel to receive alerts when any nation or user is reported to the bot
See </report add:1141362798606176256>


<channel> - MessageChannel
A discord channel name or mention

Player bank discord server

Orbis Business & Innovation Forum is a player run discord server for fostering communication between banks

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