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Escrowed funds are not transferred in-game, but are added to a nation's escrow account.

When escrowing via a transfer command, this can deduct from member balance based on the note used e.g. #deposit.

Escrowing does not deduct from the alliance/guild's offshore when no funds are sent in-game.


  • Escrowed funds can be withdrawn by the receiver when their blockade ends
  • Escrow can be set to expire
  • Bulk set, add, reset or view escrow for multiple nations
  • Modify escrow based on deposits, cities, stockpile, or current military units

Viewing escrow

📚 Displays the account balance for a nation, alliance or guild...
/deposits check

Displays the account balance for a nation, alliance or guild
Balance info includes deposits, loans, grants, taxes and escrow


<nationOrAllianceOrGuild> - NationOrAllianceOrGuildOrTaxid
Account to check holdings for
(A nation or alliance name, url or id, or a guild id, or a tax id or url)
[-a offshores] - Set
The alliances to check transfers from
Otherwise the guild configured ones will be used
(A comma separated list of alliances)
[-c timeCutoff] - Long[Timestamp]
Only include transfers after this time
(A unix timestamp, a DMY date or a time difference that will resolve to a timestamp from the current date)
[-b includeBaseTaxes] - boolean
Include all taxes in account balance
[-o ignoreInternalOffsets] - boolean
Do NOT include manual offsets in account balance
[-t showCategories] - Boolean
Show separate sections for taxes and deposits
[-d replyInDMs] - boolean
[-e includeExpired] - boolean
Include expired transfers
[-i includeIgnored] - boolean
Include transfers marked as ignore
[-z allowCheckDeleted] - boolean
[-h hideEscrowed] - boolean
Hide the escrow balance

📚 Create a google sheet of escrowed resources amounts for a set of nations
/escrow view_sheet

Create a google sheet of escrowed resources amounts for a set of nations


Optional 1: Specific Nations:

[nations] - Set
Specify the nations to include in the sheet
Defaults to current members
(A comma separated list of nations, alliances and filters)
Optional 2: Include past members:
[-p includePastDepositors] - Set
Include all nations that have deposited in the past

[-s sheet] - SpreadSheet
A google spreadsheet id or url
For shorthand, use a comma when specifying the sheet tab e.g. sheet:ID,TAB_NAMEFor a url, append #gid=1234 or #tab=tabName to specify the id of the tab to use

📚 Get a sheet with member nations and their deposits...
/deposits sheet

Get a sheet with member nations and their deposits
Each nation's safekeep should match the total balance given by deposits commandAdd -b to
Add -o to not include any manual deposit offsets
Add -d to not include deposits
Add -t to not include taxes
Add -l to not include loans
Add -g to not include grants
Add -p to include past depositors
Add -f to force an update


[nations] - Set
A comma separated list of nations, alliances and filters
[offshores] - Set
The alliances to track transfers from
(A comma separated list of alliances)
[-b ignoreTaxBase] - boolean
use 0/0 as the tax base
[-o ignoreOffsets] - boolean
Do NOT include any manual deposit offsets
[-ex includeExpired] - boolean
Include ALL #expire and #decay transfers
[-i includeIgnored] - boolean
Include #ignore transfers
[-t noTaxes] - boolean
Do NOT include taxes
[-l noLoans] - boolean
Do NOT include loans
[-g noGrants] - boolean
Do NOT include grants
[-d noDeposits] - boolean
Do NOT include deposits
[-p includePastDepositors] - Set
Include past depositors
[-e noEscrowSheet] - boolean
Do NOT include escrow sheet
[-n useFlowNote] - DepositType
Only show the flow for this note
i.e. To only see funds marked as #TRADE
This is for transfer flow breakdown internal, withdrawal, and deposit
(A note to use for a bank transfer)
[-f force] - boolean

Using escrow with transfer commands

Control whether a transfer is escrowed when

Escrow modes



Use the escrowMode argument for the transfer commands, e.g.

/transfer self amount: food=10 escrow_mode: WHEN_BLOCKADED

Slash commands:

📚 Send multiple transfers to nations/alliances according to a sheet...
/transfer bulk

Send multiple transfers to nations/alliances according to a sheet
The transfer sheet columns must be nations (which has the nations or alliance name/id/url)
and then there must be a column named for each resource type you wish to transfer
OR use a column called resources which has a resource list (e.g. a json object of the resources)


<sheet> - TransferSheet
A google spreadsheet id or url. Must have a nation or leader column as well as the names of each resource
<depositType> - DepositTypeInfo
A DepositType optionally with a value and a city tag
[-n depositsAccount] - DBNation
The nation account to deduct from
(nation id, name or url)
[-a useAllianceBank] - DBAlliance
The alliance bank to send from
Defaults to the offshore
(An alliance name id or url)
[-o useOffshoreAccount] - DBAlliance
The alliance account to deduct from
Alliance must be registered to this guild
Defaults to all the alliances of this guild
(An alliance name id or url)
[-t taxAccount] - TaxBracket
The tax account to deduct from
(A tax id or url)
[-ta existingTaxAccount] - boolean
Deduct from the receiver's tax bracket account
[-e expire] - Long[Timediff]
Have the transfer ignored from nation holdings after a timeframe
(A time difference or unix timestamp which will resolve as a difference relative to the current date)
[-d decay] - Long[Timediff]
Have the transfer decrease linearly over a timeframe
(A time difference or unix timestamp which will resolve as a difference relative to the current date)
[-m convertToMoney] - boolean
[-em escrow_mode] - EscrowMode
The mode for escrowing funds (e.g. if the receiver is blockaded)
Defaults to never
(The mode for escrowing funds for a transfer, such as when a receiver is blockaded)
[-b bypassChecks] - boolean
[-f force] - boolean
[-k key] - UUID
Universally Unique IDentifier

📚 Transfer from the alliance bank (alliance deposits)
/transfer resources

Transfer from the alliance bank (alliance deposits)


<receiver> - NationOrAlliance
A nation or alliance name, url or id. Prefix with AA: or nation: to avoid ambiguity if there exists both by the same name or id
<transfer> - Map<ResourceType, Double>[AllianceDepositLimit]
A comma separated list of resources and their amounts, which will be restricted by an alliance's account balance
<depositType> - DepositTypeInfo
A DepositType optionally with a value and a city tag
[-n nationAccount] - DBNation
The nation account to deduct from
(nation id, name or url)
[-a senderAlliance] - DBAlliance
The alliance bank to send from
Defaults to the offshore
(An alliance name id or url)
[-o allianceAccount] - DBAlliance
The alliance account to deduct from
Alliance must be registered to this guild
Defaults to all the alliances of this guild
(An alliance name id or url)
[-t taxAccount] - TaxBracket
The tax account to deduct from
(A tax id or url)
[-ta existingTaxAccount] - boolean
Deduct from the receiver's tax bracket account
[-m onlyMissingFunds] - boolean
Only send funds the receiver is lacking from the amount
[-e expire] - Long[Timediff]
Have the transfer ignored from nation holdings after a timeframe
(A time difference or unix timestamp which will resolve as a difference relative to the current date)
[-d decay] - Long[Timediff]
Have the transfer decrease linearly to zero for balances over a timeframe
(A time difference or unix timestamp which will resolve as a difference relative to the current date)
[-g token] - UUID
Universally Unique IDentifier
[-c convertCash] - boolean
Transfer valued at cash equivalent in nation holdings
[-em escrow_mode] - EscrowMode
The mode for escrowing funds (e.g. if the receiver is blockaded)
Defaults to never
(The mode for escrowing funds for a transfer, such as when a receiver is blockaded)
[-b bypassChecks] - boolean
[-f force] - boolean

📚 Disburse raw resources needed to operate cities
/transfer raws

Disburse raw resources needed to operate cities


<nationList> - NationList
The nations to send to
(A comma separated list of nations, alliances and filters)
Amount Options:

<days> - double
Days of operation to send
(A decimal number)
[-dc no_daily_cash] - boolean
Do not send money below the daily login bonus
[-c no_cash] - boolean
Do not send ANY money
Optional: Bank Note:
[bank_note=#tax] - DepositTypeInfo
Transfer note
Use #IGNORE to not deduct from deposits
(A DepositType optionally with a value and a city tag
[-e expire] - Long[Timediff]
Have the transfer ignored from nation holdings after a timeframe
(A time difference or unix timestamp which will resolve as a difference relative to the current date)
[-d decay] - Long[Timediff]
Have the transfer decrease linearly from balances over a timeframe
(A time difference or unix timestamp which will resolve as a difference relative to the current date)
[-m deduct_as_cash] - boolean
Have the transfer valued as cash in nation holdings
Optional: Nation Account:
[-n nation_account] - DBNation
The guild's nation account to deduct from
Defaults to None if bulk disburse, else the receivers account
(nation id, name or url)
[-em escrow_mode] - EscrowMode
How to handle the transfer if the receiver is blockaded
Defaults to never escrow
(The mode for escrowing funds for a transfer, such as when a receiver is blockaded)
Optional: Specify Offshore/Bank:
[-a ingame_bank] - DBAlliance
The in-game alliance bank to send from
Defaults to the offshore set
(An alliance name id or url)
[-o offshore_account] - DBAlliance
The account with the offshore to use
The alliance must be registered to this guild
Defaults to all the alliances of this guild
(An alliance name id or url)
Optional: Tax Bracket Account (pick either or none):
[-t tax_account] - TaxBracket
The tax account to deduct from
(A tax id or url)
[-ta use_receiver_tax_account] - boolean
Deduct from the receiver's tax bracket account
[-b bypass_checks] - boolean
Skip checking receiver activity, blockade, VM etc.

[-f force] - boolean

📚 Withdraw from the alliance bank (nation balance)
/transfer self

Withdraw from the alliance bank (nation balance)


Amount Options:

<amount> - Map<ResourceType, Double>[NationDepositLimit]
Amount to send
(A comma separated list of resources and their amounts, which will be restricted by an nations's account balance)
[-m only_send_missing] - boolean
Only send funds the receiver is lacking from the amount
Optional: Bank Note:
[bank_note=#deposit] - DepositTypeInfo
Transfer note
(A DepositType optionally with a value and a city tag
[-e expire] - Long[Timediff]
Have the transfer ignored from nation holdings after a timeframe
(A time difference or unix timestamp which will resolve as a difference relative to the current date)
[-d decay] - Long[Timediff]
Have the transfer decrease linearly from balances over a timeframe
(A time difference or unix timestamp which will resolve as a difference relative to the current date)
[-c deduct_as_cash] - boolean
Transfer valued at cash equivalent in nation balance
Specify Offshore/Bank:
[-a ingame_bank] - DBAlliance
The in-game alliance bank to send from
Defaults to the offshore set
(An alliance name id or url)
[-o offshore_account] - DBAlliance
The account with the offshore to use
The alliance must be registered to this guild
Defaults to all the alliances of this guild
(An alliance name id or url)
Optional: Nation Account:
[-n nation_account] - DBNation
The guild's nation account to use
Defaults to your nation
(nation id, name or url)
[-em escrow_mode] - EscrowMode
How to handle the transfer if the receiver is blockaded
Defaults to never escrow
(The mode for escrowing funds for a transfer, such as when a receiver is blockaded)
Optional: Tax Bracket Account (pick either or none):
[-t tax_account] - TaxBracket
The guild's tax account to deduct from
Defaults to None
(A tax id or url)
[-ta use_receiver_tax_account] - boolean
OR deduct from the receiver's tax bracket account
Defaults to false
[-b bypass_checks] - boolean
Skip checking receiver activity, blockade, VM etc.

[-f force] - boolean

📚 Transfer the missing resource amounts per city to a list of nations
/transfer warchest

Transfer the missing resource amounts per city to a list of nations


<nations> - NationList
A comma separated list of nations, alliances and filters
<resourcesPerCity> - Map<ResourceType, Double>
The resources each nation needs for each city
Only resources they are missing is sent
(A comma separated list of resources and their amounts)
[note] - DepositTypeInfo
The transfer note to use
Defaults to #WARCHEST
(A DepositType optionally with a value and a city tag
[-s skipStockpile] - boolean
Do not check nation stockpile
Sends the full amount of resources to each nation
[-n depositsAccount] - DBNation
The nation account to deduct from
(nation id, name or url)
[-a useAllianceBank] - DBAlliance
The alliance bank to send from
Defaults to the offshore
(An alliance name id or url)
[-o useOffshoreAccount] - DBAlliance
The alliance account to deduct from
Alliance must be registered to this guild
Defaults to all the alliances of this guild
(An alliance name id or url)
[-t taxAccount] - TaxBracket
The tax account to deduct from
(A tax id or url)
[-ta existingTaxAccount] - boolean
Deduct from the receiver's tax bracket account
[-e expire] - Long[Timediff]
Have the transfer ignored from nation holdings after a timeframe
(A time difference or unix timestamp which will resolve as a difference relative to the current date)
[-d decay] - Long[Timediff]
Have the transfer decay linearly in balances over a timeframe
(A time difference or unix timestamp which will resolve as a difference relative to the current date)
[-m convertToMoney] - boolean
Have the transfer valued as cash in nation holdings
[-em escrow_mode] - EscrowMode
The mode for escrowing funds (e.g. if the receiver is blockaded)
Defaults to never
(The mode for escrowing funds for a transfer, such as when a receiver is blockaded)
[-b bypassChecks] - boolean
[-f force] - boolean

Legacy commands:

Add an argument such as escrow:WHEN_BLOCKADED to the legacy ! commands

Withdraw escrow

/escrow withdraw

No description provided


<receiver> - DBNation
nation id, name or url
<amount> - Map<ResourceType, Double>
A comma separated list of resources and their amounts
[-f force] - boolean

Add escrow

Add amounts to nation's existing escrow balance

  • Use negative to remove escrow amounts
  • See the arguments for handling cities/stockpile/military units
📚 Add funds to the escrow account for a set of nations...
/escrow add

Add funds to the escrow account for a set of nations
Escrow funds can be withdrawn at a later date by the receiver, such as when a blockade ends
To transfer funds from a nation's deposits into their escrow, see the transfer command


<nations> - NationList
A comma separated list of nations, alliances and filters
[-b amountBase] - Map<ResourceType, Double>
The base amount of resources to escrow
If per city is set, the highest value of each resource is chosen
(A comma separated list of resources and their amounts)
[-p amountPerCity] - Map<ResourceType, Double>
Amount of resources to escrow for each city the receiver has
If base is set, the highest value of each resource is chosen
This uses the city count now, not when the funds are withdrawn later
(A comma separated list of resources and their amounts)
[-e amountExtra] - Map<ResourceType, Double>
Additional resources to escrow
If a base or per city are set, this adds to what is calculated for that
(A comma separated list of resources and their amounts)
[-s subtractStockpile] - boolean
Don't add escrow resources that the nation has in their stockpile
[-m subtractNationsUnits] - Set
When the nation has these units, don't add the resources equivalent to their cost
Useful to only give resources to those missing units
(A comma separated list of military units)
[-d subtractDeposits] - boolean
Do not add escrow resources that the nation has in their deposits
[expireAfter] - Long[Timediff]
Delete all receiver escrow after a time period
Recommended: 5d
(A time difference or unix timestamp which will resolve as a difference relative to the current date)
[-f force] - boolean

Set escrow

Overwrite existing and set nations escrow balance

  • See the arguments for handling cities/stockpile/military units
📚 Set the escrow account balances for a set of nations...
/escrow set

Set the escrow account balances for a set of nations
Escrow funds can be withdrawn at a later date by the receiver, such as when a blockade ends
To transfer funds from a nation's deposits into their escrow, see the transfer command


<nations> - NationList
A comma separated list of nations, alliances and filters
[-b amountBase] - Map<ResourceType, Double>
The base amount of resources to escrow
If per city is set, the highest value of each resource is chosen
(A comma separated list of resources and their amounts)
[-p amountPerCity] - Map<ResourceType, Double>
Amount of resources to escrow for each city the receiver has
If base is set, the highest value of each resource is chosen
This uses the city count now, not when the funds are withdrawn later
(A comma separated list of resources and their amounts)
[-e amountExtra] - Map<ResourceType, Double>
Additional resources to escrow
If a base or per city are set, this adds to what is calculated for that
(A comma separated list of resources and their amounts)
[-s subtractStockpile] - boolean
Don't add escrow resources that the nation has in their stockpile
[-m subtractNationsUnits] - Set
When the nation has these units, don't add the resources equivalent to their cost
Useful to only give resources to those missing units
(A comma separated list of military units)
[-d subtractDeposits] - boolean
Do not add escrow resources that the nation has in their deposits
[expireAfter] - Long[Timediff]
Delete all receiver escrow after a time period
Recommended: 5d
(A time difference or unix timestamp which will resolve as a difference relative to the current date)
[-f force] - boolean

Reset escrow

/deposits reset nations: ignoregrants: true ignoreloans: true ignoretaxes: true ignorebankdeposits: true ignoreescrow: false

Add or set escrow using a sheet

📚 Set the escrow account balances for nation to the values in a spreadshet...
/escrow set_sheet

Set the escrow account balances for nation to the values in a spreadshet
The sheet must have a nation column, and then a column for each resource type
Escrow funds can be withdrawn at a later date by the receiver, such as when a blockade ends
Use the deposits sheet command to get a spreadsheet of the current escrow balances


<sheet> - TransferSheet
A google spreadsheet id or url. Must have a nation or leader column as well as the names of each resource
[expireAfter] - Long[Timediff]
A time difference or unix timestamp which will resolve as a difference relative to the current date
[-f force] - boolean

Escrow alerts

Setup blockade alerts: Locutus/Wiki/blockade_tools

/role setalias locutusrole: ESCROW_GOV_ALERT discordrole: @escrowGovRole

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